Is there any women in vidya that's more perfect than 2B?
Is there any women in vidya that's more perfect than 2B?
Do not spoonfeed the normalfag redditor above. Let him keep his entry level trashfu.
Overwatch ladies are better
could afford for a wider frame. After all, we want a sturdy machine
toob isn't even the best girl in her own game
Imagine if she was black.
She would go from 10/10 to 9001/10.
Commander is thicker
Yorha commander
I want to make babies with 2b's anus.
When are Android gfs gonna be real bros....
Alyx Vance
I'm not trying to be topical I just wish she would hug me the way she hugs Gordon in the opening of Ep.1
kek, that's a machine
my wife of course
Black is beautiful
You can't be more perfect or less perfect, you are either perfect or you aren't 2B.
based gorgonposter
her brown counterpart
>2B is my sicret waifu
poor soul
People are too fixated on skin tone, SHAPE is what you should be concerned with first.
>non futa version
what a fag
>no pan
She already has enough black dna inside her look at that ass UNF
this 2b is all about hip curves
Do Androids have pusspuss?
This man knows
Yes. There aren't many.
>A cold-blooded murderer
Not a high bar to clear.
Not initially but IIRC they can mod/adapt themselves and get one.
back to work muscle man
I'm not gay, user
Every time I cry
>mfw have this reoccurring lucid dream where I live for months while being on a strict diet of only futa 2B's shit, piss, cum and breast milk
or what? you are not Benson to boss me around Mordecai!
Based retardo
Goddamn, she looks so good from the back. Not to mention from the front and sides...
Forgot image
sorry, forgot spit and snot
Isabella Valentine is a better big assed white haired waifu.
2B doesn’t poop or secrete human fluids. That is why she is the perfect woman.
>No saliva
What's even the point?
No, why would they?
Good choice
Doesn’t matter, her flesh is still soft and fuckable dry.
>Is there any women in vidya that's more perfect than 2B?
Sunny from MGS4
Giant tits like that only look good when they're clothed/in a bra. As soon as they're bare they are super droopy and the shape ruins all appeal.
in terms of pure looks, no.
i think thats like your opinion, but i can understand why you think that personal taste diddnt matter to make such bold claim.
MK9 Jade begs to differ
Chun Li
i always thought this but never saw it put into words.Thanks user.
I need to finish that game
Thanks, chief.
Using lube is not comparable to a wet pussy that's ready to go. And Taro is no prude, if he REALLY wanted to lewd up Androids even more he'd have commeneted in some email or text-form the softness and pliability of their flesh. He doesn't, and these are battle-bred creatures weighing like 300lbs. They're hard and heavy most likely. And no vaginal fluids? Why not just fuck a can at that point?
No but want someone to make a better woman than 2b. We need some fucking competition
>he'd have commeneted in some email or text-form the softness and pliability of their flesh. He doesn't, and these are battle-bred creatures weighing like 300lbs. They're hard and heavy most likely. And no vaginal fluids? Why not just fuck a can at that point?
Isn't it canon that they can grow reproductive organs if they want to?