>Most anticipated sequel of all time can't even outperform Doom Eternal, a shitty cash in sequel by Bethesda >Even a year old port of a console franchise is doing better than it >And combine this with the fact that everyone has to stay in because of Corona
How will Half-Life fanboys spin this? It's literal proof VR is a meme
that's more than I expected considering it's VR only it looks kind of shit though
Asher Ross
42k isn't too bad for a VR game, but this is a bait thread and you knew that already
Xavier Ward
For a game that only 0.001% of the Steam userbase can play that's actually impressing. Those 42k players could be 4.2 million if it was a normal game.
Jayden Campbell
OP you are a fag and you are misrepresenting what the stats actually mean.
Samuel Jones
>cash in by Bethesda Well we know this is fake
Landon Jackson
alyx swaps herself for eli to getting killed by combine at end of ep2
hl3 confirmed
Easton Powell
Bethesda owns id, simp
Joseph Murphy
27,515 In-Game
Alexander Hall
Caleb Kelly
Valve fanboys: Have sex
Gavin Taylor
Isaac Jenkins
Why doesn't the tortanic valve poster take into account that you need a 500$-1000$ headset to play this game? If anything those numbers are impressive I was expecting way lower.
Jason Gomez
tortanic ruined this board
Eli Sanders
The game is getting amazing ratings. Why would I care how few people play it, when I get to?
Leo Martinez
>he game is getting amazing ratings.
From SJWs, sure
Jonathan Torres
>42k in game That's fucking insane holy shit.
Luis Green
Not really. I am fucking waiting for my index. Fatass gaben, make more the index damnit
>Vr exclusive and 1% of all Steam users own VR >Surprised you loose sales when you pander to a niche gimmick No fucking shit.
Nathaniel Parker
>the game will be teleport only! 3 movement options >the game is just a tech demo! 15 hours long >v-vee arr is a gimmick! Headsets sold out everywhere >o-okay maybe the reviews are good but those are just SJWs! C O P E
>Surprised you loose sales when you pander to a niche gimmick If even half of those people bought an Index, Valve has easily made more money than an actual Half-Life 3 would have ever made.
Brandon Smith
>And combine this with the fact that everyone has to stay in because of Corona why is this relevant? are people indoors not allowed to play doom or mhw
>according to Yas Forums, only 1% of steam users have a VR headset >therefore the "real" adjusted equilvalent of this would be 42,000,000 concurrent players Very good!
This is the best seethe from Yas Forums since the new anime swordsman in that one party game. I love it.
Jason Cox
Yet we are 6h in and people are all ready posting the games ending Makes you think that 15h is a lie Hell I spend more time in doom ethernal on my first run then that
Jaxson Ramirez
The fucking coap lmao
Kayden Wright
That's fucking gay, I thought it would be sub-5000 for how niche it is
Gavin Harris
the real question is how many vr people didn't buy it nobody without vr is going to buy it so just looking at general player stats in game is pointless
Bentley Taylor
Tetris Effect VR is an Epic exclusive But it relies on SteamVR to function.