Half Life Alyx

How long until Half Life Alyx gets cracked and some modder removes the VR shit out of it so other people can play?

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>half life

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I'm sorry this is a half-life thread? Could've fooled me

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also return to Yas Forums you obnoxious boomer queer

How do I get a girlfriend like that?

Yeah it is, just used the picture of a cute girl instead.
I have never been to Yas Forums
I don't know man.

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where can I find ella hollywood's paid stuff for free?



ask /t/

Cute boy(girl(boy))

pornolab is good, real nice russian tracker that is free. but we are here to discuss Half Life user.

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>cracked already
>pragma engine has source 2 content support
I'd say we're on the path already.

>How long until Half Life Alyx gets cracked
Lmao, he doesn't know

How are her balls so cute, bros?


Literal dogshit without vr

Trannies aren't girls.

Literally impossible

Played for about six hours, straight up if you're not gonna play it in VR you might as well just watch a youtube video because there's no way a mod would do the game justice.

It is not cracked, that was fake.

>i-i-it doesn't count t-though...

Get with the program Yas Forums

The only good looking trannies are spics

>wh*te girls
no ty

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this lad knows

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you will never ever experience the game as it's meant to be outside vr
the good news is that we'll get even more VR games on source 2 when the editor is released so poorfags can cry about that too

ok fag
I was thinking about doing that, gotta find a streamer who will not keep jiggling upon any box he or she can pick up though.
ella hollywood senpai

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>cute girl who likes video games other than animal crossing and league of legends
>she has a peepee
why is this always the case

I don't get the appeal of this "girl", I remember when "she" cut "her" hair short, Jesus it looked so fucking bad.

thanks nigga
I dedicate this fap to you in the least homosexual way I can

>fapping to guy
>"b-but I'm not homosexual"

she grew it back, shut the fuck up turd

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because guys actually like games, girls don't (for the most part)

because they're not girls, they're gay men

>How long till some modder removes the 3D acceleration from Quake so I can play it on my integrated 486. I'm not buying into this Graphics Card meme. It'll never catch on.

that girl has a fat cock, fyi.

back to pol

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His dick is fucking tiny, what are you on about? The ass is nice though

>trannies are starting to look like cute girls from the 80s
i love it.

Dude, if she is that cute, suck her peepee and imagine it is just a big clit.
Well I feel honored user, happy fapping my fellow coomer.

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Dont care virgin

does Alyx have a sidekick?

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I am not a virgin, I already paid for sex. Not with a trans though... I might.

this a particularly bad false equivalence

>he doesn't want a cute trap boyfriend
>that is so weak and fragile that even your fat slob body could easily overpower him
>lock that tiny trap penis into permanent chastity
>keep him on a leash and make him service your cock under the desk
>play vidya with the quiet sound of androgynous sobbing and dick slop noises in the background
if you're not going to go full degenerate, then get the fuck off this board

Bailey Jay is ugly and her penis isn't even that big

>Get with the program Yas Forums
But we're on Yas Forums

He's a tranny, not a trap

>lock that tiny trap penis into permanent chastity
>full degenerate
i suck my tranny girlfriend off daily. i hold her down, and drain her balls, then swallow all her cum.

The game can't be redesigned from the ground up for mouse and keyboard with modding you utter third world fuckup. That's like asking for Super Mario 64 to be "modded" to be compatible with SNES and SNES controllers because you don't like analogue sticks or 3D gameplay.

When you design a game around anticipating one to one real human movements of the arms you can't just press a button on a keyboard when it expects you to grab something, manipulate it in a specifc way using your real hands with fine motor control. It is hard to explain to poorfags who've never experienced VR. But right now try typing on a keyboard with a really long stick. That's about how awkward HLA would be with KB&M controls

do you think the difference matters when they're pinned to the bed by your belly fat? both are gonna regret their life choices when they hear me grunting

Suzi is my favorite gaming youtuber

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Is this the guy with the weirdly puffy asshole?

Why do you all keep referring to this girl as a "he"? You know that's incorrect right?


>Pfft, why do I have to buy this $200 graphics card just to play this new Quake thing the Doom guys made? Couldn't they just make it like Doom? Why does it have to have this 3D acceleration gimmick. It's just for rich people who can afford graphics cards. It'll never catch on.

i want to FUCK and SUCK daisy!

Ella go back to twitter.

That would be like modding Half Life 2 into a top down RTS game.

You should also check empornium and pornbay on top of that. You're not gonna get everything from just one source.

Very hot but also a complete cunt. I don't wanna check your social media to see your basic bitch liberal white girl twitter opinions on politics that never extend past bitching on the internet.

Lel of all the tranner pornstars Ella Hollywood probably has the most feminine taste in games

Natalie is so fucking gross. She's gonna make Ella burn out if she keeps this up.

Sue is too good for us.

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wait what?

>Natalie is so fucking gross
natalie is a babe though.

I actually want to marry her

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Nah you are wrong, it sounds like you are one of the cucks who felt for the VR meme and is now desperate the people may end up removing the gimmick from the ONE game that makes people think about getting a VR.

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Yeah he did that once.

>Natalie is so fucking gross. She's gonna make Ella burn out if she keeps this up.
Yeah she's grooming her and I don't like that. I hope she doesn't end up like Sue.

I want a nice trans gf to play games with and to make her feel beautiful and loved. Is that too much to ask?

I have a webm of a tgirl saved somewhere. She's got an actual donut shape around the anus.
I think she fingers her ass and then licks her hand, or something.

I'd rather she ends up like Sue than Natalie. Somewhere in the middle would be best though

She is till you notice her corn-fed manly body, her being into scat and beastiality and blood play and cut with knives, increasinly looking like Sarah Palin due to her age and overall being a creepy weirdo with shitloads of red flag rumours who's more into 45 year old masculine women with strap-ons than men.

What are the chances she posts here? You saw her stream where she played the RE3 demo? She said some stuff that implied she thought Jill was really hot and she was really overly excite and spergy about the game it was sweet.

Not sure if Natalie went far enough as to "groom" Ella but I hope it doesn't get to that level.

Anyway, it seems like if we want to actually play HL Alyx ourselves we're gonna have to actually cough up 2k for a VR headset.

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I date a trap for a few weeks, was kinda cool


Has Natalie ever been fucked by a dog? That'd be the hottest shit.

I can't be the only one who likes a tiny cock on a trap

All game reviewers on youtube are from here, until they get popular and realize it's bad optics to stay. Except Mandalore, he's still around sometimes.