Stadiabros? what went wrong?
>Stadia and EGS
What the fuck are they doing?
I knew there was a reason samsho didn't bring me back to kof allstars. You're sleeping alone naku.
Is this the first game that has been exclusive twice?
another free game? thanks tim!
cool, don't need to pay for it now
I thought Samsho told EGS to fuck off?
You shouldn't be asking what went wrong, you should be asking just how big were the checks from Tim and Google.
Probably changed their mind when no one bought their game
They did. Then they realized that they were never going to sell the million copies that they thought they could on PC when they delayed the game a year.
They did in favor of googlebux. But then the Stadia didn't fly so good so they tried to salvage their situation with epicbux instead.
The game actually sold massively over expectations, there were some articles about it. Probably why the DLC was free.
I did on the Switch
SNK is owned by chinks so there was no way it wasn’t going on the chink store
>We know our game is shit and dead, but we'll take advantage of retarded executives that don't know any better.
I don't think I've ever been lied to this hard. Not even when Harada said he'd release classic characters for Tekken 7 for free.
They realized the game was selling like shit and the ports would sell even worse so they sold out to Google and EGS for a little extra dough. I hope that tiny bit of extra profit was worth losing the trust of their fans.
This upsets me. It'll be DoA which is a shame.
Samsho sold well enough even before launch
It probably didn’t help that it’s taken them months to bring it to PC at all and there’s never anything going on to build hype (no costume releases, no new modes, character passes that get zero build up other than a short trailer the week before they release). If they had just released it on Steam along with the console releases it would have sold fine. I’ll admit I’m not 100% sure WHY they’re only now getting around to releasing it on PC
That was the dev's opinion. SNK is owned by chinks now.
I seem to remember the guy from snk going "yeah we got an offer to be an epic exclusive but we told them NO lol"
did i fucking dream it or the game bombed so hard they needed the money that bad ?
>westerners offer to buy copies of a pc port in exchange for presumed timed exclusivity and no extra money until x copies sell.
>japanese pc market is vn and tiny westaboo shooterfags.
Not surprising in the least to me. much though I wish it was on GoG or something.
>EGS takes a smaller cut of the game's revenue
>EGS has a pretty big user count thanks to Fortnite
>"Why didn't SNK want to give more money to the jews at Valve?"
I honestly don't understand this storefront loyalty mentality. It's the same fucking platform.
Fighting games already sell like shit on PC
Thanks Tim
SNK is retarded, doesnt care about their fans and deserves to die for a third time.
Surely true fans can download a free client to play their beloved game.
I love SNK games but not enough to download Chinese spyware
Easy money for a dead on arrival game that would not break even on PC, same with most games that land on EGS
I guess I can pirate it guilt free now
Thanks for this one Tim, you're a good lad
Epic, simply Epic.
>he pirates games that are shit without anyone to play with
why should I inconvenience myself like that?
the epic client is trash. I dont even know if my arcade sticks will work on it, on steam I have the special drivers.
SNK is treating me like shit, the game is almost a year old and there is still no proper port for it and now they are pulling this shit.
They can go to hell.
Why does he only buy bad games?
>>EGS has a pretty big user count thanks to Fortnite
You are aware that game is free right?
I enjoy playing most fighting games solo
The only online fighting games I wanted was Fighter Z, SFV which died immediately in my eyes and Soul Cal.
All others I buy to play the AI, local or story
This is one of those
Their games are actually doing pretty good on consoles.
This small game sold more than 300k on Switch. Now if you look into the PC port on Steam you can see that PCfags don't buy their games so why would they even bother?
Wasnt this already common knowledge?
I know.That's why I said "on PC"
Worthless Steamniggers
On the contrary, they said they would NOT take the deal a few months ago
Fuck off bugman shill
Huh, maybe i was thinking of other game.
If chinese stakeholder makes it spyware then the game itself is spyware
SNK doesn't know about your obsessive attachment to Steam, they just took the best deal they were given.
you have to play samsho offline anyways because the netcode is literally the worst.
Why are you demanding games that you don't support? You are not profitable. You're a nigger pirate
and SNK can go to hell.
I hope they dont ask themselves why everybody stopped buying their shit when those exclusivity deals run out and they go bankrupt again.
how do fightan games even work on stadia? looks like a mess
You stopped buying their games before EGS You are worthless.
woah people are pirating bad value ripoffs what a shocking development
did they really expected this game to be a top seller or something?
Pirateniggers aren't people. You cucks are subhuman.
a chink sellout calling anybody else subhuman is pretty damn hilarious.
As much as I like to take advantage of Tim's generosity in situations like this, pirating a fighting game for the singleplayer - and not even a story-focused fighting game like Blazblue or MK, it's literally just arcade mode and derivatives - is not the wisest action.
Samsho is unplayable online. Its dead as hell on PS4 already because SNK cant into netcode.
Its an offline only game so you might as well pirate.
Take your meds, thieving schizo shitskin.
you might need to go back to where you belong, shitter
blindly buying products is for retards
bankrupt twice.
third time incoming.
Ah its still funny
Fuck them.
Well alteast I have a reason for day 1 pirate, or I just keep playing GBVS and wait for GG Strive.
There's a part of me who always believed based on the wording of the original tweet that there may have been an error in SNK's understanding of the Epic deal and that they thought Epic wanted their game to only launch on EGS period, and no consoles whatsoever. For a niche game I can't blame them at all for taking that deal, but its going to die a horrible death on EGS and they probably should have kept their mouths shut.
Steamniggers reveal their true colors
>fighting game
Pick one and only one.
i wonder how many people will be playing it online on PC if it's in the EGS ghetto?
was sorta looking forward to playing with the 12 other people on steam. doubt it'll even get that.