where were you when Yas Forums was actually right?
Where were you when Yas Forums was actually right?
im right here
So, no one is going to post a pic of the vortigaunt on hl alyx?
vortigaunt are a eunuch slave race, what are they going to do?
why? what are the vorts like?
Why does Yas Forums want every single game to fail?
I don't own a VR headset but this game looks pretty dope
Well in this particular case its because Yas Forums is full of third-world shitters who can't bear the thought that they'll actually have to buy VR stuff to keep up with the game industry very soon
Because of anonimity people come here specifically to shitpost and argue, doesn't matter what about. All about letting steam out and dopamine hits plus some schizos mixed in for good measure
combination of cope, seethe, and a lot of sour grapes
It's not just HL:A. Every fucking new game is treated like the Tortanic.
>muh secret club syndrome
It's only highly rated because they know most people won't be able to play it
he was really cute
Because Yas Forums is comprised of manchildren who will flip over meaningless shit only they care about and kids who read that Yas Forums is the asshole of the internet. At least the first ones provide generally acceptable arguments, they just disproportionately overexaggerate them. Having any kind of discussion is meaningless with any of them, since the latter will just hate it out of principle and the former will not accept that their seething is ultimately meaningless (or will just call you a casual if you try to deny their arguments outright, which is not a good thing to do, since while their arguments may not hold much merit, there's some truth behind them).
Its a well known fact that tortanic ruined Yas Forums.
chinkoids seething
it's some toilet paper hoarding teir mentality, a coping mechanism for when you're too poor for something
>d-didn't want to play it anyway
sure seem obsessed over a game you don't even want
>in this particular case
That's almost always what it is, it's third worlders and poorfags who can't afford every new game that comes out, so they shit on absolutely everything and convince themselves that all games are shit, so they don't have to feel like they're missing out.
I literally just come to this board to pretend to hate things just so I can get replies. It works pretty well, I'd have probably stopped years ago if people just ignored me.
Give it until the honeymoon period is over. Remember people had to buy an up to £900 vr headset just to play this game, of course they're going ot be much less critical of it
I just finished the part where you get a flashlight. Fucking terrifying, loved it
you can play with a $200 headset, lad
he's based
>honeymoon period
I heard this on every single successful game that Yas Forums shitposted, including fucking MHW
This is stage 1: Denial
They thought of everything! Dead rat in a trash can? You can stretch his tail.
but can you bonk npc heads with objects to teleport them into the next room in advance?
Yas Forums was right? most people said it was gonna be shit? then it gets good ratings and is easily the best vr game on the market?
just play a better game that doesn't require VR
Yas Forums is currently seething with rage ever since Doom and Alyx turned out to be great.
Now imagine RE3R doing well. That's when this board goes nuclear
>have a zuckulus rift-s
>game doesnt work on opencomposite so framerate will go into the shitter
>attributing a couple of dedicated autist to the whole board
wowww, truly the best gameplay ever, fucking retarded
>pick up the can
Because the gaming industry is plagued with trannies, censorship, rehashes, remakes & movie game bullshit. The only way to save gaming is a crash
Based on the demo re3 will be pretty good.
My man, most people had to upgrade their PC for hl2. Your average boomer baby couldn't even run it. This is part for the course and now all people are gonna be talking about is hl3
I'm about 2 hours in and I'm wondering what happens when you run out of ammo. Hasn't happened yet, but are you supposed to pick stuff up and use it as a melee weapon like in Boneworks?
I'm only a couple hours in - does that annoying prick in your headset talk the entire game?
Why does Yas Forums like alyx when it has same plot as pic related which Yas Forums fucking hates
WOD was only good because of Garrosh
everything else sucked
Alyx isn't good enough of a character to carry the whole game
So that leak was correct?
Real talk why does it matter if this game has good reviews? It peaked at 40k players which is FUCKING AWFUL for a brand new hyped release that fans were waiting 10+ years for. This game is a complete and utter commercial failure. Fucking ARTIFACT had more players at launch. You remember that pay to win card game that everyone ditched once they realized it was overpriced garbage? Hmmm... I'm sensing some parallels here... If nobody can enjoy your game because it costs too much to play then it's a failure. PERIOD. Games are meant to be played and enjoyed. If it can't be played then by definition it's a failure. Reviews are completely and utterly irrelevant here. Valve should have provided subsidized VR headsets or waited longer for the technology to becoming cheaper. I refuse to pay $1000+ to play a game and am skipping this mess.
The game looks fun but the writing and voice acting is pretty cringe
literally this.
its VR only, and its not even half life 3. people werent waiting for this to come out for 15 years. u wrote all that shit just to appear stupid as fuck.
Stop typing like a retard
desu the only good thing about it is that its the best looking VR game out there, there are other VR games that take better advantage of the hardware
40k players playing a $60 game. That's over $2 million. You are fucking retarded holy shit. Why are people so obsessed with the performance of this game.
Will only play this game if i can bhop around at 300 mph. I would even buy a headset if i could bhop in vr. But nope. What we get is "jumping" which is basically just teleporting around. Looks fucking retarded.
>It peaked at 40k players which is FUCKING AWFUL
For a VR game, that's amazing, especially since Index is a grand.
Spoken like a true underage
Might win GOTY. gg Valve
The autistic vortigaunt was a blessing
>I have a brain injury
>"Oh, I'm sorry th-"
>My brain is injured!"
>"That's terrible, I hop-"
>Thought we were going to get some kind of "Garrosh goes back to his roots" storyline where he doesn't become a good guy per se, just like a neutral party that fucking hates Old God bullshit and relies on his own strength from now on
>He dies early on in a dumb fight with Thrall in a cutscene
Man, I miss Garrosh.
I really hope you fucks actually took his headcrab offering. He really cared you know
Kill yourself retard
I don't know guys. I'm thinking VALVe is pretty based.
This doesn't even make sense. I'm a newfag. Why would people even care about TOR failing? It's just one game.
I consider VR a real step toward next gen. Putting a SSD is not next gen.
Why are poor fags so keen to keep making games in 2d? Literally delaying the future of gaming because they can't afford a $200 hmd.
Cyberpunk is the only thing on there that unironically looks bad
I'm pretty sold on VR at the moment. This is my first major experience with it and I'm enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would. The first time I ran into a barnacle, grabbed a box and slowly tried to feed it made me jump the fuck out of my skin the moment it grabbed on. No video game has made me jump like that before
But one of the biggest aspects I wasn't really expecting to stand out is the sound design. I'm using the Index and just hearing all that squelching or heavy machinery movement in 3D space really goes a long way into putting you there. When you open the gate to the quarantine zone and that giant to-scale metal piston starts moving and screeching it was genuinely immersive
The biggest deterrent right now are the index controllers; The gripping thing is entirely hit or miss and it feels awkward more often than not