Why would anyone side with the stormcloaks?

They are the absolute worst. If they won, elves would just flatten all nations of men.

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Degenerate racist nords.

Doc Mitchell is a great general.

Fuck off lorelet.

Because the emp*re cucked to the elves even though they were literally turning the tide of the war.

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Totally incorrect. Where oh where would you get the idea that they were turning the tide of the war?

Does this confirm that fallout and tes are in the same universe? Dic Mitchell discovered immortality and witnessed earth become Tamriel, later starting a career as a general in the legion?

>siding with people who were going to execute you without a proper trial or questioning
You fucking disgust me.

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The imperials were going to execute you for literally no reason at the beginning of the game. You'd have to be a complete idiot to join them

The Battle of Red Ring. They talk about it in the game somewhere. Check the wiki. They suffered heavy casualties and it was a controversial decision to end the war or keep fighting.

A vote for the stormcloaks is a vote for the thalmor.

Just like Hammerfell just fell against the elves right? oh w...

>elves would just flatten all nations of men
thats the whole point

You're grasping at straws, at worst Ulfric used the Thalmor for funding early on, that's it. And Skyrim wont fall to the Dominion, there is no geopolitical reason for the Thalmor to even invade Skyrim. It would be a mountain Vietnam and they would prob get invaded by the empire if they did so since their army would be spread thin.

Redguards are better warriors than Nords.

*Better swordsmen. Nords are better for two handed, heavy armor while Redguards are for one handed, light armor.

Yeah the guys best know for killing elves are not a match for some elves

>Taking sides
>Not negotiating a peace treaty and slowly amassing an army of dragons loyal to you in case the knife-ears try any funny shit
low IQ


I did but after 3 missions im underleveled and get raped to death


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Elves already flattened the Empire

No they aren't. Last time the Nords fought the Redguards they took Eastern Hammerfell.

Skyrim belongs to the Dunmers.

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Don't the Thalmor want to wipe out all life? Or at least rid the world of humans?

Also Summerset's military strength isn't as strong as it once was. Even though they did win against Cyrodiil they took very heavy losses. They can't mount another invasion.

Bullshit, the dovakhiin is a horse thief and a rapist, before the events of the game.

I side with them because I'm an accelerationist. I am genuinely curious on what will happen if the towers are broken and I want to see how the thalmor fuck up.

Why is Whiterun so cozy compared to other citys? Using a house other then breezehome just feels worse for some reason. I think its a less is more thing.

There basically elf nazis.


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The streets of the imperial city are filled with degeneracy and greed, the corrupt elder council has to be erradicated and the empire turned into a military dictatorship.

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ulfric is generally unaware of the thalmor's plans for ww2, iirc. tulius is highly suspect of this plot.
the longer the civil war goes on, the weaker both sides get, but when i think about it, it's better for the thalmor if the stormcloaks win because then the front is divided even further.
the best way to keep skyrim "safe" is to reunite with the empire. i respect the stormcloaks quest for freedom, but it's super short sighted.

And here comes bethesda's laziness. Why the fuck cant you show ulfric the thalmor dossier so you can make him and general talius come into an agreement? This shit still pisses me off

for that matter, it bothers me greatly that the fact you're the dragonborn has no weight on the thalmor plot. bethesda failed so hard with the civil war questline i'm not going to bother typing it out.
following the dark brotherhood questline (killing the emporer so his son can take over) and then siding with the empire is the best course of action for tamriel.

huge lack of player agency. i felt so stupid playing the civil war quest. you can't even bring it up if you hold a summit at hrothgar. instead of laying out the facts, you have to pick and choose which side keeps what city.
all the big players are right there, there's impending elf ww2 and dragons fucking shit up, but bethesda you know the rest.

Because Ulfric thinks that the medes have lost legitimacy and he want to return skyrim to a time before the cyrodilic emperors and their cosmopolitan culture became dominate. They can't make an agreement on that.

If memory serves, the Thalmor want really neither side to win as a Stormcloak ruled Skyrim would still side with the Empire (as an independent, maybe temporary ally, rather than a provincial levy) in the next war with the Aldmeri Dominion, and potentially be an even tougher opponent than before.
As long as the Empire and the Stormcloaks waste manpower and resources fighting each other with no end in sight, the (((Altmer))) remain happy.

I only now realize they're the same

TES 6 will just be the faction mechanics of Fallout 4 with the Thalmor taking the Institute's place.

I mean, it probably would cross Ulfric's mind to think he's doing the Thalmor a favor, but you can't really go back after shouting a kid to death and declaring yourself high king. There's really no political way to come to an agreement unless the Empire were willing to accept assassinations dressed up in the Old Ways are how Skyrim chooses leaders now.

