Half Life Alyx Confirmed as a Flop


>Most anticipated sequel of all time can't even outperform Doom Eternal, a shitty cash in sequel by Bethesda
>Even a year old port of a console franchise is doing better than it
>And combine this with the fact that everyone has to stay in because of Corona


How will Half-Life fanboys spin this? It's literal proof VR is a meme

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Goddamn Epic shills are working overtime today.

that's more than I expected considering it's VR only
it looks kind of shit though

42k isn't too bad for a VR game, but this is a bait thread and you knew that already

For a game that only 0.001% of the Steam userbase can play that's actually impressing.
Those 42k players could be 4.2 million if it was a normal game.

OP you are a fag and you are misrepresenting what the stats actually mean.

>cash in by Bethesda
Well we know this is fake

alyx swaps herself for eli to getting killed by combine at end of ep2

hl3 confirmed

Bethesda owns id, simp

27,515 In-Game


Valve fanboys: Have sex


Why doesn't the tortanic valve poster take into account that you need a 500$-1000$ headset to play this game? If anything those numbers are impressive I was expecting way lower.

tortanic ruined this board

The game is getting amazing ratings. Why would I care how few people play it, when I get to?

>he game is getting amazing ratings.

From SJWs, sure

>42k in game
That's fucking insane holy shit.

Not really. I am fucking waiting for my index. Fatass gaben, make more the index damnit

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This must blow your cuckolded steamie mind then.

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lol at least this is a new one

>This is the intellect of the average Yas Forums poster in 2020

>42k concurrent players in a VR game
Sounds pretty good.

68,689 90,113 Rust

ok how does a game that supposedly 300k people own on steam that just came out today have less than 10% of people playing it

When will Half Life Alyx be on the Epic Games store?
I want Tim to pay for my copy and my headset.

When epic gets vr games period

That's more than I thought it would be

VRfags must be thirsty for games

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One costs 60 bucks and the other like a hundo or two right

>>Most anticipated sequel of all time
HL:A isn't HL3, dumbass.

Number in game is and always will be a completely fucking irrelevant statistic you autistic nigger.
10% is roughly average, even on day of release.

damn homie, it's almost like VR sets are owned by an extremely small fraction of steam's userbase, but you already knew that, saged

When a new game comes out, do you play it nonstop to keep the concurrent player count up?

three or four hundo plus the game and requires double the specs of the other two

Doom Eternal runs on a toaster. HL:A requires you own a fucking VR headset.

>Monster Hunter World constantly one of the top selling, top currently played games on steam
oh no no no bingbros... how could we let this happen...

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>Vr exclusive and 1% of all Steam users own VR
>Surprised you loose sales when you pander to a niche gimmick
No fucking shit.

>the game will be teleport only!
3 movement options
>the game is just a tech demo!
15 hours long
>v-vee arr is a gimmick!
Headsets sold out everywhere
>o-okay maybe the reviews are good but those are just SJWs!

>Most anticipated sequel of all time

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>mods deleting these threads left and right

>Surprised you loose sales when you pander to a niche gimmick
If even half of those people bought an Index, Valve has easily made more money than an actual Half-Life 3 would have ever made.

>And combine this with the fact that everyone has to stay in because of Corona
why is this relevant? are people indoors not allowed to play doom or mhw

that's fucking impressive for a VR only title.

are you even trying?

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>according to Yas Forums, only 1% of steam users have a VR headset
>therefore the "real" adjusted equilvalent of this would be 42,000,000 concurrent players
Very good!

This thread

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This is the best seethe from Yas Forums since the new anime swordsman in that one party game. I love it.

Yet we are 6h in and people are all ready posting the games ending
Makes you think that 15h is a lie
Hell I spend more time in doom ethernal on my first run then that

The fucking coap lmao

That's fucking gay, I thought it would be sub-5000 for how niche it is

the real question is how many vr people didn't buy it
nobody without vr is going to buy it so just looking at general player stats in game is pointless

Tetris Effect VR is an Epic exclusive
But it relies on SteamVR to function.

Ten cents have been deposited to your account.

>MHW still going strong

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pack it up boys
it was never meant to be
>making a game for 0.26% of your playerbase
>or even worse 0.07% if you count only index

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>the real question is how many vr people didn't buy it
300k+ preorders for a VR-only game seems pretty good to me.

>Those 42k players could be 4.2 million if it was a normal game.

no shit when 99% of your userbase is VRfags.
the ceiling has been reached

people already modding the shit out of it and made a VR emulated punch without a headset

this shit will be cracked within 48 hours

>the fucking coap (

Best part about a game made to sell VR headsets is that you can't pirate them.
You DO know that they actually gave the game away for free, right?

>""""""""free"""""""""""" if you spent $1000

The kind of "smooth combat" I experienced

it's still free nigger

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bro you have to spend $1,000 just to play the fucking game

or you could steal the headset from white people

kill the white man

People have other things to do? I don't think I played RE2 until a week after it came out.

as tyron gets shot by police and his elder ape says dun do nothing!!

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the price tag of an Index includes HL:A as well as the two times you will have to RMA your hardware once it inevitably breaks

They can't go to their desk jobs because of the virus, so Epic has them "work" from home.

I'm shocked that 42,000 people fell for the VR meme.
By comparison,
How many PSVR units were sold?

Making this thread displays more energy and capability of caring than the entirety of the Half Life fandom after all this time. It's been too long.