Tifa's game comes out soon!

Tifa's game comes out soon!

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Other urls found in this thread:


She's been pozzed with shit tits to appeal to the ResetEra trannies, fuck off.

Can't wait!

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My dick isn't cut out for these constant tifa threads.

Ya seethe? ResetEra always wins, bay bay. This game is gonna sell a billion copies and prove your shit "Get woke, go broke" meme wrong and there's nothing you can do about it.

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it's gonna flop

Take your medication.
I think they'll push the release date back because of covid-19 even though they said they won't. I hope I'm wrong tho.

go back you insufferable faggot

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you are, actually

Stop samefagging, nigger.

Last year already refuted the "Get woke, go broke" meme hard, but this year is gonna make that look like child's play.
>Final Titsize 7: Reduction is gonna sell like hotcakes
>Resident Evil 3: Goblina is gonna sell like hotcakes
>The Pozzed of Us 2 is gonna sell like hotcakes
>CyberTranny: Haitian Hackers 6969 is gonna sell like hotcakes
We only grow stronger, ResetChads.

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I can pirate this shit game and never give you a cent ever again.

>pushing digital release back

for what fucking purpose
it's already been delayed

Cloud loves Aeris

>it's gonna flop
>He actually believes this
Yas Forumsniggers are delusional beyond belief. We ResetChads are gonna obliterate you again, just like we did last year, and just like we're destined to do forevermore.

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>Square Enix's face when they read this post
They are on the right side of history. Money is not a concern for them. But I'm sure they're really heartbroken about the 400 Yas Forumsniggers that are gonna have to go be jizzheads somewhere else.


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We'll see, won't we? :)
Well, you won't, you'll have kys by then

Tifa's game came out over two decades ago.

ignore doomers, ignore Yas Forums, ignore barry, just post tifa

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I fucking hate you so much

Are people seriously still talking about her breast size of all things? wtf is Yas Forums seriously this retarded?


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They turned a sex icon into a chestlet and admitted it was for ethic concerns. You'd have to be a cuck not to talk about it.

not all the quoted posts are

i dunno if im going to be able to pick my copy up at best buy

>no turn-based system
yep, i ain't buying shit.

This isn’t Tifa.

can you repeat that

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It is all so tiresome. I hope they rangeban this motherfucking retard.

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>imagine being this retarded
Am I the only normalfag here who doesn't give a shit about pointless politics?

>rangeban Aerith


>It is all so tiresome
I agree, developers from all over the world giving in to tranny demands when they don't even play vidya needs to end.

if you call this a chestlet you are genuinely retarded

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Why do we allow people that literally brag about corrupting this industry to shit on our board? Why isn't this faggot banned? Why is /asp/ not eliminated from Yas Forums?

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>who doesn't give a shit about pointless politics?
I don't care either, but they're the ones who try to push their "political correctness" into vidya. I'm fucking tired of it.

>SE Toby
>Square Enix - Community Manager
Surprise, surprise. Who wants to bet this is the faggot that convinced the "ethics team" to make Tifa a tranny?

Why do we allow Yas Forums to shit on our board and make every single thing about their fucking agenda, even when Tifa clearly has massive tits in this game too? All they do is derail threads by making them about themselves. How is that any different than what furries or bronies did back in the day?

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more like squaew enix's ethics departments game, right?

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You do realize that Tifa is more than cowtits, no? pretty sure triple d is still pretty large by modern standards

>But the ResetEra tranny shitting this thread up is totally ok
Hmmmmmm, really makes you think
>Tifa clearly has massive tits in this game too

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I'll be eating this on the night her game releases.

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you're being trolled you idiot. literally how could the "resetera" user be any more obvious? i mean it, make a more obvious troll than that. do you really think those faggots leave their hugbox?

Her outfit, face, and general anatomy look like trash. And she has the tits of a granny from the front.

doomies on overdrive

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Yeah, youve posted already in some posts above

you've watched so much hentai that you're confused when you see actual realistic big tits

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why would you do this

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There are currently 17 posters in this thread. FF7R has zero hype.

I really dont know who the fuck is trollint who anymore

>post multiple pictures of tifa with big tits in the remake
>they keep posting one picture at one angle that makes her breasts looks smaller

>muh realism
Literally tranny talk

enjoying the shit out of Alyx's game at the moment, but can't wait for Tifa's too

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yeah, the hell? the tranny trolls really coming out in force today, eh?

Pitiful "tits", if you can even call them that

Calls anything smaller than absolute hentai cowtits a tranny
>literally autism