Is Doomguy still canonically a based Christian?
Is Doomguy still canonically a based Christian?
Based on what? Speak english, Vladimir.
Mormons aren't Christian. Doomguy is a Christian.
you get a left arm upgrade in DE?
Out of all the religions to choose, you go with the obvious con artist with golden plates in a hat?
I don’t think so since in the new lore hell isnt literally hell anymore. Which brings are question to lorefags, if in the new games hell is just an alien dimension or whatever, why was there upside down crucifixes in doom 1 and 2? Why would the demons hate Jesus if they are just aliens now?
Going though the codex and finding that weirdly finished friendly Sentinal AI model with blue axe made me think we have a scene where some loyal followers of DG would back him up, it’s dumb but I probably wouldn’t have minded it if they had the marauder AI, would’ve been cool to watch
He was mormon or at least involved in it in the novel.
Because Jesus was a good alien and the evil aliens are jews.
novels aren't canon
doomguy is the player
Did I miss something with how they set up heaven and hell in the new one? They say Urdak and the Maykrs are the basis for most depictions of heaven in our galaxy but the maykrs seem entirely unaware of the existence of humans or hell before doomguy mysteriously appears on Argent D'Nur mumbling about huge guts. Is he somehow lost in time after the events of Doom 64 and ends up millions of years in the past on a completely different planet or what?
because apparently, the reboot is just an entirely different timeline, hence why everything is different except the protagonist
the original id made doom about hell because they were counter culture and that was considered edgy in the day
same reason why they made doom's source code open source
new doom's darksiders blizzard hell and the fact they don't even show proper upside down crucifixes shows how take hell is, despite the gore and violence
>tfw Enternal is pretty good but probably purposely left undone to shill dlc
Fuck you Bethesda
>novels arent canon
>the original id made doom about hell because they were counter culture and that was considered edgy in the day
Well Gen X was always into the hell and gothic style. Gen X also made Vampire the Masquerade. Doom was very much a product of it's time and a product of it's generation. It wasn't always about being edgy I think some people are just into metal. Personally making it AYLMAOs or emphasizing the aliens takes away from the sense that it's hell, fighting demons is cooler than fighting aliens that look like demons. Take that for what you will
It hard to say for sure when both time and space are so infinitely muddled thanks to the multiverse being a thing. From what we do know, The Night Sentinels had an empire that spanned across not just worlds, but dimensions. They of course were supported by The Makyrs, a faux angelic race that seems to use lesser races as worshipers and have an "arrangement" with Hell in order to survive. Naturally there are still a few gaps in the history, such as The Father and his departure, but what we can theorize is that given how the Urdak Empire functioned, its possible their recorded history was left on Earth millions of years ago on Doomguy's original Earth, and the facts got deluded over time. Either that, or Doomguy accidentally started Christianity and is really Jesus
it's was a version of hell that could look alien at times but was still hell
that middleground of actual hell and a unique portrayal of it
i also dislike how the uac and urdak try to improve hell, like hell can't do shit on their own
No, he never rapes little kids, so he can't be a Christian.
>90's Doom was just being edgy
Zoom Zoom
Haha oops sorry I mistyped, meant to write Jewish.
I'm guessing it's a joke of the really weird and disliked novel adaptations.
It actually is a reference/Easter egg in the new game.
Maybe Jesus and Jesus-blessed artifacts like the Spear of Destiny are effective anti-Hell equipment.
It's probably not Hell's first trip to Earth, just that whatever was going, the systems in place(e.g. ancient Roman Empire era, WW2) weren't sophisticated enough for demons to go all over the fucking place and it was localized and ultimately suppressed.
Sandy Petersen.
Doomguy should have been Doomgirl
shoo musclefag
The novels were never canon, larper
The first two novels weren't bad since they were adaptations. the last two suffered from having to come up with new ideas and concepts.
>mfw how badly they managed to shit all over a barely there narrative and turn heaven into fucking aliums using human souls as oil for der space cruisers and hell being their bitch lackeys because they can also get some crude smegma juice
>the entire part on the alien ship
I was loving this game and now i hate it. Game literally should have gone to the end fight right when doomguy finished the fight at the bottom of hell.
