The combat system of the Batman Arkham series (and by extension, of all the games that implemented it) is mediocre and boring.
The combat system of the Batman Arkham series (and by extension...
The open world genre needs to be eradicated from existence, even if it means retroactively.
DooM 3 wasn't great but I didn't think it was bad.
I've heard a few people say that. Myself included.
video games CAN be art but basically only Pathologic has achieved it so far
Kemoshotas can make any video game better
Remember people. Unpopular doesn't mean retarded.
Nintendo 64 has better games than PlayStation
Ok op, you first
batman the only game where it did its combat right, compare it to AC, shadow of moroder. etc..
I like eating toenails,they are yummy.
I thought the combat system was pretty fun. Why do tryhard action gamers hate it do much?
final fantasy 13 is a great game with a great combat system with people criticizing its linearity while games in the same series like FF10 are even more linear but dont get the same criticism.
This was a good game and Yas Forums only hates it because tumblr likes it
BotW, Mario Odyssey, God of War(2018) and Last of Us are all bad games
But why?
not unpopular at all
They think that it's press button to punch, press button to counter when you're supposed to chain combos together to get a higher multiplier.
It's parroting videogamedunkeys absolute shit tier opinion where he thinks this is a legitimate complaint of the game.
Symphony of the Night is just a poor mans Super Metroid and doesn't do even a single thing better or as good as Metroid did
Yas Forums loved it for 2 weeks after its release
What an awful opinion. I guess you want games to be linear boring pieces of shit.
Bioshock games are boring and their lore is stupid.
Ni No Kuni > Pokemon
Darksiders 3 > 2 > 1
Sonic > Mario
FF4 > FF2 > FF5 > FF15 > FF3 > FF1 > the rest
>Why do tryhard action gamers hate it do much?
Absolutely wrong. Even comparing it with simplistic action games, the combat system is braindead af. Check this game and tell me if Batman wouldn't infinitely better with its combat system.
Rockstar haven't made a good game since Bully.
Bully was their least fun game.
Rise of the Tomb Raiders is the best TR game.
>when you're supposed to chain combos together to get a higher multiplier
w-whoah so fun
Japan is not winning. They are losing. Big time. There's only three developers in the whole nation producing games worth playing these days.
Mario>Crash>Banjo/Kazooie>Hat Kid>Gex>Rayman>Klonoa>Spyro>Yooka/Laylee>Bubsy>Sonic
Hub world goodness like Deus Ex
>Shows a game no one's ever heard of
Persona 5 sucks gameplay-wise
>i bet you want games to have a beginning and a middle and an end with a point to it!
yes i do
There's nothing wrong with Tekken 7's new balance update.
But they can do that and still have an open world.
Over 90% of games that call themselves MMOs are not MMOs.
BotW and Odyssey are Skinner's boxes
GoW and Last of Us are movies
Apparently it's okay when DMC/Bayonetta/insert whatever "CUHRAZY" action game which is effortlessly beaten by just mashing buttons but that's fine because you haven't really beaten the game until you've done it "stylishly" according to weebs here
>no one's ever heard of Urban Reign
Are you 12?
You can but the fans don't like it. Remember when Fallout 3's ending killed off the main character in the water processing plant and people hated it so much that the ending got retconned in the first DLC?
Open world games by their own design have no ending that matters, just an extended middle where the player is going to spend 99% of his time doing unchallenging content. Think of something like Minecraft or BOTW or The Sims.
played this game so fucking much. one of the best fighting games ever. never thought id see something so tasteful posted here
All purpose hitscan automatics were the worst thing to ever happen to FPS games. Assault rifles and SMGs are boring cancer.
I agree. It's just press triangle and then hit them. Those games are cool to me because it feels like a very authentic Batman game. The perching, gliding around, stealth, the gadgets etc.
I agree to a degree. People are fooled when they say open world games are just always better than linear games. Linear games are a hand crafted experience through and through, and people shouldn't discount that. All these new games want to have a big, impressive map above all else. It came off as impressive at the time, but GTA V is a somewhat mediocre single player experience. Now there's also these Tom Clancy's Wildlands type of open world games that are just braindead awful gameplay but with open world so it's supposed to be good on that alone. When the sandbox elements of these games gets stale, you have nothing.
Competitive multiplayer games are the only fun video games.
I especially like holding this opinion because it's equally unpopular both among normies and Yas Forumsirgins. A lot of the opinions ITT are unpopular with just one of those groups, typically the former.
Based, I'm 25 and eat my boogers, fingernails and toenails.
4 u
Elaborate on why
I'm 27 and my steam account is older than half of Yas Forums
Skyrim is a retarded dungeon crawler for braindead casuals, Nintendo can't make great games anymore and BotW was shit, NV get's a pass for SJW shit unlike Bioware and others, RDR1 is shit, Demon's Souls is kinda shit too, anyone who doesn't own a strong PC shouldn't be posting here and there should be a seperate board for consolebabies.
Stay mad libtranny
The combat in Spider-Man PS4 is objectively superior to Arkham Asylum
You value your opinions based on how others perceive them? Seems pretty insecure bro.
Based, every single open world meme game in existence would be better if it had proper level design instead.
But because art is subjective then literally any game can be art to one person. It's entirely possible that there is someone out there who thinks Crazy Taxi is art and it would be impossible to argue with him because art is subjective.
Anthro characters should be allowed on Yas Forums.
>You value your opinions based on how others perceive them?
How in the fuck did you get that out of my post
The reading comprehension on this board is so fucking weird
Bioshock 1 and 2 were great and had excellent worldbuilding, I feel.
Infinite had incredible potential and did nothing with it. Columbia could have been so cool to interact with.
You can tell children are home under quarantine by the number of """"""unpopular"""""" opinions in this thread.
Oh man, you’re trying way too hard to bait here.
so you are just mentally retarded. Ok.
You can play a wide variety of games and post wojak edits all day and still be a "casual". Russian kids sinking 5,000 hours into just one multiplayer game are much better gamers than the culturefags that make up most of Yas Forums.
This is the "I only watch Marvel movies" of vidya opinions.
I'm actually pretty big-brained which is why I'm capable of playing against human opponents instead of memorizing AI patterns
How the fuck is NV SJW at all?
It was only hated because you have a super mutant (and ghoul?) companion that should be immune to that shit and just tells you to go die because it’s your destiny. Would’ve been Drumpf tier stupid.
No, that's the people who pull levers open-world shit over and over
Every time I see some fucker on here think they're so fucking special for playing New Vegas it makes me wanna puke
Reddit>>>>>>>chan when it comes to videogames at least.
>NV get's a pass for SJW shit unlike Bioware and others
Only because Yas Forums wasn't Yas Forumsnigger infested at the time
It has gays and sluts, the horror.
Literally same way Dragon Age: Inquisition is.
>also how is this man located in Idaho and Pennsylvania explain
If you've never reached a respectable rank in competitive game then you suck at video games, period. No one cares that you beat a couple runs of Dark Souls, that shit takes not even 100 hours. That's not even enough hours to learn to crawl in a fighting game or tactical fps. Accept that you're unable or unwilling to git gud and move on.
I really love it when this arguments erupts on Yas Forums. The amount of you who choose to die on the hill of "akshually these people who invest far more than me into video games are the real casuals" is fucking hilarious.