Remember when people were swearing up and down that this would happen, but Nintendo didn’t want to? Good times

Remember when people were swearing up and down that this would happen, but Nintendo didn’t want to? Good times

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Where is his spirit event then?

Did you not read what I said? Nintendo didn’t want anything with Doom

He's in

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looks bland as fuck.

>that punch

I hope the design on the right stays as far away from Smash as possible. It would be like if K. Rool had pic related as an alt or if Banjo had his Nuts and Bolts design as an alt.

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Don't worry, Sakurai always go for the classic look.

The 2016 suit is so soulless

fucking hell, this image really shows just how much better the old design is. did nudoom artists think if they kept adding bullshit details we wouldn't notice how terrible it looks?

>Nintendo has no interest in making Doomguy DLC
>Sakurai puts him in as a premium mii costume
This is the most likely outcome.

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Why do people want Doom Slayer in a children's party game where he'd be out of place rather than MK11 Where he'd fit much better.

2016's design looks like it was vestigial from when they wanted to make him Haloman rather than the Doomguy. Eternal tried to move more in the direction of Doomguy while still being over-designed but now people don't like that because it's different from 2016 (wtf why does he bare amrs, wtf why can you see his face).

Because literally nobody plays that garbage besides normalfags

>b-but muh celebration of video games!1!

>Doom Slayer
you can stop calling him that now, the flashback revealed his real name is Doomguy

he's both. He's Doomguy, Doom Marine, The Doom Slayer, He's also just called DOOM

I choose to believe those are his titles, and that his real name was Doomguy F. Taggart the whole time

his real name is doomguy. doomslayer is what the demons call him
in conclusion: is a fucking demon

Why not just call him Marine?

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The Doom Marine was a different guy though, assuming you mean the one in Doom 3

"Marine" (real name: Mario Reen) is the protag of Doom 3

I mean in general.

Still not deconfirmed.

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they call him doom marine in Eternal

The UAC in nuDoom classify him as the "Doom Marine"
Because we've been calling him Doomguy for the last couple of decades and now the game uses it, might as well stick with it

Bethesda recently said they didn’t take it seriously

Says who? He might get in later, there are still 6 open slots

Why did he beat her up and not someone demon-related?


>Nintendo didn’t want anything with Doom
The whole series is on the Switch

DOOM Slayer sounds cooler tho

oh wow hats


it sounds corporate

You're legitimately fucking blind, Eternal is the same exact shit as 2016 except even more needless bullshit detail.

We already have three M-rated guys in Smash. People just want their favorites in at this point. I'm still hoping for Travis.

Attached: Moe.jpg (1024x768, 405.03K)

>Eternal is the same exact shit as 2016 except even more needless bullshit detail.
yes but what I said is still true

>Quake Champions model

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Oof welp I guess it's not happening yet. Still is possible though.

Thank goodness Sakurai actually cares about the characters more than the companies themselves.

Id cum buckets if Travis ever got in

>still hoping for Travis
Sakurai and Nintendo love adding generic anime sword users so I doubt he's coming.

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Here's your moveset, bro

Attached: doomguy_moveset.png (1000x1500, 1.09M)

>implying normalfags don't play Smash.

People besides normalfags play smash.
Absolutely nobody gives a single shit about MK11 besides retarded normalfags, the game is a joke amongst the FGC even moreso than Smash is and nobody actually takes it seriously in any capacity besides retarded normalfags.

His up B sounds retarded as fuck.

Rocket jumping in its vertical form isn't in Doom but it'd be a nice nod to Quake and other FPSs that feature the mechanic

Why not just give him his chainhook (whatever the fuck you call it) to grapple onto stages ala Byleth?

And Grant Kirkhope straight up said to "not count it" when asked about Banjo. Ofc they don't want people to know for sure, they want to keep the surprise

I think the retarded part is a recovery that works best actually on the stage, so not a recovery

Chain/hook recoveries are just cliche, man. Plus, the moveset is supposed to be transferable between classic Doomguy and modern Doom Slayer - old Doomguy doesn't really have an equivalent whereas both Doomdudes have a Rocket Launcher.

It would also work on stages with walls to recover off of, but yes, it would mean Doomguy is gimped on any stage that's floating.

>old doomguy doesn't really have an equivalent whereas both Doomdudes have a Rocket Launcher
You are aware that the smash roster are composite characters of themselves, right? We might see old Doomguy sporting Doom Slayer's equipment.

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The best up B would be to have him just use a teleporter, since the UAC experimenting with teleportation is what caused the whole thing in the first place.

They're the same character in-universe so is it really that big of a deal?

>Another good character as a mii gunner skin

so he'd just look like the classic outfit in Eternal with the added mounted gun and arm blade

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I'm not the one in the director's chair making these silly movesets, it's mostly just personal autism about how I'd craft them - while they are the same character, they represent two different eras.
That's my idea of his playstyle - think like the Belmonts but a lot more aggressive, agile, and more in-your-face, but he shares the same downfall of a weak recovery.

this image ignores the cool stuff that was added with nudoom that could work in smash, namely the glory kill grabs and the grappling hook

>side special: grappling hook
brings Doomguy to enemies or ledges if it connects, can be aimed
>special gimmick: glory kill
at high enough percents (based on weight, preferably) grabbed enemies can be glory killed

super shotgun could just be his smash attacks

Who made this?

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I'm partial to just Doom. Kinda like Duck Hunt.

Not necessarily but yeah, pretty much.

I havent seen animations that bad since Overwatch

the animations remind me of those ads for bootleg chinese mobile games