Comfy Resident Evil 3 Thread

A thread for the purpose of discussing Resident Evil 3 (2020) which releases April 4th, 2020.

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Bump for Beret Carlos

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Is there a mod that gives him Leon's hair?

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>Suddenly fags are shitting on the entire endgame of the original RE3 because they need to defend the remake
Where were these complaints before?

Don't know I got the pics from this video:

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CAPCOM sycophants, I genuinely hope they are paid to do it though.

Reposting because it's still relevant
>Oh man, I don't like REmake 3 because [x]
Then don't fucking play it you idiots. The original game has never been more accessible, so long as you own ANY PC or a pre-PS4/Switch Sony or Nintendo console, you can play it, very easily.
>B-but it changed [x]
I don't care. We knew, literally since June 2018, these remakes would be very different. These games offer a chance to experience events from RE2 and 3 from a new perspective, with new character interactions, and we get to see a lot of the iconic moments on modern tech. If you don't like that, that's fine. Don't spam up a thread with seething anger then.
I will fucking PROVIDE the original Resident Evil 3 if you need it. Illegally, of course, but I fucking will, and I will walk you through getting the best version if that's what you need. Just shut the fuck up already.
I hope any of the people genuinely upset the REmake changed something now understand how I felt about the 2002 REmake removing a lot of my favourite moments and butchering a lot of my favourite areas.

Only a matter of time.

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Are there any leaked videos or screensthat showcase the end gameportions of RE3make? I'm curious to see what it may look like.

>why wasn't I hearing these complaints about a 20 year old game before the remake was announced?


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remake 3 sucks
we won

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>72 hs after the leak
>still no ending footage

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Terrible defense, you fags were praising the clocktower just days earlier until it was confirmed cut. You're transparent, and quite frankly, absolutely pathetic

tell 'em, bro

>that leon
where download

You know the drill: the hero defeats the evil and gets the girl

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Less weapons
No RPD last stand cinematic
Biomass nemmy look like my actual shit Intook this morning.

B-team blew it rebros... we lost.

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>fortnite fan thread

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>You trolls need to shut the fuck up, they'd never cut areas! The 3 endgame areas are all in the remake!

>Proof shows they aren't

>Who fucking cares about those areas? They all sucked and were never good! You should've expected them to be gone!

Fucking shameless.
Goes pretty well with VHS reshade.

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>How dare you criticize the development teams choice.
Imagine being a goddamn sycophant to a video game company. At least the Chinese do it in hopes of higher social credit score



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I bet she'd look in a blue dress

Looks like an 80s obscure movie with a sick soundtrack

Haha, I love this! Do you mind if I save it??!! My friends would LOL!!!

>Criticize the changes REmake made
>get you fucking faggots crawling out of the woodwork defending many of its casualizations and butcherings
Fuck right off with that shit.
I've grown, to accept any REmakes as being different games. I don't care what they cut or keep, all it needs to do is hit the same story beats to pass the "Yep, it's RE1/2/3 again" quota. Anything else, they can change, because REmake 1 dropped my fucking standards, and REmake 2 confirmed how I should perceive these games.
You fucking people are idiots that probably either don't play these games or are incredibly fucking new.

i think that's the idea of the mod, user

I'm hoping the modder will port the VHS reshade to RE3 as well.

Imagine you're one of the survivors in the back and she starts looking you like that. What do you do?

Look behind me to see if she's actually looking at someone else.

Nemesis was literally more threatening in 2d

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Excuse me for not sperging out over spiders and crows. I know Yas Forums hates everything but I've seen this movie before with RE2:Remake, you all flipped your shit over literally one of the best modern survival horror games ever made. The game isn't even out yet in the US and you've shat bricks over an easy ass forgettable minor boss and the same spiders and crows. I could give a fuck about the clock tower and dead factory too. What I've seen from RE3 is fantastic and if it plays as good as RE2, I can't wait.

Your whining isn't going to keep us all from liking it, like every other game Yas Forums shits on because they have autism.

Capcom shills hired from a "PR company". They are from SEA btw.


Michael is the shill, as are the people who spammed the doomposting

At least there's some good mods that aren't coomer shit. Thanks for sharing this. This looks like something you would find on residentevilmodding, not Nexus.

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I prefer the Directors Cut chill out lmao

in manga?
what manga?

Kill yourself.

Oh yeah, wasn't there a manga adaptation of 3?


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Would go well with some classic horror synth music:

I hate to give CensorshipCom money, especially after they butchered Jill and locked a worse classic outfit version behind pre orders, but I'll probably be playing this rather than Persona 5, royally fucked edition

That would be based

I'm here for the tentacles

This x1000000

They are separate games. I love RE2:Remake and the original. Hell, I recently hooked back up my PS2 so I could run through both the Original RE2 and RE3. I still prefer the original RE2, but I love the remake too, It's not a one or the other kind of thing guys.

Nice shill script there BTW. You followed every bullet points.

Christ, give up clutching your pearls, already.

We should create a hashtag and spam it over their twitter. But I don't know if #StopCuttingContentCapcom is catchy enough.


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Sorry friend, your check will be delayed!

because residentevilmodding people port their mods to nexus these days, that's where these are from
residentevilmodding guys are autistic niggers anyway

Does anything happen if you destroy all the toys? Also can you actually beat nemesis in the demo?

I really can't believe they replaced all of the quick selection stuff with fucking environment hazards and eliminated the alternate paths.

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>shill script
Man, I ship plumbing parts to different parts of my area, I don't have time to be a shill.
>bullet points
Like what? Saying that I like the originals and that I will provide illegally obtained copies of them to anybody who wants them?
Same goes to you, but considering those post times...

I'm here for Claire.

Attached: clairethanks.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

It comes out on the 3rd of April, not the 4th.
Get it right.

Daily reminder that Leon's only into women of colour


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you'll get #ThankYouCapcom instead

looks like a favela monkey

100 ambassador points. Would've been nice if it was something like the dirty coin from RE7 that carried over to the full game.

So they cut the crap? Like the stupid giant worm? Great.

>a lot of the iconic moments
Not anymore, lol

Don't talk to me Capcom shill.


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Isn't Hunnigan/Hannigan light brown or something?

wheres the re3 leak? I cant find it on youtube?

the hell are ambassador points

>Jill crashing out of her apartment
>Nemesis attacking the trolley
>Mikhail's sacrifice
>the clocktower battle
>Jill getting infected
>Nemesis getting defeated by a rail cannon

They even cut the fucking puzzles now that I think of it. The most complicated one in the game is the subway office and they fucking tell you how to do it on the screen.