What's the story here? Did they intentionally make this game annoying as fuck to play?

What's the story here? Did they intentionally make this game annoying as fuck to play?

Attached: Mega Man X6 (1P) (USA).png (512x521, 579.57K)

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Cash grab rushjob. There wasn't even supposed to be an X6, X5 transitions straight into the Zero series. Capcom wanted to squeeze a few more dollars out of the PS1 before PS2 took hold so they had a team put this together quickly and quietly. A shame, there's some solid ideas but clearly not enough time was given to do them right.

Play the fan patch.

Attached: 1581097566161.jpg (1260x1721, 1.34M)

It was rushed
Redpill me on that


Never played x6, this level looks absurd

>this level looks absurd
That is all of x6

Is it worth playing? I like x1-3, and I like the zero games

Eh i would say one playthrough is worth to see how fucked it its, but the game music is great

It's underrated as fuck.

The game is different. Not necessarily in a bad way, just different.

Redpill this
*unzips dick*

>Never played x6, this level looks absurd

That's the worst level in the entire mega man series, and it's obvious it's a rushjob level. They repeat the mini boss like 5 times, and the mini-boss is designed so that it has nothing to animate.

Rush development

X6 stage design is rarely pitch perfect, it's either piss easy, hilariously short, or retarded hard, and the latter usually comes from a lack of playtesting with the nightmare effects. The game reeks of laziness. Still an interesting experience and it's not as much of a clusterfuck as X7 - at least X6 controls well enough - but it's far from a good game. So bad it's good at best.

I liked X6 way more than X5. X6 has some seriously bad design in places but it least it doesn't have
>Another shitty bike section
>A timer that punishes stage revisits early on
>RNG-based endings
>The permanent loss of a character and all of their upgrades if you get the bad ending path
>Having to choose between equipment part A or part B for each boss defeated, and even then you can straight up not get the option for all of them if you don't know to run down the timer before fighting your first boss
>Not being told what part A and part B even ARE when some of them are exclusive to a single character
>Boss levels that inflate boss HP, especially ridiculous in the endgame boss rush
>Hints that interrupt gameplay with obvious information like "don't touch those spikes"

Attached: 1479765894354.gif (256x199, 2.96M)

Only good thing in X5 was the X/Zero bossfight and even then it was fucked from a story perspective

God no, stages like Manowar in X8 and Warfly in X7 are worse. Hell, you could easily argue that Gate 2 from the very same game is worse. Heatnix is a good meme but it's not the absolute rock bottom, though it does summarize the spirit of the game well enough I suppose.

It amazes me that there are people who think X5 isn't the worse than X6. I love the series so I have a soft spot for it but I think its easily worse than X6

I ultimately agree. X6 is a mess but it's a beautiful one. X5 is not really any more successful in its ambitions while being a far blander game in the process.

And here come the X6 apologists. X5 may have a lot of bullshit but it doesn't commit the cardinal sin of being impossible to beat with vanilla X.

The gate stages
Ground scaravich
Infinity mijinion
All of x7

>X6 apologists = they think it's great because they said it's better than X5
People need to really learn to read the room and notice when a poison is obviously being picked.

I literally started out my post saying it has some awful design. Despite that bullshit I had much more fun playing X6.

Mijinion's stage is better than Heatnix's but the boss. Oh God, the boss. Scaravich is a good pick though. God fucking damn that stage.

They made a game that was actually a challenge for once and fucking morons think that's "bad".

For me X6 apologists are people who think it's not the absolute worst of the 6 first X games. I should have specified, fair enough.

You can hold that opinion I suppose but it's kind of childishly extreme.


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>Oh neat Mijinion is cloning himself
>And again
>And again
>And again
>Oh god make it stop
X6 is memorable for all the wrong reasons.

Well holy god damn, it's a stage so chock full to the brim with bullshit and I can still spend every waking second talking about what's going on. Since there's absolutely nothing noteworthy about the first battle I'll use this time to tell you exactly what sort of vomit you're watching pass itself off as genuine gameplay. These are the red donuts, they have four minute weak points and take dozens upon dozens of charged shots to kill. On its own, in a nondescript room, this is still so obviously a cheap thoughtless creation whose entire difficulty is based around tedium and rendering any conventional approach entirely pointless and overly ineffective. The only tolerable way to deal with these is to exploit giga attacks like the charged metal anchor or shining or the special reserve any armor you happen to be using. There's simply no justification that can lead anyone to believe Capcom threw these together for any reason other than to avoid having to try. I mean think about it, this is literally more basic than some regular enemies. It moves back and forth shooting projectiles, that's what it does. You can design the fucking AI for this oversized cunt in 30 seconds. I could replicate this so called design in the upcoming battles by taking this bastard, hastily drawing a bunch of rectangles in MS Paint with my eyes closed, cropping the fucker off in the middle of them without any consideration having put into whether or not the main character was equipped to handle some of the haphazard situations that crop up, and calling it a night by snorting my no doubt satisfying mountain of coke.

really? I Could swear I didnt have trouble 100% game.

