>LOW AMMO just from the start of the game
>Have to get close to do a finisher to replenish both my health and ammo, instead of moving Sonic fast across the corridors/rooms to avoid the projectiles and enemies, which constantly interrupts the flow of the game
>Chainsaw has a cooldown, so I can't even replish my ammo comfortably enough.
>Verticality, while making the levels more detailed, created a problem with so many platformer sections and once again destroyed the fast paced sections of the game
>Way too many cutscenes and interruptions, story is completely non-sensical after the end of DOOM 2016.
>Marauders are completely overtuned compared to everything else in the game, even bosses
>The final boss, even if not nearly as godawful as in DOOM II, is mediocre at best.
>YOU ARE BADASS - roll credits
What a complete disappointment. Thank god I didn't listen to the hype and pirated.
Doom Eternal
Other urls found in this thread:
>which constantly interrupts the flow of the game
Imagine being so smoothbrain that you think you decide what the flow of the game is.
>Chainsaw has a cooldown, so I can't even replish my ammo comfortably enough.
Stop missing and being shit.
I'm on the 5th or 6th level, so far my only complaints are that the platforming is gay as fuck. I've never heard anyone praise nuDoom for what limited platforming it had to offer, so why did they force it so hard? I was one of the guys bitching about it since they showed off gameplay at QuakeCon, and the fan base at this point is so cringy that they tell anyone who dares question the chubby Mexican dude at id to fuck off. That being said, it doesn't ruin the game. It just boggles my mind why they went to so much trouble making the gameplay go even faster but then they slowed it down so much by making you literally jump through hoops in between arenas. Its stupid as fuck.
I also agree that ammo is too low. Even fully upgraded, its too low. I know they want you comboing and switching weapons, but come on. I like the shotguns and the plasma rifle, let me fucking use those. Why force me to use shit I don't want to use? The heavy cannon is fucking annoying and they almost force you to use it for weak points on UV+ difficulty.
>LOW AMMO just from the start of the game
>Have to get close to do a finisher to replenish both my health and ammo, instead of moving Sonic fast across the corridors/rooms to avoid the projectiles and enemies, which constantly interrupts the flow of the game
>Chainsaw has a cooldown, so I can't even replish my ammo comfortably enough.
>Verticality, while making the levels more detailed, created a problem with so many platformer sections and once again destroyed the fast paced sections of the game
git gud at dashing
>Way too many cutscenes and interruptions, story is completely non-sensical after the end of DOOM 2016.
codex and skip button
>Marauders are completely overtuned compared to everything else in the game, even bosses
>The final boss, even if not nearly as godawful as in DOOM II, is mediocre at best.
It's good
>YOU ARE BADASS - roll credits
>LOW AMMO just from the start of the game
Try not wasting all the ammo then
>Have to get close to do a finisher to replenish both my health and ammo, instead of moving Sonic fast across the corridors/rooms to avoid the projectiles and enemies, which constantly interrupts the flow of the game
There's a rune called "Blood fueled" that buffs your speed comparable to Overdrive. You are a bit retarded arent you?
>Chainsaw has a cooldown, so I can't even replish my ammo comfortably enough.
Wait till the chainsaw recharges retard?
>Verticality, while making the levels more detailed, created a problem with so many platformer sections and once again destroyed the fast paced sections of the game
What the fuck are you talking about?
>Way too many cutscenes and interruptions, story is completely non-sensical after the end of DOOM 2016.
You do realize you can skip them right?
>Marauders are completely overtuned compared to everything else in the game, even bosses
Not really, they are the most easiest enemy I faced so far. They are a bit glitchy and tend to get stuck in terrain
>The final boss, even if not nearly as godawful as in DOOM II, is mediocre at best.
Not great but not bad either
>YOU ARE BADASS - roll credits
YOU ARE RETARDED - roll credits
Nice argument, faggot.
Well shilled my man
>Marauders are completely overtuned compared to everything else in the game, even bosses
Even that annoying irish adhd youtuber with green hair could kill one on his first attempt, and he plays like an absolute retard. Git gud.
>watching youtubers
I don't even know his name, my little brother watched his play through on the living room TV. Also:
>"I-It was my l-Little brother who watched him, I s-swear!"
honestly, gay as fuck crutch because they aren't like Dead Rising and just werk. making it any type of interruption of control fucks the gameplay.
why are piratechads without exception awful at video games?
I see this all the time
It's like dmc or dota but first person, you just fucking suck ass at it while I mastered it from replaying 2016
Counterpoint: No it doesn't.
>I will epicly BTFO him with a smug anime girl. That surely will show him
shilling this hard should be a bannable offense
>No it isn't
Learn to play the game and stop complaining that you suck. You're like those journalists complaining about wanting easy mode for Sekiro. Just git gud lol it's not hard.
