>People are so contrarian these days they want Doom and Half Life to fail
I dont understand. You want CoD and Fifa now?
People are so contrarian these days they want Doom and Half Life to fail
yes they are retards.
I can see why you would want Bethesda to fail
Valve is not the best company, but it's great that they can make innovative games
want new IP, not remakes and sequels
>they share a name with good games therefore they are good games
Vidya as a whole needs to fail to shake off the fags that turned the market into "cod and fifa".
But they are good games
Yas Forumsedditors pretend to hate everything that is even remotely popular
ignore them
They are as shallow as cod and fifa
Don't take people screaming on Yas Forums as any representation of actual people, or even the majority of Yas Forums goers
the anger is a constant we need to keep the board alive, it's what drives it
its just the same 3 people over and over again, you learn to ignore their posts.
>CoD bad!
You sound like a 15 year old contrarian yourself. Get a real opinion, npc.
these are the same redditors who voted for trump, they want everyone else to be as miserable as them
Contrarian spotted.
Ive been playing CoD longer than you been born, its shit now.
have you played either of those games?
People want everything to fail on this board. They desperately want another tortanic because they're too jaded to have fun with games anymore, the only fun they can feel is by mocking people and their projects and impatiently waiting for them to fail.
is this a new psyops? trying to bring gamers against trump?
>these days
Nothing new here, Yas Forumsermins have been trying to turn every major realease into TORtanic 2 ever since the original TORtanic.
>Implying CoD and FIFA are bas
where is the difference
How can we save AAA games?
whats wrong with remakes and sequels?
I hated CoD even when MW came out because it was normie shit and all the retards couldn't stop talking about it.
I pirated it and it wasn't even good.
I dearly want this "half-life" ""game""" to fail, yes.
1. Because it's not half life
2. Because its FUCKING VR. Dodgy, boring and shitty concept and the amount of money thats been dumped into the concept defies all reason. All VR ""games"" are janky dogshit at best. Fuck nuvalve and fuck VR trendoid fags.
>half-life games i can't play aren't hal-life games!
>i'm too poor for vr i hope it tanks!!
You are a child.
I would never touch that trash. 10 minutes of a let's play was enough to see they are bad
>Doom and Half Life to fail
Doom and Half-life won't fail because they were released decades ago and are already successful.
>You want CoD and Fifa now?
nuDoom and nuHalflife are basically CoD with a oldschool makeup for some "gamer" cred.
oh I have the money for VR hardware, I'm just not willing to pay for such a stupid gimmick. Continue to project your own buyer's remorse though lmao
>give the best exclusive ever to PC fats
>they hate it
It really tells something that if this was in ANY other platform it all the fucking shitheads on this board would be praising it like the second coming of Christ.
Yas Forums is always sucking Nintendo's dick tho
Modern Warfare (the new one) was GotY material user. Literally no other military shooter can compete.
This is what happens to someone's brain after too much exposure to consolewars. Very sad and sobering stuff
I dont care if either of them fail since they werent made for me.
Doom went normalfag and VR doesnt interest me.
>You want CoD and Fifa now?
Have you? Fps games literally can't be deep, it's in their nature.
Based and redpilled. FPS games are by their nature very simple and low iq
Higher standards. We are not shiteaters like you consoleplebs and only give praise when its well deserved (except pcbros, they will eat anything that disgusting fatass jew shits out).
>Higher standards.
But our top games are normalfag games.
Nice reading comprehension you faggot ass shill
>calling someone out on being a retard is now considered shilling
its just the trannies and furfags OP, real people like actual games that you mentioned. these degens like fortnite and call of duty and donate to streamers.
My favorite e-celeb said they're dumb and he doesn't like them, so I hate them.
Who are your favorite e-celebs?
Half Life was never good
Half life multiplayer was pretty fun
Are you ok?
Yeah you got filtered hard bud.
Half-Life was good a decade ago. So was Valve.
Now they're both pieces of shit. Mainly Valve for turning Half-Life into an experiment for their experimental VR meme.
I'm gonna assume you were in a coma for 10 years or something and just woke up yesterday.
>Literally no other military shooter can compete.
That's not saying much. You've played one, you've played them all.
I'll be honest, once I realized the games refused to just be games and must instead be married to business practices such as DLC/microtransactions/be a live service then I quit giving a shit about games. It's hard to love games when you can't just be immersed throughout the whole thing without constant bothering to buy something or DRM being shoved down the users throat all the time. So even when a game is good it's less impressive and free feeling than it used to be.
Yas Forums is retarded as always.
>Valve: *makes product exclusively for VR*
>me: cool, not really interested in VR though so I guess I won't buy it
You deserve to be raped to death with your mother's decapitated head btw
T. Third world poo
That wasn't Half Life
bethesda and valve are evil kikes whi don't deserve my money.
no wonder an anime pedophile can't see the jew behind the nostalgic carrot being dangled in front of his eyes.