This was never intended to be a gaming controller

Stop pretending it is

Attached: MouseAndKeyboard.jpg (1000x887, 59.48K)

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Yeah it's not a gaming controller
It's a M&K which is a great way to play vidya

>Console plebs mad that there is literally no universe in which a controller can ever even be remotely competitive against a KB+M.

Have fun with your mandatory built-in aim assist.

What about this?

Attached: Controller.jpg (968x809, 502.6K)

Fighting games, but even then its dedicated fighting pad vs KB+M. I play action games like DMC, Bayo etc. with controller, old games on emulation too.

Fighting games are objectively not games.

A man's mouth was never made for a cock, OP. Stop pretending it is

I love that, in every single instance of MP cross-platform play that has ever happened ever, m+kb utterly steamrolled competition. The only place a controller might beat m+kb is racing, and if you allow other peripherals then PC still wins because it has the highest quality racing wheel/pedal controllers. Consoles literally cannot win in any conpetetive category.

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This is an opinion I only ever see parroted by blacks. Which makes sense, given their ape like hands don't have the fine motor skills needed for kbm.

I play a lot of Sea of Thieves, which launched fully cross-platform. The console children had to cry and bitch for over a year straight just to get Rare to put in an option that lets them opt out of being matched with PC players because they literally are incapable of competing and get their shit wrecked every time.

Also watching people using controllers try and PvP in FPS games is the most disgusting thing ever.

Did they fix the issue in Call of Duty Modern Warfare about PC users using mice and keyboard? I had a few lobbies where it was us (Xbox One lobby using the LFG function) against a full group of Keyboard and Mice users (and we got steamrolled in, unsurprisingly).

That game was supposed to have controllers for PC against most console users (and conversely, keyboard and mouse against the two jokers using keyboard and mouse on consoles).

>This whole post

My sides

I should have bought it digitally, so I could own it on both PC and Xbox

Pretty sure it's linked to your Microsoft account, so if you own it on one you own it on all platforms?

Not if it's physical.

And the problem is, this was before Xbox Live got included with Gamepass. I don't want Gamepass, since I like actually owning my games (since games gotten with Games for Gold never expire or get removed as long as you keep Xbox Live, similar to Sony lets you have their PS+ games for as long as you pay for their subscription).

>caring about competitive
Faggot detected

Yet it works better, it's like invention made by accident.

Not for racing games

Oy, whatchu sayin ya curd? I'll fokin wreck you kid.

Mouse and Keyboard gets shit on in high level Gears of War due to analog giving a huge movement advantage and letting you do things that isn't possible with WASD. M&KB only giving an initial aim advantage when you're still learning the game.

Isn't this thanks to M&KB only letting you move in the intercardinal directions, but a controller gives you 32? Sounds fairly reasonable for a game like Gears of War, but for shooters like Quake or Team Fortress, using a controller is like shooting yourself in the foot. It honestly varies.

>the true master race combo

Attached: IMG_20200323_184812__01.jpg (3456x2580, 1.79M)

And it is still better. That's amazing.

Attached: 1584571606799.png (1164x1600, 713.87K)

>sucks at competitive

Yes. Gears is the only game I can think of where M&KB doesn't have some huge advantage outside of lower skill brackets. I guess controller is pretty decent in MCC too, since aim assist is retardedly strong last I played.

I'm pretty sure I remember when one of the gears of wars games got released cross platform or something and there was an absolute shitstorm because of pc players beating up poor console plebs

the doctor also warned your mom not to have children because they would be retarded but alas here we are.

Hey man! I am only slightly retarded!

Yah, in Gears 4. The game was still fairly populated when crossplay launched, and it was only quickplay at launch. So most of the outrage was just from shitters who would just die from anyone with better aim. By the time it was added to all modes, the game died quite a bit and no one really noticed, since aiming in Gears is easy compared to most FPS. I switched to PC and M&KB didn't feel like much of an advantage at all, since my aim was barely better than what it was with controller while my movement being way worse.

Same thing happen with 5's launch.
>launch is filled with shitters
>bad M&KB players dominate bad console players with aim alone
>console kids cry and turn off crossplay
>now the game is dead and most PC players who are left play with a controller because it's better once you git gud

Is Gears 5 really dead, or is it just a meme?

I love Gears 5.

Then why do vehicles have dedicate haptics instead of KBM?

>Controller + mouse chads live among us.

>literally needs aim-assists (aimbot) to compete with kb/m
>nnooooo it's only for when learning
consolefag cope

Aim-assist is like training wheels on a bike.

I don't ride bikes.

Some aim assists are like a small motor instead of pedals with training wheels still on the bike.

Not really, you can still find Quickplay, FFA, and ranked KOTH or TDM matches easily enough. Most of the other PVP modes are pretty dead, and as far as dev support goes, the game only gets meaningful content (maps, real balance changes, etc) at the start of every 3-4 month long season. And only a pitiful amount at that. The game is in a perpetual state of drought.

Attached: Aimassist.jpg (1280x720, 146.04K)

meant for

It's also supposed to be an Xbox Series X launch title.

The game needs more support.

>typing the full name

>loses to autoaim
lmao nigger

did your left thumb get stung by a wasp?

How many games actually let you do that?

I think he lost his thumb, and decided to replace it with his big toe.

how do you crouch or jump? use basic actions that are bound to X or E/F on a keyboard?

>too many buttons for my tiny brain!
Go back to the Atari joystick, subhuman filth

Motion controls are the way of the future, clinging to a poorly designed keyboard won't change that.

i wish consoles would openly support KB and mouse
they could open themselves up to more types of games

but that way you'd force every tryhard to play with m+kb
and all casuls would be bullied even harder

haha keyboard go clakityclakityclickatyclickclickclcik

numerous games. you could do this with gta4 twelve years ago.

Why are consolefags like this ?

Only the ascended ones touched with dark knowledge can use that

Fortnite does I think, people hate it because it's only used to exploit the autoaim.

Okay Nintendo

set punch and kicks to mouse buttons and youre golden
also a hit box, a controlled BANNED at official tournaments, is based on a keyboard
suck that down for a tick

Only way I could see it happening is if you both rebind the d-pad and had one of those MMO 16 button mice, still seems retarded as fuck though.

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How do you plan on playing an RTS, fatboy?

The keyboard is near-universally the best input device ever created for anything. Mice do kind of suck though and cause a lot of chronic wrist injuries from years of use.

>plug controller for destiny 2 pee vee pee
>aim assist so strong its practically cheating

The best games in the world can be played one handed. That means mouse and keyboard.

Attached: coomer.png (1545x869, 193.01K)

It's always down to genre/game
Souls or combat oriented? Controller
Rocket league or racers? Controller
First person shooters? KB+M
Puzzle games? Preference

Controllers are usually more comfortable because you can lay back, but KB+M is for more skillful players as the lack of aim assist and mouse sensitivity genuinely need you to precise and capable of hitting shit that's moving at a higher frame rate, which isn't to say using a controller automatically makes you shit, especially if you perfer to play with aa off.

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that's exactly what i do (for some games).

Aim-assisted shooters, like CoD, say otherwise.

I haven't played a video game using the keyboard and mouse in over 10 years. Any game that requires them is unplayable shit. I will, however, make exceptions for old DOS games.

you forgot:
Strategy (all): kb+m
MMO: kb+m
Simulator: specialized controller (wheel or flightstick)

any other genres I'm missing?

Aim-assisted shooters say what, exactly?
Learn to read, RETARD

True, i would have to assume fighting games too especially with fightsticks and pads being a thing. Even a hitbox seems better.

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