This is a PSA to all Switch users

This is a PSA to all Switch users

Attached: nintendo-switch-screenshot-button-01.jpg (1920x1080, 293.99K)

uhhh ok what is the point of this thread?

Yeah, I know. Seeing all these retards take pictures of the screen with their phone is cringe.

>Nintendo literally gives you the option to take a screenshot
>instead of using it they just take a picture of the screen with their fucking phone

>have to upload screenshot to twitter or facebook
gee i wonder why people are just taking pictures instead

I've taken hundreds of screen shots but there's no way to share them.

if i want to post a screenshot on Yas Forums using that button i have to either
>post it to a twitter or some other social media
>download it
>then post it
>unhook the kickstand
>pull out the sd card
>pull out my sd card reader
>plug them in
>pull the file off the sd card
>then post it
>take picture with my phone
>then post it
yeah i'm just gonna take a picture with my phone

>taking a picture of the screen with my phone is higher quality than the switches crusty ass screenshot function

embarrassing honestly

Attached: 1584804829981.jpg (750x736, 56.63K)

People only use that button accidentally.

Maybe you and I have the 'tism, but you think the average AC normie is going to buy a microSD card, copy their screenshots to it, get out a card reader, navigate to the specific photo just to get their AC clout?

Attached: intedesting.jpg (300x290, 13.72K)

You can fucking do that from the Switch. It's an option in the menu.

You can upload directly to twitter,

Switch doesn't have USB mode to browse the files easy, so until that's a thing, I'm not gonna take out the SD card, the kickstand is hard as shit to open and I don't wanna it to become weak from constant opening and closing so I rather just take a quick pic that maybe just one user will even bother to look at.

What's your point? I still have to upload to Facebook or Twitter? Are you retarded?

>having a twitter

Attached: tenor.gif (410x498, 2.55M)

>muh twitter

so make a burner private twitter account you crayon eating simpletons, holy shit

no one is going to spy on you for your switch screenshots

>kickstand is hard as shit to open

>playing mario party
>that one faggot accidentally screenshotting
>that other faggot screenshotting on purpose
Next they'll be fucking pressing home in the middle of a minigame.

>Are normies going to do X?
>Tenor . gif
You fucking actual retard.

I know, I use that screenshot button to freeze the screen so I can take a photo with my phone later.

What did you expect of 10 year olds?

>>Tenor . gif
I don't get this. I googled the gif and am too lazy to bother changing the filename when I'm just going to delete it after posting anyway.

Option 1: Phone screenshot, instant upload.
Option 2: Screenshot on switch, power off switch, take out microSD card, place microSD card into PC, upload image

You see the problem here, OP? Even on a hacked switch you still have to open up goldenleaf and plug it into a PC.

Although I do agree, it's fucking lazy to post a phone camera shot.

Yeah, it does suck and should be removed.

Fuck having the games slowed down by this shit.

Make a burner twitter, holy shit.

Or, I'll just keep taking pictures and you can keep seething

>just make a twitter so you can a single screenshot every now and then on Yas Forums
no thanks

I'd just take a picture with my phone too if this is true. Nintendo is retarded for not supporting smb or ftp.

I can't imagine Yas Forums being your only use for screenshots.

That's not even a joke, don't you have any friends you share with or anything?


They dont care about taking a picture because they arent autists

none of my friends sperg out because i didn't bother pulling a direct capture from my switch

Big cringe.

You're just agreeing to purposefully posting shitty content and trying to make it out to be better, what a sad cope

Plus, lmao at taking out your phone, opening the quick photo, snapping a focused pic, uploading, all from a different fucking device somehow being easier than making multiple uploads and pasting the links later

>man i wish nintendo would let me take screenshots

Attached: van shrug.gif (256x192, 344.31K)

>Even on a hacked switch you still have to open up goldenleaf and plug it into a PC.
naw, just FTP into the switch and copy it over, easy
you can do it with the game open still, takes a few seconds

It's actually really inconvenient, you can't remove the sd card from the console without triggering a shutdown, which is Nintendo's retarded attempt at preventing hacks (something that happened anyway due to hardware faults)

I use nxmtp to transfer screenshots but non-hacked consoles can't do that. It's just easier to take a picture...

Normal people don't use Facebook or Twitter any more. Facebook is dominated by the elderly and Twitter is dominated by the mentally unstable. The average normie communicates with friends exclusively through Snapchat and uses Instagram for more public sharing. Since you can't link those accounts to the Switch, guess what people do? They just take a picture with their phones. Wanna share with Yas Forums or reddit or instagram? Take a normal pic and upload it from your phone. Wanna share directly with your friends? Take a snapchat.

They gonna slash the prices of them switches anytime? Too late to get into AC now but I was thinking I wanted to be there for the next one

i'm not going to put a bunch of extra effort getting the highest quality screenshot for a throwaway post 3 people will look at just to appease you, get over it autismo

>Too late to get into AC now
kek what the fuck

No wonder only 3 people look at your post. Yikes!

>Plus, lmao at taking out your phone, opening the quick photo, snapping a focused pic, uploading, all from a different fucking device
If I double-tap the power button my phone wakes up directly into Snapchat and I can snap a pic and share it all at once. Wow, so hard.

>Too late to get into AC now
It's been 3 days. Don't be such an autismo.

I like how this has suddenly changed from "only normies would use social media" to somehow having gaming discussion on snapchat. (It doesn't happen, discord, reddit, and Yas Forums exist)

>slashing the price of a console that's currently experiencing a second shortage thanks to corona-chan
>that's still selling well even 3 years in
>that JUST released Animal Crossing, an IP that surpasses even Smash in terms of sales
>that also released a poorfag edition handheld last Fall

Attached: stupidest nigga alive.jpg (500x495, 49.41K)

Literally what I did. It works cause now I follow porn artists on Twitter

>>post it to a twitter or some other social media
>>download it
>>then post it
You pretend that takes more than seconds. The only thing faster would be sending it straight to your desktop.

>he doesn’t use the screenshot feature
Switch has the best screen capture features not available on PC though. Screens are instant and videos, though short, save fast and cap reliably. It’s fucking inconcievable to me that you would not operate a dummy account to take advantage of this feature. Lazy fucking shitters.

Attached: 380F8243-EF13-4B06-BF2D-FECCDBAE0364.jpg (1280x720, 112.86K)

damn, i forgot about this. FTP works while the game is running? no way

>smb or ftp
Ok boomer.

Nintendo could also do something modern like leveraging a hosting agreement with a modern service like flickr or some shit and just pipe the stuff you capture to whoever.

Are you old enough to post here?

Actually, taking a picture with your phone would be faster

That's what we did on the 3DS version. Easier to take the SD card from the switch than the new 3DS.

My friends don't have discord, we used to use vent back when we played WoW in 2008 or so, but now we have no use for a gaming chat. Just phone calls, texts, snapchat, or meeting up.

Why would I go through all this work just in case I want share a higher quality pic with all you autists?

lol, the amount of dumb faggots I see taking pics with their phone
Just upload screenshots to a burner twitter, it's not rocket science.

>That's not even a joke, don't you have any friends you share with or anything?

Yeah, and you know what I do? Take a pic with my phone and send it to them. I'm not getting a fucking twitter for switch screenshots

>Using social media

>no option to send out screenshot via email
>no cloud sync

Fuck this, I'm taking the pic with my goddamn phone and you will look at it.

>just create a twitter log into it upload screenshot log into it on the pc download the image choose the location or navigate to download folder and upload it

Fuck right off.

>people saying to make a twitter at all
i mean i know this is nu/v/ where every other thread is a twitter screencap thread but still what happened