Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3 did not predict anything about the government. The game just had ideas about modern society and current events that were bound to happen sooner or later.

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Yeah whatever

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I mean... no shit? Whats the difference between that and a prediction? “Bound to happen sooner or later”.


hindsight is 20/20 eh?

Ok what are some more things that are bound to happen sooner or later?

based retard

>didn't predict
>bound to happen
you what mate

MGS2 wasn't set on predicting anything retard, the game proposed an idea based on observation of small groups in the late 90s. The fact all that shit became reality is the frightening thing. It wasn't supposed to happen because the whole idea was that the Patriots weren't supposed to be right, yet the stupid world proved them right because we're clowns.

No one with a brain said it predicted anything, Kojima's commentary was about imageboard and internet culture already present in Japan and that would only arrive later at the West, Yas Forumstards try to twist the meaning of this game to fit their agenda.

Kojima just flings a bunch of topical shit at the wall then some of it sticks and gets credited as a genius. Same thing happened with him predicting Corona with a game about a divided america.

Embarrassing post

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I only liked MGS2 because of that cute twink Raiden otherwise I would have never touched it

I prefer the Tumblr version.

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ok retard

If MGS 2 predicted anything, it’s that Kojima fans always have their noses glued to conspiracy theories. Also, just because it didn’t predict anything doesn’t mean that the ideas of the game aren’t any less credible.

but what about Meme Stranding, and our current predicament?

is Kojima on another level?

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>didn't predict
>bound to happen

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Wasn't Death Stranding about predicting a viral catastrophe? Something that's happening right now?

An asteroid, a pandemic, a terrorist attack, increasing government surveillance, droughts, etc

Yes, technically, in the sense that
>The game is set in an apocalyptic United States, where a cataclysmic event known as the "Death Stranding" caused "Beached Things" ("BTs")—invisible creatures originating from the "Beach", lands thought to be unique to each person that are typically visited during near-death experiences and are said to be the link to the afterlife—to begin roaming the Earth. BTs cause explosions known as "voidouts" when they consume the dead by necrosis, and produce rain known as "Timefall" that rapidly ages and deteriorates whatever it hits. These events damaged the country's infrastructure, leading its remaining population to confine themselves to remote colonies known as "Knot Cities," which form the remaining "United Cities of America
Is a prediction of a virus.

The topic of information control and related conspiracies has been talked about for decades --at the very least, every1 knows Brave New World-- before mgs2 came out by philosophers, essayists, etc.. Things that come to mind are Society of the spectacle by Debord, the Gulf War Did Not Happen and Simulacra by Baudrillard, Foucalt's Pendulum by Umberto Eco, and more. It's basically some mix of simulation theory and conspiracy memes. Basically postmodern philosophy the video game.

Watch superbunny hop it's really good youtube.com/watch?v=T-2YuPGYabw

read gamasutra.com/blogs/BrettFujioka/20130306/187916/Japanese_Postmodernism_and_Fandom_The_Rise_of_Raiden_and_What_Kojima_Really_Meant.php

Here kojimbo references some big guys in postmodern philosophy youtube.com/watch?v=15kT9c0ayO4&t=25m38s

But mgs2 isn't necessarily groundbreaking in philosophy just like the Matrix wasn't. It's just postmodernism woven into a videogame to pretty good effect. There have been many films and books (often post-modern anti-capitalist/corporatist) about similar topics. I don't see how much he has 'predicted'.

Can some1 get Zizek to play the game?

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>did not predict anything
>bound to happen sooner or later
Which is it OP?

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I think MGS3 is overrated

2 was always superior. 3 Was a fucking stupid 007 flick.

that's kinda what I implied with my post user, yes

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MGS 2 and 3 are the reason why Sony needs Kojima and not the other way around. As far as predicting world events and the government collapsing, people have been talking about that since we went to war with Vietnam.

pandemics have been around since the dawn of time. It's nothing new. Just google how many pandemics/plagues have been recorded since ancient times (Afaik black plague was even due to euros trading with chinks and being exposed to their pests lmao).

he's saying mgs didn't predict shit since that info was all out there already

More MGS memes please

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fans say that MGS3 predicted stuff?

I know MGS2 fans will not shut the fuck up about it predicting shit. Then again they still spout the "Snake died on the tanker 2 years ago" shit unironically so who cares what those retards thinks.

Deus Ex did it a year before MGS2

>does not predict anything
>things it claims to predict happened because they were bound to
yeah im thinking OP is retarded

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Who would win
Naked snake or Venom snake

>you now remember when people were saying how mgsv was bad ON PURPOSE so you could feel phantom pain yourself.
Kojimadrones live in a different dimension.

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yeah, that is stupid


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maybe mgs2 is 2deep4u user.
i’m more of a Diablo kind of a man.

I still think that, though it wasnt bad

>ideas about modern society and current were bound to happen sooner or later
And that right there is how we all got hooked onto Kojima in the first place

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Holy shit, this guy cracked it. Kojima's genius after all these years has been dissected by this amazing user. The man predicted a virus that threatens our way of life and even our very lives. Kojima is on another fucking level, bros, its unreal.

this but unironically

>did not predict
>bound to happen

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Now do the one after MGSV, where all MGS discussion died forever.

how is this unpopular?
video games don’t predict happenings.

or am I playing them the right way?

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You're right. It's just that weebs/otakus venerate Kojimo because they don't consume stuff other than visual novels, vidya, and anime.

Hayter is fucking shit voice actor and I'm glad he was canned for V

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What ideas about modern society and current events that were bound to happen sooner or later do you have then, mr faggot?

yeah, mgs didn't predict it since it was all already predicted. learn to read.

it did predict that the commercial would still be funny years later

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I like that theory, it's completely fucking bullshit but it sounds cool. Just like that MGS4 accelerated aging theory

>Just like that MGS4 accelerated aging theory
Can you give the gist of that? Never heard of it.

you should’ve spoiler’d that image bro.
Yas Forums might look at this the wrong way.

So basically kojima, seeing the trends in popular shooting games of the time (CoD, Battlefield etc.) wanted to show people what would happen if Konami forced him to make MGS for eternity by accelerating the aging of MGS4. Snake being old is just a metaphor for MGS as a whole - instead of sneaking around like he did in previous games MGS4 didn't punish players for going in guns blazing, instead giving them a plethora of weapon to choose from thanks to Drebin. This accelerated aging is difficult to explain but it's easier seen in the game's plot. Explaining everything via nanomachines son, Big Boss showing up out of nowhere, Johnny being an actual character, Liquid Snake being not Liquid at all, Raiden holding back a fucking ship - all of these retarded concepts are kojima accelerating the aging of MGS. Basically imagine if all the retcons, plottwists and plotholes of MGS kept piling on for 30 years longer than necessary. Kojima wanted MGS4 to feel like MGS100 if that makes any sense, this is hard to explain without sounding like a retard but I hope you got some of that.

Here are some literary works and authors that inspired kojima.

>Hayter is fucking shit voice actor
He is bad, but his mgs1 performance was pretty good, i think

Anything that has a meta that transcends predictable video game tropes always get popular interest hence why yoko taro and kojima are loved

>Yas Forums might look at this the wrong way
when have they ever looked at anything the right way?

That's a real hot take there, user

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