>Try not wasting all the ammo then
>don't spend your ammo on a fast paced fps bro
>Focus big enemies
>Rotate weapons
>Chainsaw the shitty weak enemies when you're spent
Oh look, you only needed to refill once at best.
>Finish the game
Tripfag gotta tripfag
>likes doom eternal
U mad?
There is such a thing as fumbling through a game and not understanding how to play it. If you're whining about ammo shortages and the chainsaw, you fundamentally misunderstood the mechanic and how to prioritise enemies.
t.Shilly McShillengton
No. Maybe next time make a good game. This isn't reflective of Doom, Doom 2 or 2016.
>why did they force it so hard?
Basic game design principles. Of course no one really wants platforming, but with increased verticality and movement options, the game needs some way of teaching you how to effectively use those options in combat. So the game subtly teaches you just how far your dash can go and when you should be jumping after things like a monkey bar swing to get the most out of it. This makes your movement in combat more effective, instead of constantly falling, possibly into a horde of enemies. The platforming does help to break up encounters, letting you mentally prepare and shake off the jitters, as well as build tension.
>I'm retarded, it's the game's fault
Get the suit upgrade that makes red barrels drop ammo. It's handy for when pickups are scarce and your chainsaw's not ready yet.
>Imagine being so smoothbrain that you think you decide what the flow of the game is.
paying for a triple A game with only 10 hours of content. ofc you have to pirate that
stop trying to fit in, newbie
The developers LITERALLY decide the flow, not you.
Most of the time pick ups aren't even that scarce. There is one instance in cultist base that you fight three revanents that has no pick ups and then it fully stocks you in the next room.
Smart use of your ammo can clear encounters just fine. I really think this ammo complaint is people missing more then half of their pool against the heavies of the arena and then panicking as they look for something to chainsaw, instead of looking for the ammo piles or barrels to use. I started to notice that I was leaving ammo in almost every encounter in the game and my second nightmare playthrough, I've barely committed to chainsawing things. Usually means I can afford to use it on a heavy demon in an encounter, instead of fodder.
I love how this game has revealed just how many people have been babied by FPS difficulty lately. I love how this game's combat challenges you. When you die in combat its probably your fault.
The game even holds your hand and spells everything out with tutorials and shit.
The point was not who decides, but whether the decision is good or bad. The user you replied to initially thought that the 'ideal' flow was stopped in favour of something stilted.
Somehow this wasn't a problem with DOOM/DOOM II - how can that be?
It's dogshit. You clear an arena full of mobs and then you have to complete some clunky shit puzzle/platformer in order to progress.
Why are you defending bad design choices so much?
It's not hard. Beat it on nightmare a little while ago.
I’m honestly surprised how many zooms aren’t able to play DOOM Eternal without crying about it
>in order to progress
progress to another room to clear more mobs.*
Only zoomers like Mario Eternal.
>Somehow this wasn't a problem with DOOM/DOOM II - how can that be?
So many shitty opinions in one post
What are you trying to convey with this post?
Doom 1 got everything right. Why is it so hard to design a modern doom around it?
Why do shooter designers not want me to shoot things? I play shooter games to shoot. If I wanted to shoot less, I'd play other games.
>but you can upgrade the ammo to get more shoots!
>but you can use the chainsaw to get more shoots!
great, why exactly should i play this game instead of games that don't make me jump through these retarded hoops to shoot things? you can't improve on ammo pickups, they're the perfect mechanic to begin with, fucking stop.
The low ammo count kills the fuck out of the pacing. playing on nightmare just brings this critical flaw right to the surface. There were multiple times in the game that the ammo was out of every single weapon and i had to dash around the arena for a while until a low tier trash mob would spawn just so i could chainsaw it. Run out of chainsaw fuel? nah, its game over since everything becomes such a bullet sponge it becomes literally impossible to progress with such low ammo count.
>I believe he is more than a man... he is truly... Bethesda Softworks presents Doom™: Eternal
The writing is do cringey they make it really hard to ignore it
I want you to think real hard why shooter games try very hard to incorporate their own specific gameplay aspects into the shooting. Like think real hard about why they don't want to all be exactly the same.
>Chainsaw has a cooldown
>Run out of chainsaw fuel?
It literally regenerates the last pip when you run out.
>Doom 1 got everything right. Why is it so hard to design a modern doom around it?
Because then you just have Doom 1 again? Do you want a HD remake of the old game, is that what you're asking for?
>Niggas want my old shit? Buy by old album
The product you enjoyed still exists.
I'm actually really enjoying the game so far. Initially I had mixed feelings about managing all the resource cooldowns, but after getting good I've realized this is a much more engaging game than 2016 and requires a hell of a lot more focus to succeed.