X5 at least has redeeming qualities. Some of the cooler X side characters, some of the best character customization in the X series, a comprehensible story with a few good moments and a really satisfying elements.

X6's "redeeming" qualities are more like good ideas that were too rushed to make any real sense in context


its not, the armors are cool, they try new shit with the levels.
>oh no, that ONE gay jump
just get the upgrades, bucko.
meanwhile X5 bosses dont even have voice lines and those last stages are awful.

Except the game isn't challenging at all. There is no thought or design any nigger can make a clusterfuck piece of shit. When the game isn't filled with exactly one trillion hideous enemies it's an absolute joke.

Fuck unarmored X
Whole point of the series is to power up, besides x5 did the same thing.

At least X6 had the best armors.

Attached: X6armorshadow.jpg (824x836, 215.7K)

>unironically defending the inability to beat the game with Vanilla X
Now this is pod racing.

Admittedly I played X6 like 5 years ago but I don't remember it being bad.

>some of the best character customization in the X series

>Introduced having to get all four armor parts for a set before X can use any of them
>No way to know what boss parts you'll get unless you look them up
>Half of all parts are missable with no way to get them all


>you disagree with my self-imposed subjective opinion? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

x5 autists, everyone

This argument is faulty because the only reason X6 is a challenge, and I mean the ONLY reason, is because it's designed like shit. There's almost no satisfaction in clearing a stage like Scaravich, Mijinion, Heatnix or Gate 2 because all of them are clearly fucked up in some way. Now, there are some decently designed ones like Wolfang, Yammark, and if you can forgive the constant damage gimmick even Turtloid, but overall it's not really an organic challenge but rather tedious shit like blind jumps (and I'm hitting Mijinion for that one, not Yammark), miniboss gauntlets and agonizingly slow progression like in Player's stage that just make the whole thing a bit of a constant slog.

Whatever the hell happened to HideofBeast anyway?

Isn't the only thing holding vanilla X back is getting the Jumper part? Even then, there might still be some way to do it that I'm not thinking of.

i dont care about minimalist runs, the tools to beat the game are there.
and armorless X can beat the game with some minor upgrades.

Wish we could somehow retroactively fix his audio

X5 was the last game in the series but capcom decided to fore make another one at half the efort.
Only the Soundtrack is good but overall its poorly designed.

>Choose not to use power ups and ability game gives you

Counterpoint, he's complaining while also succeeding, making him an authority on why doing such a thing is so awful.

yeah but once you get them the suits are really fun and give meaningful gameplay style differences

X6 has good suits too and none of them are as stupidly broken as the falcon armor

And even though the reploid rescuing is annoying it's at least possible to get all the parts unlike in X5.

>X1 - Fantastic
>X2 - Good
>X3 - Mediocre
>X4 - Alright
>X5 - Shit
>X6 - Shit
>X7 - Shit
>X8 - Shit

What happened

I think its difficulty is overstated though, it's ass in parts of course, but it's absolutely doable.

I can't play Mega Man games the same ever since seeing those videos, hell even yesterday I was playing Mega Man 5 and I was commenting on it as I was that guy.

Decreased emphasis on good level design and increased emphasis on "cool" shit to put on the back of the box. Imo only 6 and 7 are truly shit but I understand your position

>X1 - Great
>X2 - Great
>X3 - Alright
>X4 - Great
>X5 - Meh
>X6 - ...Interesting
>X7 - Shit
>X8 - Alright

>hell even yesterday I was playing Mega Man 5 and I was commenting on it as I was that guy.
But there's nothing in MM5 that's nearly as bad as that Stage in MMX6, maybe a good portion of the Special Weapons are shit in 5, but that's about it.

I agree with this one, late games were still ok at worst

Attached: 1584686236199.jpg (480x360, 15.75K)

>X1: Fantastic
>X2: Great
>X3: Good
>X4: Good
>X5: Bad
>X6: Court Martial Offense
>X7: Objectively bad But I had fun with it, more than you can say for X6
>X8: What I played of it was Good.

he's still around, there are some unlisted mario maker videos on his channel.

