What are your thoughts on cacodemon and why is he the best?

What are your thoughts on cacodemon and why is he the best?

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I actually like pain elementals more

I have a Cacodemon and Pain Elemental plush doll.

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it's neat for the first 100 times to switch to combat shotgun and him anywhere to hear the gulp, but then it feels like a chore
just like everything else in the game

How can you say no to a face like that

Just ballista him then.

You can just fucking shoot it like a normal person too.

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yeah but then you have to go sit through a chainsaw animation

I like to sling myself up to him and blast him with the SSG before dropping an icegrenade as a good bye

Playing video games is a chore I know.

He flys like eric cartmen

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He's got great animations all round, especially that finisher where you stab him through the eye and he shows the biggest "OH NO" expression before exploding

My bad meant for

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He was made to be bullied.

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oh snap

Don't worry you're cool.

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He cute.

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More like CACAdemon

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Cacademons are for bullying

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Cutscenes and QTEs are not videogames

He's great! A big goofy meatball
Even if my personal faves are the hell knight and arachnotron I can totally tell why others love him.

God of War and Resident Evil 5 were a pretty cool non video game.

His design is fucking amazing, might download doom after seeing his design.

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ok so

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Wife's boyfriend needed to help him gesture.

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does it have a gaping shithole on the new ones like it used to?

Rough love.

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Not sure I don't really keep an eye out for gaping anus, when I'm playing but I'll let you know.

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So do they have some kind of telekinesis? I can't see how they would function in regular life with no limbs and just a mouth and an eye.


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Thanks I needed this.

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He cute

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It doesn't, I looked at the model you can inspect from finding its secret figurine. He's only got spikes down where the gaping hole should be.

my disappointment is immeasurable

>”yo where’s that money you owe me you little bitch.”

Did they remove his veiny nutsack? Caco in 2016 had a sack rather than 20 pounds of pussy and ass like in the originals.

maybe it's just a boy cacodemon with a spike penis and tight anus.

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