Playing Mario Kart With Family

>Playing Mario Kart With Family
>Pick Rosalina and no one questions it
>Proceed to have a good time.
Are you playing couch multiplayer with your loved ones Yas Forums?

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i live alone, sister and brother don't care about games, nor does my parents
so no

kill yourself

I thought my sister and mother didn't care until our city locked down.

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>Bought a Wii U to play Mario Kart 8 with family
>They just want to play CTR instead
I mean they have good taste, but I'm still bummed out.

i doubt father and mother cares, father keeps fishing and chopping wood even though his achilles tendons snapped, and mother is doing what mothers do
sisters and brothers kids are just bunch of zoomers so fuck that

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I've just playing Persona together with my sister. We've done this a lot before, where I play a singleplayer and and she just watches for the story.

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>Pick Rosalina and no one questions it
I don't get it, why would anyone question wich mascot character do you play during a video game race?

But let's be honest, OP. You just wanted a Rosalina thread, didn't you?

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Don't you have a Saber model to be working on?

You've got the wrong user.

I guess I do.

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So why does Yas Forums love her so much, anyways?

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Simple yet appealing design

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>>Pick Rosalina and no one questions it
dial 8

No you disgusting tranny. I killed my family because they were cucks and was about to proceed with killing myself until you reminded me tranny scum like you exists, so I'm going to take some of you with me.

For me, it's Baby Rosalina.

Hotter then Peach.

based pedophile

Back in my day people used to pick female characters because they were degenerate waifufags and no one questioned it.

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For me, it's witch Rosalina.

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"Wapanese" we used to call 'em until moot silenced us.

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For me, it's chubby witch Rosalina.

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inb4 someone posts that image

Oh, goddammit. Fucking captcha taking an eternity to let me through.

Maybe next time, user. Posting that pic is a stable of Rosalina threads now.

Have a look at this.

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she's like peach, but 7ft tall.

w-what image?

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the chart? because I'll do it.

It has already been posted. Don't look behind you.

>want to play rock band with family
>mom has sore throat
>wants to learn "the game that you're always playing with friends", which is smash

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own the corona and embrace your mom, user.
you'll both get trough this!

>Not teaching your Mum how to play smash
Be patient with her and spend some time with your Mother. She obviously wants to spend time with you and probably don't even want to play the game, she just sees it as a chance to bond,

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oh boy, it is time?

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crushed by rosalina~

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God, I want Futalina to remodel my throat.

Not crushed. Just gently smushed.

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Rosalina is pretty cute brehs

I agree.

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MK Tour was worth it just for spooky Rosalina.

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If she was playing a game of tennis I doubt she would reach under her skirt to stop her underwear from riding up into her ass.
Especially in front of all the people watching.

Actual tennis players do that all the time

is rosalina OP or something? i thought funky kong on the bowser bike was the S tier pick

I think the new costumes are cute, but I despise gacha games, só I just sit back and enjoy the fanart.

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Your family already knew you’re a woman/faggot.

In Mario Kart Wii, yes. In 7, it was Metal Mario on the B-Dasher, and in 8, it's Morton and Dry Bowser. Rosalina isn't OP in any of the Mario Kart games.

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I've played one or two so I was wondering if I could get into it, for her sake. It plays like absolute ass and rerolling was an enormous pain, so I've decided to just save the fanart and hope to god MK9 has it as a costume.

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