What are you, gay?
Never was. Just a silent badass. There's a flashback where he talks, but it fits because it's the younger him and it's clearly like the comic
>likes women that look like men
>calls others gay
god I want to get bear hugged by her .
>is the guy portrayed as ultra violence Jesus Christian?
Big doubt.
>doesn't want a huge racked amazon for unrelenting snu-snu
Yes, you're very gay.
>No, he never rapes little kids, so he can't be a catholic.
I don't want to be with a muscular dyke. Give me something feminine with a haircut that isn't mostly found on dudes at the gym.
Are old doom games canon in the ZoomDoom story or are they 2 different things?
If you don't want to huff sweat off of her washboard abs, you sound Mondo gay.
doom, doom 2 and doom 64 are canon, i think
t. Jew
>can't tell the difference between novels and comics
Christ, I can't wait until the Kindergartens open up again.
Mormons are unironically based though because they scare people away from the Northern Rockies region
They actually connected the cannon from doom 2 to doom 2016 in eternal. Its kinda meh, and I had a better time imagining the implications instead of reading all the lore.
I don't know why Doom related shit is afraid to go biblical. I want some fucked up demons and a Jesus cameo.
This annoys me a bit. I like the new lore but it’s just not as fucking cool as demons, magical spirits or pure hate, invading out of nothing other than malice and evil.
>and a Jesus cameo.
>"leave the bfg, take this crucible"
This isn’t just doom really, most media that deals with demons or even magic likes to explain it all with science and aliens or whatever. It’s an aesthetic fad born of the onions generation needing things to be “realistic” or intellectualised even when it actually makes them dumber narratively and thematically. Besides, there’s plenty of room in theology for more interesting and nuanced depictions of hell and battles with demons, it doesn’t have to be red horned goblins shooting fire. Aliens that just sort of look like demons is lame and I hope the fad dies off into the 2020s and we can get more sincere takes on religious settings
I was onboard with the idea of an ancient civilization getting corrupted and over run by a wave of demons chasing Doomguy. but then it just turned into "they're a different species of aliens, and science mumbo jumbo, we can do the same stuff that they do and replicate their hell magic"
it stopped being cool when the demons were "made" by the ancient civilization.
His ancestor is Blazkowiz, so he is a jew
>hey don't even show proper upside down crucifixes
i know its fucking concept art but its the exact same shit ingame
i think its just a case of "out Demons are different", where hell is still hell (see all the pentagrams and shit) but its also a separate dimension. the Maykr are just straight up ayys tho
He's a gnostic.
2016 implied that doomguy was blessed by a seraph. Eternal is literally just satanism.
>that codex art of Doomguy in his classic armor being led in chains to the Night Sentinels
>flash back
>they're holding your old helmet
>can't tell if its my skin or they actually used the old helmet for the flashback
Why would hell have the cross of St Peter in it?
How is it satanism
Doom takes place in the future, so no.
There are still pagans about in small fringe numbers. Religious people aren’t just going to go away since religion is more complex than just an explanation for how the universe exists
kys christcuck
They explicitly made Eternal's whole plot to not only kill the christcuck doomguy meme but shit on your lame fairytale
Prob the only thing good they did in the whole story
tradzoomer larping is easily the most cringeworthy thing on Yas Forums currently
which is it, seething LARPagan or fedoratipper?
Imagine saying this while frogposting.
Man having the pride to think he can take on the demonic and preternatural in isolation, rejecting God. The game implies that Doomguy is becoming a god himself through rejection of the divine or "alien" nonsense and through use of weapons that harness demonic energy. This desire to become like or higher than God is what led to the fall of the highest of the angels, Lucifer, to become Satan. He fell through his pride and is the father of all lies.
In Eternal, we're seeing this terrible take manifested.
It's Gnosticism actually, you just don't like that it doesn't have Doomguy worshipping your technically evil sky wizard.
But the father (god) gave doom guy divinity. Just one man not all of man kind. He did this for the protection of his creation. Taggart is not trying to usurp god. He is carrying out his will. Unless I'm wrong an a dummy