Give me one reason why the Gamecube game isn't the best in the series, & I mean a GOOD reason.
Give me one reason why the Gamecube game isn't the best in the series, & I mean a GOOD reason
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this kind of game works better on a handheld
doesnt have isabelle
New Horizons exists
No multiplayer besides nes games.
>blathers is useless
>small inventory
>loading between each acre
>no touchscreen for designs
>less holidays
>no online
>Not my Porn Pupper!
>Not the wooferino!!
New horizons is better
t. played every AC game extensively.
the constant shilling of this game after the new one came out made me download it and try it out, i'm starting rn, what should i know?
>>less holidays
Doesn't the gamecube have a bunch of exclusive holidays the later games don't? Feel free to correct me, I'm probably wrong.
>what should i know?
There's a very small chance villagers will see something in your inventory & FORCE you to trade for it, basically robbing you, so I dunno, be aware it can happen.
No one on this board actually played AC on the GC. Too young.
Because New Horizons exists
I miss the graphic style of gcn ac but new horizons is so much better overall.
Speak for yourself zoomer gamecube animal crossing is the only one I played before horizons.
I can pull out my game case rn
I can’t. Zoomies will never know what it feels like go to a friend’s house, memory card in hands, and stay up until 2am waiting for the Wisp.
Imagine, having fun with friends instead of looking at your phone for 6 hours straight.
>tfw it's the only one you've played
i did and i was born in 1998
i can't, you're right
>he didnt play WW
I dont remember this at all. I remember trading but I could swear it gives you a prompt and asks you about it.
>Imagine, having fun with friends instead of looking at your phone for 6 hours straight.
I like you. Sounds like you've got a level head on your shoulders.
phone bad
almost no content compared to the rest of the series
don't get me wrong it has a lot of charm, but you run out of shit to do so much quicker
my parents never got me a gamecube, I was stuck with an xbox
i was born in 2001 and i played it lots.
Most of the time it does, but occasionally a villager will go "Hey I really want that, here's a shitty item for it haha, tough luck. I'm sure you'll like what I just gave you eventually, trust me bro".
>staring at phone bad
>Staying up till 2 am to stare at your TV screen good
handhelds are gay
>handhelds are gay
I agree.
Yes playing videogames with another person is good, I'm glad you understand.
>having someone sit next to you while you play a single player game is good
>talking to someone else over your phone is bad
youre gay
WW was kino. I'd walk around my neighborhood late at night when the summer moon was out and the clouds passing through the breeze and the music playing from my DS lite in my hoodie pocket and it was bliss.
New Leaf was great, but I miss the lack of control and the curved Earth feel of running around in WW.
>getting triggered over wojaks
A zoomer is also a wojak poster. Shocker.
you're both faggots
>Winter comfy but total content drought
>Could take days to finally get a fishing pole after starting
>Loading between acres sometimes screwing shit up
im 28 nigger animal crossing was never good. its boring garbage tranny shit. literally EVERY single tranny on twitter is gushing over it right now
trannies didn’t exist in 2002. Another reason why animal crossing GC is the goat
trannies also like drinking water, guess water is fucking stupid and gay now
WW is amazing if you consider the limitations of the DS, but the original is just next level comfy. Everything else is utter trash.
the pathetic "events/holidays" roster in wild world hurt my soul as a kid
I really dont see how you can consider the rest of the series "utter trash" if you like the earlier games. They are not THAT diffrent
Storage is fucking garbage
they're decently different in a few ways. NL becomes more about making your town whatever you want it to be, opposed to the making the most out of life the others before it have.
Gamecube does it the best out of the three, WW is pretty good for a DS game, and City Folk is literally WW. NH is better than all three of those though. And hopefully in the long term, it could pass gamecube. There's a lot of love put in NH and they've got a lot of things going in it, and numerous call backs to PG
just a brainlet contrarian, ignore him
GC is peak if you like the life sim part of it. NH is peak if you like town building part of it. NH has some of the life sim while GC has very little in the way of customization. Really comes down to what you value more in the series. (There are arguments for both WW and NL being better than any of them though, really its hard to decided what game is the best if you like both parts of it)
It's old as fuck and feels horribly outdated.
>cousin gets this for christmas
>overwrites the save on the memory card
>next level comfy
Have you fucking played the original?
Maybe it was next level comfy 20 years ago but now there is literally nothing to do in the game. It's incredibly bare bones and does not do a good job with it's illusion.
only zoomers dont think trannies existed in 2002.
trannies arent circle jerking about water nigger nice damage control. tranny game for tranny n1ntoddlers
as a huge fan of the gamecube game there is nothing in that game. the extent of daily tasks is basically collecting fruit and checking the store after you have the fish and bugs and fossils.
You can only play it until 12/31/2030 for no reason. The gamecube could go up to 2099.
what happens then? does it just delete your save?
No it continues to 2031, but if you save and quit it reverts back to 1/1/2030. Meaning you could write a bulletin board entry on 1/1/2031 and it'll be OLDER than an entry from 1/1/2030.
Content, progression and freedom in New Horizons alone puts it beyond Nostalgia crossing.
so it just loops through 2030? interesting