Nintendo loves Mexicans?

How come they love Mexicans so much? I always thought that Mexico was an irrelevant third world country.

>>New Animal Crossing game has elements of Mexican culture like China Poblana, Mariachi,etc.

>>Mexican Mario and a Mexican themed kingdom in Odyssey

>>Splatoon 2 inspired in Mexico

>>The best Super Smash player in the World is Mexican, and he won the largest Smash 4 prize pool and 2 EVOS

>>Several Mexican inspired Pokemon like Hawlucha, Ludicolo, Pikachu Libre,etc

>>Breath of the Wild, Warioware 3DS getting Mexican dub

>>Mexico has its own official Nintendo magazine

>>Mexico is the only country with access to the E-shop in latam

>>Mexicans got their own Nintendo Doritos

>>Best Super Smash Bros Ultimate Player is Mexican

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Other urls found in this thread:

shut the fuck up already

>As someone LatinX
This is how you know someone isn't actually Mexican but just LARPing as one.

Do chicanos really?

Mariachi are tons of fun. Really if you look past the actual people, mexican/latin stuff is pretty cool.

>Why does [local population] like [exotic foreign culture]?

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It's nothing but the same garbage brought by the burgers and chicanos

Pues México tiene una cultura bella e interesante, aunque en la actualidad el país esté echado a la mierda. No me sorprende que Nintendo se inspire en algunas cosas de la cultura. Me da gusto que nos representen en sus juegos de una manera prudente y agradable.

Arriba el Cruz Azul

Second this makes no fucking sense to an actual Spanish speaker.

Because Mexicans are cool, and don't get offended by being represented

oh look another chicano pendejo

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is that a terrorist group or something?

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They couldn't change Japan and now they target the Hispanics

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Cállate el hocico, pendejo nalgas miadas

El chicANO

Remember when they gave mario a mariachi outfit and everyone except mexicans got offended. Dont they love shit like Speedy Gonzales over there?

you can think a country has a neat culture while also giving zero shits about said country.
why do you think weebs are so common?

Mariachi is A E S T H E T I C

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am*rican retard detected!

Is that a gender?

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did Chicanos really become this retarded?

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They can try

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>praising Mexican culture

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Chicanos were indoctrinated by leftists, yes

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>game he loves includes references to non-white culture
>game he hates includes references to non-white culture

they're fucking retarded
>it exists it's just "latin"

im calling OP's post the schizo format

Mexico has a unique and very reconignisable culture

>chicanos be like

>a rose con free how less, pour faboar

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Are chicanos the most despicable creatures on Earth?

>tries to legalize gay marriage and abortion in a country dominated by rigid catholicism
kek indeed

Pretty much

Mexico culture is unique, South Americans don't have any culture at all.

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Yet Latin América doesn't get its own Nintendo Division.

We are Latin transhumans. We're going to play KOF98 using the neural link hardware and watch Dragon Ball directly on the hippocampus .

Este puto no es mexicano lol

right-wing conservatives aren't in power anymore and they're terminally retarded religious fanatics.

OP, did you just search "latinx" to find this?

For what fucking purpose, how do you even pronounce it? What was wrong with Latino?

Why the fuck does the guy in the OP even care if he's Latino? Mexican is Hispanic, so I'm assuming the guy is from Brazil or some shit since he identified as Latino

Are SJWs really in Mexico now?

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its just american leftists attempting to destroy your language and culture like they've done their own

It's just white cultural imperialism from lefties.

How did Leftists destroy the English language?

Or the culture? The culture is still there

>Yet Latin América doesn't get its own Nintendo Division.

Nintendo only cares for Mexicans, South America is irrelevant.

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nx is gender neutral.

>As someone LatinX
Don't you just love second generation internationals that know absolutely nothing about their heritage. Like that one faggot who runs a forum that hates his country.

spain is fucked

SJWs have a problem with the Spanish language because it's gendered, Latino implies Male and Latina implies Female. Anyone who says Latinx is probably from USA, and either a poser or someone who's never had any interaction with the cultures to begin with

Quick rundown?

who is this?