Because, contrary to popular belief, a state being big, doesn't mean it's at all effective. The very fact that they can't keep their provinces in line is proof that the Empire itself is just an insufficient liability.
The Empire is literally the NCR of TES at this point.
Their entire shitty system is crumbling apart and dragging the rest of Tamirel down with it.

Stormcloaks are shit too, but fuck empire-fags for real.

>Hey dude, I know we tried to cut your head off, but that was most likely a mistake. No hard feelings, okay?

Looks like I'll be doing an Institute-Thalmor double run then.

Nigger, the fucking empire got hit with a world ending event for it to reach that state. No fucking government can survive the invasion of a fucking deity from a different dimension. It was a cataclysmic event on top of having to deal with an invading enemy force right after losing their leadership. The Empire is the single most competent government in the history of Tamriel across all races. Losing one major battle doesn't automatically turn you into a joke, especially when said battle would have reduced others to a far worse state. Look at Morrowind, they're in FAR worse state than the Empire after their cataclysmic event. Only reason Skyrim didn't suffer a similar fate, is because Alduin got dealt with in Sovengard. Had Dagon been fought in anotjher plane, and any Septim survive to inherit the throne, they would have pushed the Thalmor's shit in and kept the uppity snow nigger looking to for a political power grab in line.


So keep it uncertain whether or not Ulfric is actually an idealist or just an opportunist who wants to become high king at all costs and just uses the whole Thalmor thing as a pretext. Having a quest would force the narrative to clear that up. You'd end up with Ulfric becoming either "misunderstand good guy" or just the power hungry bad guy with no real interpretation. That would then have implications not only for the game but for future TES games as well.

>The Empire is the single most competent government in the history of Tamriel across all races.
Third empire fucking sucks compared to the second. Literal grug tier retards when you pit them against the techno magical mananauts.


>single most competent government
Reman says hi. The oblivion crisis happened 400 years before hand and the interregnum between the septim and mede dynasties was not that long. The empire lost strength because they ran out of enemies to fight and became decadent. The thalmor should have been a wake up call to the empire but the people are scared and the army is not reassuring the people with a prolonged civil war in skyrim and a continued guerrilla presence in the reach. Maybe the empire can win, maybe the empire should win, but the empire is not doing to well right now even with a few centuries of peace.

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>Fuck what's best for the world. Empire screwed me over, they are going to pay.

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>The Empire is the single most competent government in the history of Tamriel across all races
Which Empire? The only relevant one is the Mede Empire, and it's been shit from start to finish.

How can nordbois even compete ?

Good post.

Why do the Khajiit ally with the Altmer over the ages what makes them have this mutual respect for each other?

Then they got kicked out.

Altmer held the moons hostage

hammerfell only survived because the thalmor got BTFO by the empire before

Stormcloaks are basically Trumptards

>implying the elves aren't right

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Literally this, the Empire shouldn't even be in TES V, even early design documents stated the Empire was gone.

The Thalmor did nothing wrong. Talos cheated by using some hax robot to rape their island and committed mass murder on their people. Now that same war criminal is being worshipped by retards. Many elves that remember Tiber Septim's conquest of summerset probably still live so their seething is fresh.

again, huge lack of player agency. the (((dragonborn))) does nothing to solve any real problem besides the dragon threat, which the fact a dragonborn was named at all rendered that a non issue.
becoming the worlds greatest warrior and not being able to go full Tiber Septim on (uniting) the provinces of tamriel against the next most pressing threat (the dominion) was a huge waste of potential. especially since the game takes every other opportunity to suck your dick anyway.
i was seriously hoping for a third dlc titled Dominion to address these things.

Tiber Septim was a diplomat/politician/leader. He wasn't even the strongest in his own army. LDB is just a lackey.

>laws are silent in times of war
wow stop the fucking presses

I don't get Imperialcucks and this argument. Aren't they already taking it up the ass from the Thalmor? How in the flying fuck can they help Skyrim if they can't help themselves from getting steamrolled?

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Because the Aldmeri Dominion's greatest force is fearmongering and the Nords can see right through that shit, specially Ulfric Stormcloak who was personally captured and tortured by the Thalmor. Hammerfell was able to kick the Thalmor out of their country when they were handed on a silver platter to the Dominion in the white-gold concordat, then why the fuck should the Nords not be able to do the exact same thing? And why are the Stormcloaks in the wrong for wishing their country to be free from the control of an expansionist Empire that has officially become too weak to fight other expansionist Empires and has to bend the knee to them in order to survive? Their country deserves the freedom to at least try to survive on their own.

Cause Khajiit are smooth brains who believe the Thalmor's lies that they made the moons disappear, and the Dominion doesn't want a direct war with the Khajiit because they're dangerous as fuck despite being brainlets