How you enjoying Safi so far, what are the lyrics to this song?
Monster Hunter
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I just saw dober has effuvial resistance on some parts too. I'm tired of glavenus though, hunted that cunt 12 times trying to get his mantle before realising I could meld it.
Not a big deal since neither version of glavenus can hit me anymore, but still
I don't use mantles
Opposite, I have 11 attack decos and 0 effuvial res decos
>been running around grinding lands for 3 hours killing shit
>got to augment some weapons
>still tons of ??? symbols on required items
Fuck no. KT may not have been the most engaging fight until the last five minutes, but at least there was a progression so you weren't doing the same thing for 20 minutes straight.
It also wasn't nearly as cheap. Whoever thought it was smart to make unseeable boulders drop from the ceiling and put you in a pinned animation so Safi can combo you to death is an idiot. Same when he boops you to the floor into an instant lazer that also kills. This is not a fun fight and indicative of all the poor design choices the series has made until now.
Probably the tempered versions. Every mat, sans Jagras, has a Tempered variant. Level 5+ gives T1 tempered mons, 6 T2, 7 T3.
Locking upgrades/materials/monsters behind grinding lands was a terrible decision.
On one hand, the base weapon makes up 90% of a weapons strength. On the other, its frustrating that maxing a weapon will take you tens of hours by itself, let alone if you want to do the same to multiple other weapons.
The overall idea of the grinding lands was nice because at least there is a viable reason to fight every monster, its just not very fun because its not particularly challenging and you spend a huge amount of time for very minor rewards.
Safi is cute!
All augments are negligible, except for the health augment which turns the game into easy mode. So its fine locking that shit behind hours of grinding lands.
But grinding lands is literally the funnest part of the game.
Just superman dive bro.
>infinite hunting mode that you can't die from and monsters drop materials like candy
Only hard part are the great spiritvein gems and velk/nergi drop them a lot, specially with geology.
Fix him without just removing him, anons
Dunno about others but as a hammer player I say fuck Safi.
Why do hammer players want to fuck Safi?
okay, so I'm at what I hope is actual last stretch before shara, and I just realized that I'm missing like 3 mantles, all of the palico gadgets, and nearly all of the drink ingredients. it seems I'm about to go back and bully some LR/HR monsters. so what's the best hbg for just shitting out damage and ending hunts quickly?
Because I like weapons that are blunt and hard and when I saw that Safi's hide was also blunt and hard I just couldn't help myself.
I don't care how much you want to fuck it
Crack its dome already so we can get those horns
At that point, kadachi viper, legiana, or narg hbg is your best hbg in general. They specifically had this in mind since Shara is stupidly weak against pierce 3. The best shotty, normal3, and best sticker are post endgame stuff.
I'm about to load up this game for the first time.
What's the best weapon? I don't want Yas Forums to make fun of me when I try to discuss the game later.
We'll make fun of you no matter what you pick
I'll make fun of you for even caring about that you cake boy
>What's the best weapon?
Your favorite weapon. Just play ALL of the weapon and see which one ticks for you. ALL weapons in this game are viable.
What a cute retard.
hammer is top 3 anti safi weapons.
Please don't bully the special needs monster.
Doesn't matter, still a cutie and a fun fight
You DO keep your Guild Card up to date, right Yas Forums?
I don’t post it on Yas Forums to jerk myself off, if that’s what you mean.
Post killscreens
Rate them from favorite to least favorite fight
I want to get more into bowguns. Is Wyvernheart or snipe better? Both are fun. And while I'm mostly solo, should I use the buff/heal shells when/if I play online? And are there any other tricks I should know?
Astalos > Tama = Glavenus > Gammoth
i wanna try out HH, Hammer, and GS
what weapon should i use for each?
2 more monkey hearts and I'll have everything upgraded again
Prefer to rate the EX Deviants. All close to eachother but I'd say
EX Soulseer
EX Elderfrost
EX boltreaver
EX hellblade
I like it so far. It’s really made me appreciate LBG sticky builds and showed me how fragile the average player is. Tanky vampire builds aren’t the best for kill times but it’s come in handy whenever I got pinned.
Just wish there were more augmentation autism stuff to the weapons other than grind and upgrade. Some of the most engaging stuff I ever did in MHW was playing skill Tetris and weighing the benefits and drawbacks to getting more skills versus maxing out a skill.
Why is the nip name so diferent?
That's as smart as he'll ever get
Any weapon that incorporates tenderizing as a standard attack is godlike for this fight.
It’s kinda tricky to constantly land hits on the head though. But for hind legs and even forelegs, a good hammerbro can help break things immensely.
safi is so fucking zzzz
Trying to cut Safi's tail makes me want to kill myself.
Safi Hammer is the endgame right now. Blast hammer is great, sleep hammer may also be a good contender if you can get good hits in during wallbangs.
Nerg hammer is comfy and you don’t have to worry about blue sharpness ever. Still inferior to Safi Hammer but can tide you over if you can’t get one.
Guild Palace “hammer” is cool looking but not as good as the other two.
Because NA localizers wanted 2 monsters with ass in their name.
>Muhut's safi drawing
Any tips on what to add to a blast safi hammer via awakening?
Behemoth is a better fight ffs, and the weapons look like shit as always
so with the new brachy GL, should I just scrap my current safi GL for dracolite?
objective list
I hope she gets along fine with Kulve.
They're both cute.
Absolutely based
post the worst monsters in the series
ill start
>mfw the first time I've heard someone in voice chat in weeks
>It's during the Safi siege and it's some sub HR100 or something whining about the other hunter being toxic because they're not healing him
I've never heard someone actually say "toxic" unironically online other than twitter screencap threads
Astalos > Glavenus > Mizutsune > Gammoth
Boltreaver > Soulseer > Hellblade > Elderfrost
In terms of design, Glavenus > Mizutsune > Gammoth > Astalos
Full unga bunga meta: 1 slot with sharpness up 5, rest with attack 5 and one attack 6. Or even all with attack up if you’re one of those Master’s Touch players.
I personally use a Safi hammer with Super Recovery, Sharpness Up 5, and the rest Attack Up. This is because I am unreasonably autistic about the Vaal 2-set bonus.
absolutely based
absolutely cringe
I'm sold
anime swordfight
flashy nothing
popo2 frozen boogaloo
>keep the patterned teleporting from normal
>have the Jagrases be exceptionally weak to fire element/Igni, forcing you to pick if you want a window on AL or if you want to get those assfaggots gone immediately
>Lower the health by 5%
There, it's fixed.
>only ever carted once in IB so far
>slapping glavenus' shit while he's knocked down, waiting for demon flurry to end before I heal
>had no idea tigrex was even in the zone
>retard starts running back and forth behind glavenus
>don't see him until he clips through glavenus body 2 inches from my face
Him and bazel are cute
I made a bunch of transmog armor sets in GU but I somehow can't be bothered to craft any of the new Iceborne layering at all. They're even adding weapon layering which is something I thought I really wanted.
Maybe I'm finally burning out on MH.