Nigga only my mom is mexican and I was mainly raised white but I'm more latino than whoever made that tweet
Latinx my ass

>so I'm assuming the guy is from Brazil or some shit
Worse. LA.

But Latino means both male and female.

It's like mankind. What the heck, that hard x doesn't exist I think normally in Spanish it sounds like it doesn't flow, it's like a hard stop to make that x sound.

It's like it would be yeah yo so latinks, parte de la latinks comunidad

It just sounds ugly, sorry Spanish isn't native to me so I can't compose it well.

>don't get offended by being represented
probably this.

My sister, please don't fantasize about her.

>Mexicans are the only ethnicity of people who don't get anally blasted when you use stuff from their culture
>Mario had a whole level and only white people got mad about Mexicans loved it

Dare I say it? Based?

>SJW in Mexico

not really,but since 2014 there's traps and trannies,we have "feminazis" so eventually SWJ are going to appear

also thanks to modern media now everyone gets offended like the maricones they are

Latino is male, but male is default in Spanish when referring to a group of both genders

think like nino and nina. Much in the same way they could consider "German" to be gendered.

This is who you are dealing with. Don't argue with them, eliminate them.

can someone tell chicanos that they aren't "latinxs"

fuck off mexican

Well that's the case with every nation's "representation" of latin America.
Brazillians = Party mexicans
Spanish = Sexy white mexicans
Miami Cubans = Racist white mexicans
Everywhere else is just Mexico.

Who doesn't?

Yeah but it means both. When you have little kids of both genders you would use ninos. You're not literally saying boys, it's understood as kids.

duuno what he was talking about, but our government fucking sucks
the leaders are conistantly throwing shit at each other without doing literally anything
we got assravaged by the virus because we don't have proper security protocols
our past government cut a lot of healthcare budget (don'tn know how to name it properly) and now we need a lot of shit
the same guys that are complaining about not having enough hospitals and doctors are the same who cut that budget
so we're filled with retards, a lot of infected people, deads, etc
and there's a lot more, but I guess that guy was talking about this

Gendered languages are wack

Pero que chingados tienen en la cabeza estos chicanos. ASI NO SE HABLA CARAJO.

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Or a second or third generation hispanic who has lived their entire life in the United States and doesn't even speak spanish or have any connection to their culture.

we are too busy trying to survive stray bullets to care about some dumb company putting mexican shit on their games

Not like what you're saying is any better, subhuman beaner. Spics are scum.

Mexicans are actually very talented, great and skilled players. Most South Americans and Spaniards are dumb when it comes to competitive gaming.

>Best Speedrunner of retro games in the world is Mexican


>Best Super Smash Bros player in the world is Mexican (MKLEO), he also won the largest Smash Bros U pool prize and 2 EVOS

>Best Pac Man player in the world is Mexican

>One of the best KOF players in the world is Mexican
>Several great Gears of War players

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How so? Even Esperanto has genders.

What language doesn't have it?

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Says the one who’s acting like a scumbag

What the fuck I need those Wario Doritos.

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Can someone explain to me what chicano means?

Why you faggots are obsessed with spics?


Holy shit you niggers are obsessed. Are you honestly surprised Animal Crossing has random hats or whatever from around the world?

an american with Mexican parents, we hate them

sons of mexicans in the united states raised and living in the US

Motherfuckers that were born in Mexico, but grew up in the USA

If I visited Mexico what are the chances I get kidnapped and murdered? I'd love to go see the pyramids there but I don't want to die. I'm flip so I won't stand out like a white person but my shitty Spanish will give me away immediately as soon as I tlak

Americans in the US born to usually wetback Mexicans who married an american.

>If I visited Mexico what are the chances I get kidnapped and murdered?
0%, specially with the Ching Chong virus

None unless you actually go to the shit parts of the city, at night. Just like every other city in the world that is in poor conditions.

tourists only get kidnapped and killed if they go around showing off their money, buying drugs or buying lolis in acapulco

Just like every other city in the world that has places that are in poor conditions.*

t.burger n proud

tfw no qt Mexican gamer gf

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those are pochos