Attached: Mega Man X6 Minimalist Speed Run - Blaze Heatnix.webm (800x450, 2.86M)

Of course, I'm just throwing an example even good Mega Man games I imagine that guy commenting on them the same way, even if he later gave his opinion of the different games and he has positive views of most of them even X6.

Nah, MM5 is like X3, shit's all fucked in terms of balance. The stage and enemy designs are really lazy and they "make up for it" by making everything (your charge shot included) hit like a tank. 5 isn't terrible but it is pretty fucking jank.

I really don't understand why people tolerate X8. Half the stages are shitty ride levels or minigames, the visual style is ass ugly, and the concept of having a big cinematic attack that completely halts all action and destroys the pacing entirely is so fucking retarded I don't know where to begin

It had some good music, I'm particularly fond of Bamboo Pandamonium's theme, but everything else was trash


I think it's pretty good despite the problems.

I think "court martial offense" is a bit much. Games like Megaman X6 and Sonic 06 stand as testaments to how much shit can get fucked up if you rush a game to hell, it shows how damaging that practice can be and for that I feel like their existence is deserved. Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Same goes for X7 in a way except that was a lesson that was learned back in 1997, not 2003.

Take Mega Man X4. First Mega Man game for the PS1. Hardware limitations cause some issues (like needing to split the stages in half because they're too long) but overall it was successful. Then make MMX5. Budget is a fraction of X4 on top of having a smaller dev time so you have to reuse what assets you can while all the new ones look like ass. Then make MMX6. Even LESS of a budget and dev time so it's all completely gone to shit.

I think the normal levels were ok, they finally(for now at least) killed Sigma for real and they salvaged Axl but fuck those ride levels and the cliffhanger

But MMX6 isn't a broken buggy mess.

That and MMX5 was meant to be the ending of the series.

Yes. As shown by how the patchtweaker makes the game fun once you remove all the bullshit you dont like

Because half the stages are good and the best since X4. Booster Forest, Pitch Black, Primrose, Noah's Park, Metal Valley and Sigma Palace are worth more than what X5-X7 offer. Yes, X8 has its shit stages but it's not nearly as bad off as what immediately preceded it. Also, Hard mode is a lot of fun and makes the 2 character dynamic worth something.

That's not really all that relevant. The reason X6 is shit is because there was no money or time put into it. Narrative integrity doesn't actually have a large effect on how a game looks and plays.

X8 also forces you use the super duper uber mega special move for reasons, which is something that dude on YouTube complains about on X6, why even give you the option to do things one way but then design the levels in a way it becomes practically impossible to do it that way?

>X1 - really good
>X2 - really really good
>X3 - pretty neat
>X4 - ok
>X5 - good (inb4 "ahahaha")
>X6 - bad unpatched, really good patched
>X7 - good (inb4 "AHAHAHAHA")
>X8 - really good

Attached: 1566607669109.jpg (2171x3168, 3.66M)

x8 is not shit

I only change X to be Amazing and X6 to good.

X9 when? Not on mobile please.

I think you're far too kind to these games, and I don't think the difference between patched and unpatched X6 is that vast.


Player Zero vs Boss X is so stupid its loops into funny
>Zero get back to base!
>No you get back to base
>He went maverick shoot him!
>Ah fuck, i knew this would happen but i was expecting a better excuse

Attached: 1584126573970.jpg (1026x361, 126.92K)

Good opinion, but I think X6 is the best one aside from 1 and 2 in spite of its myriad flaws.

>But MMX6 isn't a broken buggy mess.
Play Metal Shark Player or Blizzard Wolfang with the nightmare silhouette enemies around and tell me with a straight face it isn't broken. The stage designs are dodgy enough as they are but the nightmare effects were straight up not playtested.

There is a patch?

It genuinely kinda impresses me how people still have hope for the X series when it's done nothing but disappoint for half its installments.

>I think you're far too kind to these games,
I grew up with Adventure era Sonic games so that might be it

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>X1 - Great
>X2 - Good
>X3 - Alright
>X4 - Very Good
>X5 - Alright
>X6 - Okay, not as bad as people like to say
>X7 - Shit
>X8 - Okay

>X7 - good
You have literally never played a good 3D game in your life. X7 is so fundamentally outdated in its design approaches that it's like it was designed by a bunch of people who never played Super Mario 64 or Ocarina of Time and therefore do not have any underlying reference on how to do even the most basic functions like camera perspective and combat in 3D. It's not a bad Megaman game, it's a bad video game period.

actual people do, it's just NPCs such as yourself that get filtered by anything different