If this isn't point for point your own personal best games list too then you're a pleb and don't belong on this board.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>number 1
>last of us
Dropped immediately

And I already hate the top 3. Nope.


>call of duty
>call of duty

I need to drink more onions juice it seems


>The Last of Us
>Not for casuals
You're kidding yourself user

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I thought only the Hero could wield the Master Sword?

Most of those at the top aren't even the best in their series, let alone of all time.

>someone actually made this list without a shred of irony
jesus dude that's depressing

You realize it's a fan animation, right? It doesn't have to fit the reality of the game.

Although theoretically the sword was talking to her during BotW so she maybe could use it in this version.

Though I hope if they ever make her playable she isn't just female Link like that.

Yas Forums's list is laughably better. Western games are so fucking awful it amazes me that retarded normies like them

R8 my top 10

>Xenoblade Chronicles X
>Paper Mario TTYD
>Paper Mario
>Metroid Prime
>Super Metroid
>Hollow Knight
>Rabi Ribi
>LoZ: Breath of the Wild
>Chrono Trigger

No particular order, other than Terraria being my #1

NO its because Zelda is a Mary Sue in that shitty game and Link might as well not even exist

Zelda is a woman, that already makes her more of a hero than L*nk.

Pokemon being 4th angers me more than any of those games above it

smell like Yas Forums faggotry

It's, uh, certainly tailored to personal tastes.

>Last of Us
NOPE! Fuck off.

legend of turd not on top 10
good list

>last 10 seconds is just reskinned Kimetsu no Yaiba animation
what did the lazy chinks mean by this

Top 10 no order

Resident Evil 2 (Original)
Gran Turismo 2
Super Mario 3
Golden Eye
GTA San Andreas
Guitar Hero 2

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This is the most safe list I've ever seen.
>2005 GoW there at all when other much better action games aren't
Christ almighty.

Rating is gay and pointless but those are all solid games.

Surprised to see rabi ribi ranked that high but it’s a good game. Wouldnt call it top 10 material but I had lots of fun with it. Never played a xenoblade but I always got the impression X was a lesser entry, so I’m surprised to see it but I cant judge since I never played it.

Only crossover with my top 10 would be the first two paper marios.


>All those nintendo games up top
I knew Yas Forums was filled trannies that only suck nintendick

not bad but swap mario 3 for 64, gt2 for zelda oot

T. Seething sonyfag, only trannies & onions's like Sony games & western games

Most of the top 20 is shit I dropped for being boring. You guys are boring.

Does that mean I can finally leave this shithole?

I probably would have M64 on my list bit I never completed even half the game and i never played in zeldas.

>last of us #1

how in the fuck, it's just a worse version of RE with ladders and bad writing.

Yes but you see, it is really emotional and almost like a movie. Truly, games have never been as innovative, intellectual or compelling as tlou. Bioshock Infinite is a close second of course!

I wasn't even going off personal tastes, it's just a strong list in the grand scheme. m64 was damn well iconic same with ocarina of time

X is an open-ended Xenoblade game, that's why 2-fags don't like it. It's very much in the vein of Super Metroid or Hollow Knight where you've got one objective but you can go about it a ton of different ways, and open worlds scare plebeians

>lesser entry
There's less to jack off to


>Doom fans also upvoted The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly on our top 100 movies list!
oh, it's a data harvester, i see

>and open worlds scare plebeians
I thought open world games were popular with the masses

A generic and objective 'greatest of all time list' requires Deus Ex far more than an Oddworld and two Red Deads, and REmake 1 would be more objectively better than re2. Arguably Doom is more deserving than Halo.

Obviously contentious, but if we are going to figure out what the objectively best games of all time are, it needs to take into account several factors.

>Dark Zelda
I'm surprised there isn't more porn of this.

You say that, but the most popular games on each current gen system are linear as hell. Out of the top 20 Switch games, only 2 are open world. Out of the top 20 PS4 games, it's just as dire, with far more linear games making the top cuts.

It's mostly the PC crowd that clamors over wide and open games.

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Look up Hilda.

Not the same

>Detroit Become Human is a top 10 selling game

This disgusts me.

i wasn't saying its THE definitive list, but it's more accurate than the OPs link and other biased lists being posted in here.
also I could be wrong but I'm sure the first oddworld game had more sales than deus ex

>men's pick is Super Mario Brothers
>women's pick is Super Mario Brothers 3
>overall pick is TloU

fucking trannies

Sword doesn't cut/10
shit webm

Games like GTA, BOTW, and whatever Ubisoft used to shit out sold to well for me to think that "open worlds scare plebs."

Cant really go by sales as a measure for anything, otherwise Fortnite and Cod would creep onto a list like this which would be ridiculous. Deus Ex definitely has a significantly stronger legacy than Oddysee in regard to popular culture and influence, though thinking of pc representation maybe Civilisation or The Sims is more deserving.

uh did you just assume Links gender, shitlord?

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I’ve never played fortnite but it’s probably brought more fun to kids than any other game in the past 5 years. That’s worth something. Wasn’t that long ago Yas Forums would shit on someone for liking halo or then minecraft, and both those are generally accepted as classics today.

I’m not gonna try to defend fortnite or the most recent cod cause I havent played either, but at the sane time it’s silly to be mindlessly contrarian about them.

true and I definitely will not dispute deus ex having more influence. you could argue call of duty belonging there I think, not fortnite though and that's not hate on my part but fortnite was a cash grab copy of what was popular at the time, very little originality. sims for sure as everyone under like 32 has played sims at some point in their life

>number 1: Last of Us
>Number 2: GTAV

didn't need to see the rest of the list

calling out from scatman's world

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What's a well-written game to you?

then you should leave the board :)

>t. never used a sword

not him but

Ghost Trick
Grim Fandango
Outer Wilds

There is no contrarianism happening here, we are measuring greatest games, not most popular games. If we did this for film we'd be stuck with a whole load of mcu movies and for literature we'd be stuck with Harry Potter and Hunger Games. Minecraft is a lot more deserving than Fortnite for being on a list like that when taking into account several factors.
Call of Duty I think really was just the Fortnite of its time, we have Halo which really should be acknowledged for innovating console fps and multiplayer, cod's role was just popularisation. The Sims definable is a more important game than Deus Ex so that should probably sit on a 'greatest of all time' list in its place.

What did Halo innovate?

Became the first good 3d scifi game.