Most profitable media franchise of all time is outsold by a shitty version of Stardew Valley with no innovation

>Most profitable media franchise of all time is outsold by a shitty version of Stardew Valley with no innovation
Top kek.

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Fuck off nigger


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Bruh moment if true. The Switch is crazy.

No no no SwSh bros..... the National Dex fags got the last laugh after all....

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It still doesn't have Isabelle.

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Did you play the fucking game?

remember how many times nintendo has been doomed?


... No. My Gamestop is closed, and I refuse to buy a digital copy.

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You're gonna have a hard time buying games for the next few months then, friend.

AC isn't like Harvest Moon/Stardew though. If it was I would marry Whitney.

>shitty version of Stardew Valley
Stardew Valley is inspired by Harvest Moon, it's absolutely nothing like Animal Crossing you fucking zoomer faggot.

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go to walmart or some other store,

I hope this makes more AC clones. It's a comfy style of game that can still be innovated and improved.

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It amazes me how hard you guys are trying to keep the whole thing going, but at the same time is kinda sad.

>I hope this makes more AC clones. It's a comfy style of game that can still be innovated and improved.

You can just play something like Harvest moon or Rune factory in that case. Not much you can do to "innovate" in a game where all you do is craft furniture, decorate, and hang with friends.

I'm not going to Walmart to have a bunch of normies cough all over me while they storm the toilet paper isles, fuck that.

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>Copy features you saw in other games in most half-assed way possible
>Meanwhile cut features of previous installments and maybe sell them back as DLC later
>Become highest selling Switch title
What's the next franchise to follow this pattern?

Anyone have the pic where someone drew the Fire Emblem: Three Houses logos in the game??

Your favorite franch-HAHAHAHAHA SOrry sorry. Couldn’t say that with a straight face. We both know you don’t actually play videogames looool

Buy online? Your order might get delayed, but you'll still get it physical.

Thanks Corona.

>make a game with care and effort that's dripping with soul
>it sells better than lazy, yearly garbage with no content and cut features sold as paid dlc
maybe there is some justice in this world after all...

>Mine rocks
>Chop down trees
>Make villagers like you
Pretty much the only thing missing is combat, though both games have slingshots. There are tons of similarities, ya know. That is why they are both in the same genre.

S to spit on Gamefreak

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>in japan
Now I want to see the worldwide chart

What we know so far is that it also had a better debut in just the UK than New Leaf did in the entirety of Europe.

He's looking for an argument, not a solution.

I wonder if it would have been just as big if it released last year? It's kind of the perfect quarantine game, so coming out during a global viral pandemic was pure luck.

No there aren't. They're not even remotely the same game.

They have objectives and money to earn to pay your bills, they aren't as "comfy" as animal crossing, and I can only imagine people that like AC are looking for a game without any resistance.

They aren't the same genre.

Stardew Valley is a farm sim and has a totally different agenda and goal.

God damn every first party switch game has this same headline. How the fuck do they do it, bros?

I've never played an Animal Crossing game, and I really don't get it, checked the trends on Twitter for it and the first thing I saw was just a guy drawing furry porn in game

You don't really mine rocks in Animal Crossing. You hit them a couple times and just use it for random DIY stuff. Totally unneeded for any reason.

You don't chop down trees. You can but there's no point.

Fishing is absolutely nothing like Animal Crossing in Stardew Valley. The conversation system and relationship system is in no way similar to Animal Crossing at all.

Foraging doesn't exist beyond shaking trees.

Villagers automatically like you, grumpy may take a while, but you can get NEW villagers and they change and come and go in AC. The villagers in SDV are all the same for everyone, all say the same things, and all act the same like robots.

Your progression is not based on day and hours in a day like in Stardew.

There are a ton of similarities between Breath of the Wild and Animal Crossing too, just missing combat, BUT THERE'S A SLINGSHOT IN AC HURRR like you said, but no one compares those

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Why not just go to a different shop? I'm not american but I assume there are various competitors to gamestop you could go to instead

The only "competitors" are just major chains that sell new games. Like Walmart, Best Buy, and Target. I guess there's the occasional local used game store but they're gonna go out of business after this whole coronavirus thing shuts them down for the next year

>>Most profitable media franchise
Highest grossing. Not most profitable. There's a difference.


It's mostly because people want something to do during the quarantine

>Ultimate outsold by the worst Pokemon game on the franchise and Animal Crossing, an inherently niche style of game

Unironically what went wrong

It's the third time they've released Brawl.

Animal Crossing isn't a farm sim with Tumblr characters

gamefreak being out of touch when it comes to technology, gameplay/user friendly stuff, animations etc and peoples wants/needs due to bug in anus man, generally they are lazy and/or incompetent along with being dismissive of criticism it is partly their own fault for realising a game every 2 years instead of pacing it out

honestly there's only so many times you can do "8 gyms evil team no dungeons cut content friendly rival prease under stan" before people move on to greener pastures, I know that TPC does force gamefreak to pump out games quick and cheap but it's gonna cause long term harm to the brand if they keep heading in the direction they are.

you say that like treehouse isn't pushing tranny translations or "trans-lations" as I call them.

This game is already well above Stardew Valley, it shows how soulless Stardew Valley's residents are that individual characters from a pool of 400+ with pre set characteristics are better and more endearing.

Both are tranny games, you dumb tranny

>mfw Metroid becomes the only series to not set any positive record on Switch

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Stardew Valley is more like what Harvest Moon used to be Animal Crossing is a different kind of sim.

I wonder how Eguchi would react if you could travel 20 years ago and tell him his quirky passion project would become one of Nintendo's biggest franchises.

the villagers in stardew are kinda shitty, I blame the new wave of "snark" comedy for that.

>mfw minecraft is a stardew valley ripoff

I know it is, I've played both, and Stardew Valley is well shit, it fails on so many levels, but the point is that the generic villagers in AC with canned lines, and personalities are vastly superior to the best of what Stardew Valley provides, one of the things that the game is supposed to be built around. To be fair, New Horizons dunks on Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons too, better equipment progression, better customization, if it had crops it would completely eclipse both games.

A greenhouse update with Leif and the ability to plant real-time growing crops would invalidate all farming games for me

>You can move through the game world
>Has a save system
>Character customization
>Has an ocean
>Has a river
>Has a day/night cycle
>You can play it
>You can enjoy it if you like it
>Game is meant to be relaxing
>You can talk to other characters
>You can play online
>You can start the game up
>You can turn it off when you want
Huh user I guess you're right

This. And i've always said this even with new leaf. Sure it had its limitations and wasn't as "in depth" in some ways but stardew just feels like a dead world with little to no meaningful villager interactions, sounds corny as fuck but that and those cheesy/cute lines are what put half of the fun into the game. Friends of mine who swear by stardew I see playing for no more than a few days tops and then just stop and forget about it.

>but stardew just feels like a dead world with little to no meaningful villager
That's not even the half of it, it tacks on a load of elements that it both doesn't whole heartedly integrate and which actually pull against the kind things that the game thinks that it cultivates.


Buy a physical copy from Ebay, Amazon, or Gamestop's online store then. No need to actually walk in.