Granblue Versus


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No one asked for this lame shitty character.

So whats this guy's style going to be? It seems like Ladiva already fills the hand to hand slot

Keep SEETHING while I'm playing my old geezer!

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Ladiva is a grappler.
Soria is likely going to be an oppressive unga rushdown brawler.

My guess is a mix between Terry (power geyser while punching the ground and power dunk) and Akuma (multi hits shoryu that you can chain + Shun Goku Satsu super)

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*attacks twice*

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RPG mode is pretty cool, fun co-op-able beat em up that gives you skins. Does tower of babel eventually give crafting resources?

I wish co-op didn't feel like cheating, add another player in and bosses get destroyed easy.

Put some pants on

theres a trailer?

Tomorrow morning there will be!

Where is this screenshot from?
Do we have a Soriz trailer?
I thought it was supposed to be at 7:00PM JST


tomorow morning american time? or japan time

So how is this game doing? Did it sell well?

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My new main

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It sold really well, and even during the corona shit has a bunch of tournaments online in nipland. It's not as big in the west, although the steam peak population was higher than almost every other current gen fighting game at launch.

I think they only announced numbers from the JP/HK launch a month ago, haven't seen any word after that.


Well that's good to hear. I've been really enjoying the game and I'm glad it sold well

Funny how empty these threads are now that Strive announced rollback.

Don't be mad, the trailer for your tranny gran will be up next.
But tomorrow we celebrate based Soriz coming home.

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this. Gib more waifus.

It gives a bit of resources but it's better off to get them first on the Hard mode missions.
Much easier to farm there.

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He's the biggest reason I gave the game a bigger look and effort instead of just playing the same old stuff.

Sold really well and has players online all day on both platforms.

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Yeah it's nice that all the doomposters have moved on to something else.

Any lurking west coast piraters down for some games?

Dead in rooland, like every fighting game that comes out there

He’s probably gonna be a gorilla like Charlotta.

Multiple fixes patch
Probably keyboard problems

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Shit fuck i hate Narmaya and Charlotta's jump arch.
Delete small characters
T.BIG BOY main

Just play gran and boot them so hard that they ragequit. I love doing that.

>air grab a lancelot when he does a 22 special
I'm glad I watched some matches because this stuff is pretty great for making them stay the fuck down. you can even air block it if they do EX.

Is he the Jam function?

Nah, he mostly use punches and some kicks.
A standard brawler, if they want a Jam function, they will go for Aliza (it's a dream of her voice actress to voice a fighting game character).

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What are her chances for pass 3?

Fuck, I only liked Potato in the beta.

>When you're way behind as Ladiva but you land the 5U in the corner
You know what the best part is?
Everytime this happens all i can think about is how fair it is

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>When they talked about Ferry's announcement as a playable character in Granblue Fantasy Versus, Yonezawa Madoka stated that she became a voice actress because she wanted to be in a fighting game. Touyama Nao: "Congratulations, your dream came true!"
>When Touyama Nao noted that fighting games were not a common reason for people to go into voice acting, Yonezawa added that Takamori Natsumi (Aliza, Maekawa Miku) went into acting for the same reason. After that, they shouted at the staff to add Aliza to GBFVS.
Maybe they will do it to please her actress like they did with that Meterafag from their staff.

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If they add Aliza, there's a chance they might add her dork of a bf which is fine with me because I want more of that dumb Bollywood shit.

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dual unit character?

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>dual unit character
Gimme Dante with cat assists.

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Every fighting game needs a bald guy

If they're gonna add a dual unit character then it better be Drang and Sturm

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Wouldn't surprise me to see them on the second character pass, devs love them.

Would be fun if he appear during her super to save her

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Sturm Drang event next.

Anybody got a screen shot of Narmayas' Super Skybound Art like pic minus the training mode numbers?

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>tomorow morning american time?
It will be morning time for America

I'd want these guys. Lowain doesn't scratch my tag team itch.

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3am PST/ 6am EST

Who's gonna get the Zato/Carl puppet gimmick?

>devs love them.
Why do you parrot this about characters you don't like or care about?

Why doesn't drang expose his back? he's not a true erune

>why yes i only play Gran he is the main character after all

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I cry every time.

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>easy as fuck 5D combo that isn't even practical
'yeah this kind of thing is just like fuck new people'
based smash brainlet

Orchid without a doubt

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is there fanart for big charlotta?

Most Erunes do have backs exposed, while some don't. I once read somewhere that their fashion attire is a sign of their relationships and/or job status. But that was mostly fan speculation, and we haven't been given a real explanation on their fashion. So now, most fans have settled on it being simply for fetish reasons.

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these two

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i used to like leffen back when he played games he knew what the fuck he was talking about
i've never played guilty gear but owned it for years
i booted it up and immediately hit that first try and i'm way worse than him in every game he plays
he just whines to whine, anytime something doesn't click immediately it's bad for whatever reason

But I do like them?
And I'm not lying about devs loving them, they wanted to find a way to make them playable for a while before their units released in the mobile game, until they gave up and just gave them some unrelated side stories without them ever entering Gran's crew. Plus next event is about them.

Leffen unironically couldn't act more like a zoomer if he tried to


Probably a Videl and Saiyaman setup.