Other urls found in this thread:
I don't have the other versions saved :(
post them
Does anyone have that alignment chart for the vidya webcomic artists?
>last one doesn't say "We are!"
are you fucking illiterate?
how many lobbies exist in USA?
You are cucked by corporations, burgers.
It just occurred to me that they're all looking to their right as if he was their despite clearly being in different room
i think there was a edit where they're all at the same desk
I'm just here for the porn
No shit, congress is toying with the idea of dropping the lockdown because a few billionares will lose a bit of money, and are literally willing to consign a million or two people to the grave to save a buck, fuck this country
there is no homosexuality lobby
just people arguing for freedom and equality
there is a religious lobby trying to take rights away from americans, you probably meant that
Thank you, user.
nope, a homo lobby
>AIDS research
>dropping age of consent
>changing adoption laws in favor of faggot
>homosexual quota for most job
>legalization of polygamy
>normalization of orgies by the media
faggot lobby, user
what really? that really sucks, the jews had you by the balls, user. What happened?
>Why yes, I want drop the age of consent. How could you tell?
I have a few
Which do you prefer?
Why coke though?
>*plane noises
every time
slightly better than Pepsi
What's the last one from?
The original version of this pic is a Coke ad.
Where's the porn version
You better have the original image
good thing im gay
>not the version where the last bubble just says "We're"
Well Yas Forums?
I'll post it if you give me a good new version.
The writer of this comic is in favor of child abuse.
imagine being THIS fucking deluded l m a o
lol, get anal cancer, faggot
imagine hating america and freedom this much
please no yoda
Me on the right with an entire Coke bottle shoved up my ass
just post it you faggots
Okay that one got me
>hating America
who doesn't? Half of Americans and nearly the entirety of the whole world, including their Jewish owners hate them
How did he get a new player bonus if he's level 41? Wouldn't most game start him at lvl 60 if they pulled that shit?
this one irks me. Kids are fucking stupid. letting them decide anything as drastically life altering is a huge mistake.
This is so fucking accurate that it hurts.
Kids shouldn't be able to decide anything for themselves. They're kids and they don't know shit.
guys please i am so tired,just post the porn version so i can go to sleep
maybe it boosted him to level 40 but made the sword 41 to made him grind for it
>You're just against the existence of trans people
>who doesn't?
liberals (patriots) are the only ones that love america and it's ideals
That sums up the people you end up playing with online
>Dude weed
>Too much energy
>Mystery nigga
>Loud as fuck
im not falling for the marriage jew
go on e6 and look for it baggute
especially on the parents dime
here is the original
It's actually both.
That doesn't explain his lvl 39 utility belt. Wouldn't he at least spawn with a lvl 40 belt?
>liberals (patriots) are the only ones that love america and it's ideals
>posting a nazi on 4channel
good shit
recycled content?
>You're Just against the existence of trans people.