Why is this and its sequel spoken of so highly in Persona threads? They can't be better than the newer games, can they?
Why is this and its sequel spoken of so highly in Persona threads? They can't be better than the newer games, can they?
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Innocent Sin is probably one of the best games out there in terms of writing. It's not Planescape, but still.
Also while the combat, especially in the PSP version is so easy you sleep through it it at least had interesting mechanics.
Playing this right now, just got to the final dungeon. It’s my new fave Persona and second fave of all SMT
They are.
its good but i doubt new fans will go back and play it
listen, it has hitler in it so it has to be the best
Second favorite behind Nocturne, of course.
Most P5babbies won't even go back to P4
Honestly I don’t get the hate 5 gets. It’s not a shit game? I get why someone would prefer 3 to 4 & 5, but seems like 5 is a straight improvement from 4
>They can't be better than the newer games, can they?
As games, not really, they only have merit when you're looking at their stories in a vacuum
is the PSP EP translation out yet?
Social link shit is getting more tired every iteration, but they probably don't have it in them to make a real story like 2 anymore
It's crap. Only nostalgia and elitism make people enjoy this antiquated menu simulators.
persona 2 is dying for a remake. everything but the actual gameplay is great
I played all Persona games, and of the 3-4-5 trilogy, 5 is my favorite, but the characters in 5 are the weakest. They aren't poorly written characters, they have their motivations and goals, but they lack nuance. Once their character arc is over, it's like they get one single trait each and start screaming their trait on a megaphone nonstop while they keep everything else about their characters in the background. Considering Persona is supposed to be a character-driven narrative, I can see why some might think this detracts from the story as a whole, but I tend to agree with you, 5 is a great addition to the series and I can't see the hatedom for it.
Only thing it has is the visuals and music
p2 has best writing in the persona series
actual battles are ok
>it's like they get one single trait each and start screaming their trait on a megaphone nonstop
This is modern anime though
ive only played P4 and P5, but i suspect its just contrarians. Their pump their ego by being in the smallest grouping possible, so they'll actively go against a game just because its popular, its a real pain in the ass.
As far as i can tell, people are split 50/50 on whether P5 is a good game, but almost everyone agrees that P4 is very very good, with P3 being worthwhile too
still mad we didnt get the PSP version of EP in the US
fuck Atlus USA
>"you already got this game on the PS1"
Just started Nocturne. When does it get good?
Soon as you encounter Matador
The minute the conception happens.
People lack scale. Lets say out of 100 you'd give P4 a score of 94, but would give P5 a score of 89. Anyone with a brain can see that this means P4 is better than P5, but P5 is still an incredible game. But morons can only ever focus on one game at a time, so anything even slightly worse than their favourite is ''Trash tier, unplayable garbage''
Dog shit gameplay makes them worse by default.
Matador is a big moment indeed. The games about being the strongest, most enlightened version of yourself: and you only achieve that after 90+ hours of play.
The world, gameplay, music, and overall mood is sublime.
Don’t give up, young demon.
The Persona 2 games need an actual remake done by the SMT team.
The SMT team needs to make SMT games, they don't need distractions like that
Once you've gotten past the slow intro section. By the time you're past the first Amala Network miniboss, the game starts to open up and give you access to the good shit.
>They can't be better than the newer games, can they?
It's not like 3-5 are particularly good JRPGs. P2 is ok but only held in high standard by comparison.
it doesn't. Play SMT2 instead
Interesting that the team who made IS and EP went onto make Nocturne right after.
The conception
That doesn't make it acceptable
Because it's an excellent RPG with strong, reliable characters and a mostly engaging story backed by excellent music and passable gameplay. Most RPGs can't even do half that.
That is literally every JRPG ever
ive tried to play persona 1 like 3 times but always stop because i get bored
should i give it 1 more try or just move on to P2?
None of the Persona games did this before. Not even Persona 1, even though that's because the characters didn't had much of a personality to begin with. Junpei is the "stupid one" in Persona 3, but aside from his interactions with Yukari, this isn't continuously hammered the same way Ryuji is. Junpei is a single-minded guy, sure, but this is even shown to be a strength of his at times, has plot points that don't directly relate to him being or not being smart (like being jealous of the MC or his family issues) and once his character arc with Chihiro is done, he grows as a person, and his trait of being a single-minded simpleton also grows as someone that feels like he has to enjoy life at its fullest, since he's "living for two". The only time we almost get something like this with Ryuji is when the Ark blows up, but... well, the least said about that trainwreck of a scene the better.
I for one plan on skipping 1 entirely and play everything else in the series bc 1 just seems too old for its own good. Simply put, it doesn't seem to hold up in today's standards too well
You can't even remember the name of his waifu?
I longposted all that shit, gimme a break faggot
Im glad atlus is too busy ignoring it to remake it and water it down to please p5fags
P5onlis in a nutshell: they hate JRPGs while never touching them, so when they do play one and it isn't complete unplayable shit, they think it's some rare exception and the best of the genre
I'm halfway through SMT2, when does it get good
Just finished Persona 4 and would like to explore the series and SMT more. What should I play? I liked the fact that I had to effectively use my time to grind, buy gear and complete side quests but didn't really care too much about s.link shit since most of the writing and characters were kinda shitty.
smt iv
The gameplay is unique but nothing special. Story is really good compared to the shitstains that are 3 up to 5 and comparable to other SMT's
Cool. I'll try it out. Thanks, user.
P3 and 5 are the only other games with calendar time management but they both have s link shit too. Devil Survivor has some time management where your choices can affect characters like having them join your party or dying, but it has basically zero side content.
Neat. I've got Strange Journey, SMT IV, Devil Survivor Overclocked and P3P downloaded and ready to move over to my 3ds and vita. I'll probably work my way through them whilst I'm off from work the next month.
Both are pretty much the same.
>Why is this and its sequel spoken of so highly in Persona threads?
>ive only played P4 and P5, but i suspect its just contrarians
It's because it has Hitler in it. Try getting informed before asking the obvious or spewing shit.
The gameplay is far superior to 3 and 4. Demon negotiation, more sidequests, a couple of bosses with decent challenge, good fusion system, pretty good OST aside from only having 1 fucking random battle track.
What really drags it down is pacing and bad writing, like the Okumura dungeon, the sudden shift after beating bald Char, the fact that the main party becomes worse over time, Goro in his entirety. The confidants were pretty good though.
After you do the Masakado fetch quest
SMT 1 is unironically better paced
I'd love a P1 remake but I think the dreamlike atmosphere of Mikage-cho would be absolutely butchered. Plus, they'd definitely tone down the more abrasive characters like Nanjo, Ayase and Brown since the series isn't allowed have conflict within the party anymore.
I don't know, it's easy as fuck and slow and clunky. Most predictable twist ever too.
P4 was the same or worse bro
based, true chads accept that Persona games after 3 are weeb shit and revel in it
>They can't be better than the newer games, can they?
Gameplay-wise? No, story-wise? Absolutely
Also, Maya best girl
>implying 3 isn’t also weebshit
meant 3 and forward
the story is great
but pretty much all encounters are piss easy and the encounter rate is a bit annoying
you'll set bosses to auto-battle and win
I'm playing Persona 3 Portable currently and I'm loving it. Also this SMT IV's fucking great.
I like Lisa more even if she is objectively worst girl
>After you do the Masakado fetch quest
I did that and the game is still nothing but backtracking, they've even disabled the fucking terminals now