He works for an intergalactic government.
His name literally means "Government Man"
He is (G)ordan Free(man).
your mom
an official for the government that presides over all of reality
he's a hatched grub mind
Wouldn’t the combine absorb something as simple or quaint as a galactic government? this faggot FUCKS WITH TIME
no, he's your mom
Fuck off Joe, you aren't funny and neither is your brother.
>this faggot FUCKS WITH TIME
For all we know he's one of the highest ranking members of his government, plus time travel to them could be like driving a car too us. It's something so common for them that they don't think anything of it because they're so advanced. Also learn to speak English faggot.
Perhaps what he is is not important, but rather what he can offer you in exchange for posting this thread.
glow in the dark CIA nigger
>It's something so common for them that they don't think anything of it because they're so advanced.
That’s what gets me. Any entity like that would have every reality and every timeline and hell every universe at the tip of their finger, ready to call on for whatever. Why waste time meddling in affairs of lesser beings? What kind of creatures are these ?
Better yet what the fuck kind of payment do you give to what is tantamount to gods??
CIA are not gods
At the end of HL2, Breen mentions that your contract is open to the highest bidder. I wouldn't doubt if the Gman's motivations change from game to game because of this. I don't think he works for anyone permanently.
I see a problem with this whole premise: why would G-Man need humans for anything at all? The conflict he's involved in exists at such an absurd scale that nothing that Gordon Freeman or Alyx do should matter.
Exactly. Him and his whole collective are so far beyond one world line I don’t get why the bother interacting with lesser beings. Also brings my next question. What the fuck are people bidding to win contracts from these entities that is actually enough to get their attention ?
we don't know what all gman is involved with
A product of NuValve.
Hey man, the right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world
There's parallel dimensions, time travel and all kinds of crazy shit. If the G-Man has opposition, it should realistically have the power to just blink Freeman out of existence.
it's some terminator tier time tarvel though so you're wrong
He’s an angel. That actually makes sense if you think about it
he's the devil and you made a deal with the devil xD
A jew
>represents a force that concerns all reality
>can’t change free will but can “nudge” stuff
so what are his powers exactly?
Looks like moving through time and standing in the background
Weird freaky cosmic entity that exists in 3D and above. The physical G-man is just a puppet that a much greater being wears to communicate in 3D. Who knows, but it better not be muh lovecraftian
>Biblical angels are at the worst terrifying and at the best human looking but slightly off
It's bullshit but it's not the worst theory I've heard.
but he can also take you and move you elsewhere right?
right he did that, too, a few times.
Get game theory on it
>Ordan Free
yeah so he can physically interact with the human world so what are his limitations?
I don't think the people who wrote him even knew at all. They just wanted to be creepy.
I'll repost my post from a different thread. I saw the ending, doesn't it confirm that GMAN is part of an alien race than can control space and time? If anyone here has seen Star Trek TNG it seems like he's sort of like the Q.
Who cares? This is a ridiculous lost-tier story.
A surprise bullet through his head would probably not do him any good.
but why does he have to make you do shit for him?
maybe alien orgies are the best, what do i know..
So how am I suppose to play this game if I have no VR???
ah wait i took that as why does he do shit for his employers.
it's easier having someone else do the job than having to do it yourself?
Man, he's so hot.
With Half-Life's theme of being grim dark in the background I'd have to say he and Freeman are the same in a metaphorical sense. They're both beings that are contracted by a higher force, likely the combine themselves, to run around in this little rat-race they set up for their own amusement or some kind of advanced reasoning we cannot comprehend. That's the theme that runs through the series too, is that everything is a slave to something bigger in some sense. There's always a higher hand holding the leash for all sides. Half-Life is basically slave proxy wars for even bigger slaves. Half-Life 2 is the same.
I'm not saying it's an interesting or particularly good theme, but it's the obvious one that permeates through all games in the series.
well what's his end game then?
Time lord.
Personally I think he's just some Combine higher up. That's testing humanity to see if they're worthy of being a non slave race
Im in charge here
What I don’t understand is if Gman let Alyx save Eli, who was the Alyx that was around in HL2? What happened after she failed saving Gordon? Did she just turn around and go back? Did Gman mind wipe her? Are there 2 Alyx’s? I don’t get it.
maybe he would get hunted down and killed if he doesn't do what his employers tell him to do.
like he tells alyx that she pretty much has no other choice than do their bidding after getting forcibly employed at the end of this game.
And for the aliens it's pretty much just like in that one south park episode where earth is a TV channel for their own amusement And they just wanna sit back and have orgies.
in the next half life episode it is revealed it's part of the rick and morty universe
There’s a difference between a human and a player controlled character. Gordon doesn’t have writing so he’s more problematic. Alyx was given a voice, so she can’t think for herself.
Marc Laidlaw wrote him, and he literally wrote a sci-fi book with "lovecraftian god" themes. I think he was just interested in scale, like a lot of sci-fi and horror writers who get pinned as being "lovecraftian". G-man and the Combine have a scale so far beyond the characters it is hard to imagine who Gordon Freeman or Alyx Vance could ever actually matter in the Half-Life universe. They best they may be able to hope for is getting the Combine off of earth, since the Combine suck at teleporting, and so even this multidimensional empire has some limits that almost further emphasize its scale, that even if they were somehow actually ejected from earth it wouldn't reflect at all on how dominant and massive their reach is.
But Gman and his employers are so mysterious and powerful you have no idea what they are at all. The Combine have a goal, universal empire, but Gman seems like some mix between a broker for mercenary services and a representative of something way bigger. There is no indication what the bigger organization is, and if he is a broker then what the hell do you pay a time travelling, teleporting, multidimensional thing? Who pays that?
Time travel is shit writing in every single case
There's no a good expiation
He's a mysterious mystery man.
Laidlaw is hack who 100% didn't come up with any explanation.
a deus ex machina
I assume gman is like in a higher dimension and can interact with the lower dimension you are in, therefore the beings that hire gman also are in that higher dimension, if not even higher than him
what i got out of the ending is that ep2 ending and hlvr ending happen in the same time.
when alyx sees his dad die in the ending, she is both in the future and the present. what gman presents to her as a "vision" is the present. basically alyx jumps to the end of hl2 and does her thing then jumps back in time BUT at the end of ep2, gman snatches her
i'm sorry, it's late and i'm rambling
what I mean with this that to the other beings gman is not higher dimensional, he's to them like a fellow man is three dimensional to you for example
What if G-Man stand of Game Man? The reason why Gordon is the only true "FreeMan" is because of the player output while everyone else is programed in a set path.
The Alyx you play as in HL:A is the same one from HL2/EP1/EP2. She saves her father and is sent to where she was before meeting the G-Man. Then she goes through the events of HL2/EP1/EP2 and is snatched at that point.
But wait, why does it matter if Combine holds onto Earth forever in the first place?