I have some pretty minor gripes with the game though:
We should be able to change the order of weapons when using the scroll wheel
You should be able to scroll multiple times and get the corresponding weapon, rather than being forced to pull each gun out one at a time
Chainsaw fuel is pretty useless since there are almost no opportunities to chainsaw larger enemies
If you do pick up chainsaw fuel and use up one, the one you use should be the one that recharges
Should have been separate buttons for ice and frag grenades
movement needs to be like 25-50% faster
>it regenerates
what? since when?
Literally since the game launched. The chainsaw always regenerates one pip when it empties. Extra fuel just takes it up to 2-3 which allows you to use it on larger enemies.
anyone experience the first loading screen freeze and know how to fuckin fix it?
>Because then you just have Doom 1 again?
Isn't that what everyone wants?
The invisible walls are the just the worst. The platforming sucks, yes, I might as well play Doom 2 and alt-tab to Prince of Persia every five minutes, but when you have this much mobility, but can't actually explore areas that you can clearly see and seem to be walkable, that's bullshit.
i guess it just happens so slowly that i never see it regen on nightmare.
Why did they even release this on consoles if it's impossible to play on a controller?
Just fucking play Doom 1. We live in a shitty age of constant reboots and HAYTCH DEE remakes, enough of them.
Doom Eternal doesn't play like Doom 2016 and you're a liar if you say it does.
Having a blast playing Eternal. The Slayer's Arenas especially are pretty insane on Nightmare. Feels good getting into the rhythm of blasting away, switching weapons and mods.
Did take me a while to get used to all the tools you get. At first I wasn't using everything, but using the grenades, flames, saw etc. makes the whole experience better and smoother.
The last pip always comes back so you can saw small enemies for ammo if you happen to run out.
>watch gameplay
>constant glory killing and chainsawing
>the animations take too long and repeat 9000x times over because you have to do it all the time
>it's supposed to be fast but Doomguy moves so slowly that stuff like arachnotron shots might as well be hitscan, and the enemies just run you down unless you go full Quake 3 autism flying off jump pads and shit
Remember when you could actually run really fast, you were expected to consistently avoid projectiles and melee attacks instead of taking constant nearly guaranteed damage so you have to glory kill, and restocked by running over pickups when you needed them instead of watching the same fatality animations over and over again.
What level? Because I'm doing my Nightmare playthrough right now and on level 4 and I find myself chainsawing less then my UV playthrough. I've gotten more of a feel of just how to take enemies out, using frag and ice more for burst damage and just how to handle each of the weapons in a way that melts through every enemy as soon as I see them. Every arena has fill ups, some of them will fill up at least your Shotgun, Bullets and Plasma twice, not to mention most arena have barrels, so if you take the ammo in barrels perk, you get massive returns passively.
This isn't even conjecture, the better players are already proving it, with video evidence. Play well and you will have plenty of ammo. Maybe you will need to chainsaw in the later levels once an encounter. But otherwise it seems like they made more then enough pick ups for Famine mode to work.
And we live in a age of shitty reimaginings that only scrapes the surface of what made the original so good.
They tried overly hard to prevent the speed runs of 2016. They didn't want players getting out of bounds and walking on the ceilings at all.
>They tried overly hard to prevent the speed runs of 2016. They didn't want players getting out of bounds and walking on the ceilings at all.
They sure messed up that
i have to agree with everything on that list except the final boss
i really liked it
I'd also add that the fact that enemy turn into bullet sponge unless you use the "correct" ammo fucked the fighting flow a lot for example:
>see spider, switch to nade shotgun, switch to ballista kill the elemntal, switch to heavy gun to scope the arms of the fatso, switch to pulse gun to destroy the shield that glitched you into the wall while shooting the fatso, switch to chaingun to kill the baron, switch back to heavy gun to try not to instakill teh small pod enemy; tyrant appears, run around like a ritard to find a zombie to chainsow for ammo while dodging the marauder. THEN kill every last enemy and just stand around waiting for the marauder taking his sweet ass time to flash his eyes green.
Explain what made Doom so good. I want you to be really in-depth here, because I want a good laugh.
Doom 1 is so simplistic that it can be completed by literal children on Nightmare. I should know, I did it when I was eight-years-old.
first time i experienced it was the level where you get the super shotgun, the unlocking puzzle with the 9 pillars. The other notable time was near the end where you are zerg rushed by two cyber deamons a marauder and an archvile that wont quit.
in english, doc
I bet you also died to the first goomba, and blamed the japs for making the jump button too small and hard to push. Shut up, retard.
You can kill all of those enemies with any gun you want.
So, anyone have any good HDR settings yet?
I just fought Icon of Sin and the fight was far easier than the Khan Maykr fight.
The Icon didn't attack as often as Khan Makyr did for one thing and the drops were far too forgiving unlike the Makyr fight which you only received drops from headshotting drones.
Anyone else have the same experience?