Because im Fragile but im not that that fragile

>because im Fragile but im not that that fragile


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La creatividad

Honestly I didn't think that line was that bad when paired with the intended enunciation. Far worse things from ole' Kojimbo.

Trash writing from a trash game

Why can't she just teleport with the bomb?

Because dumb trash and nonsense writing

Is this a quote?


Ever since the original metal gear,he got mad at the translator for the game for fixing his broken english only for Kojima to get upset and demand a re-translation that kept the broken dialogue

A quote from a literary boring garbage game. Definitely the worst Kojima game.

El steve jobs.....

>old habits die-hard,man

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She can only teleport her body and things immediatelly atached to her, as well as other humans with things immediatelly atached to them









>"like Mario and princess Beach".........

The ridiculous state of the Kojima games today

This is why he doesn't do actual movies, he'd be a bigger laughingstock.

>its a delivery game so let's name characters off of shit on delivery boxes

I'm Return to Sender but not that Return to Sender, you son of a princess beach

I can't believe her entire character was just a shout-out to A Christmas Story. Then again, the only reason Lindsay Wagner was in the game was because Kojimbo got a boner watching The Bionic Woman so who fucking knows?


This is why you aren't going anywhere and Kojima drops diamonds everywhere he goes.

>go from point A to point B
>boring long cutscenes
>return to the base just for making other delivery missions

This is literally The BORING "game"

>i'm Sam porter brigdes, a porter for bridges

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No, he "drops diamonds" because of brainwashed drones like you.

I thought the kojima-drones usual defense was it different from the typical AAA movie experience.

Where are they now?

I still don't understand what that meant

Not sure what's worse;
The line
The fact she says it differently each time
Her retort of "YOU'RE damaged goods"
Probably the worst character in the game A shame that Higgs, John, and Cliff are stuck in this game because their performances were pretty fucking top notch

i havent read all the lore shit ingame
but why do dead bodys become a bomb?

can they not chop them up or crush them into paste?
i just dont get it, they have to burn them and that creates some fucking "poison gas" or some shit so they have to do it far away

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I didn't think it was bad the first time she said it. But the second time it was just very.... yeah...

Because they like defend an horrible game made by Kojima, I think.
Unfortunately this game is truly a mess

>Heartman began his studies of the Beach after losing his family in a unique manner; while he was at a hospital undergoing heart surgery, his wife and daughter returned home to retrieve something for him - only to find themselves caught in two simultaneous voidouts which left a heart-shaped crater
>During his time in the military, John McClane earned the nickname "Die-Hardman"
>Using the deceased's sperm, Lockne's eggs, and Mama's uterus, the two sisters were able to create Lockne a child that would be carried to term by Mama. However, during a terrorist attack, Mama was crushed under the rubble of a hospital while waiting to get a cesarean section. She inadvertently survived by "giving birth on the other side", resulting in the baby manifesting as a harmless beached thing.
How do DS fans justify this writing? Why are there DS fans at all?

>did not read the mails

They explode because the dead souls of the bodies try to return to their original bodies after a while, the dead souls being basically anti-matter, so if anti-matter touches matter they become a nuke

Kojima isn't one for subtlety, Deadman explain it in a long boring exposition scene. Unfortunately I have no idea what he's talking about

I know next to nothing about DS. What is so bad about this line? It doesn't seem so bad outside of context.

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Post an archive link or fuck off

After throwing my money away into this boring crap game I will certainly stay far far away from any other future Kojima game

yea i only remeber him saying something aboot something building up in the bodys which is why they need to burn them, but like i said why not cut them up or squish them into paste and spread all that shit thin over the land, then you dont get mustard gas from burning them

this is much easier to understand

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What the fuck is this shit?
Please tell its not real and you are just making shit up.

Look trust me it's the writing of the game that sucks. And not only.
Even the gameplay of the game is practically shit.

There are so many term in this game that I lost interest to figured it out.
What the fuck is a timefall?
What the fuck is Death Stranding?
What the fuck is a voidout?
What the fuck is chirileum?
What the fuck is a chiral network?

>Waahh I made up a bunch of shit thinking nobody would proofread my work but I got caught and called out on it
Jesus what a bitch. There's a difference between removing Engrish and including military jargon, and outright changing the meaning of lines.
That idiot also fucked up the Symphony of the Night translation and he's proud about the meme not realizing everyone thinks it sounds dumb as shit.
Kojima is also a fucking retard but this guy's scum.

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I like the game

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no you don't

>delivery garbage all day - the game!

but I do

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stop pretending

Why would I be pretending?

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This is my "Fuck you, I like it" of recent times

>imagine to try to being creative, and just creating a ridiculous deliveryman simulator
>advertise it by adding famous actors, and throwing the budget money
>try to focus on the plot and writing it even badly, and leaving out the ridiculous garbage gameplay
>release the game and find out it's a commercial flop
>start asking for more money to just for make other useless and bad simulator games

The Kojima games today.
Complete shit

same here

>Look trust me, man it's bad ok? don't try to for your own opinion it's just bad man, follow the hivemind, it's shit

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You can even enjoy shit games like this.
But it is always a boring shit game.

I found this game to be actually amazing

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fucking kek

For me it's definitely the worst open world game of the generation

Check user, it's depressing.
>A 'trance connection' is seemingly related to the chiral network at large, though the exact nature of the connection is unclear.
>Higgs would eventually kill his uncle in self-defense with a knife and witness the body going necro. Higgs took the corpse out, feeling the Beached Thing slowly approaching, gaining his DOOMS in the process. In time, he would find out that his powers were triggered by death.
>Bridget Strand, the sixth extinction entity, developed uterine cancer in her early twenties. During surgery, her ka and ha separated, with her ka remaining on the Beach. Strangely, both halves of her essence were aware of each other's existence and worked in tandem.
>An "extinction factor" is a genetic trait which disadvantages an organism in its aim towards survival, in contrast to an "enhancer", which grants an organism an evolutionary advantage.
Also, judging from Let's Play videos, the whole point of this game is walking between two points without falling down.

People like the SotN because of how over the top it is performed, not because it's "so bad its good" you brainlet.

That's how it was explained.

People give Troy Baker a lot of shit but he can pull off a great performance given good material. Most games have him as generic action man.

It's the rain that happens in death stranding, it's a rain that fast-fowards whatever it touches, and the reason all the terrain is the way it is
>Death Stranding
The event that made everything go to shit
The explosion that happens when a BT eats a human, or when a corpse decays
The crystal that started to be found after the death stranding, they exist outside of time, and are unaffected by it
>chiral network
The network you're building thoughout the game, that uses chiralium to send massive amounts of data in a instant

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Remove the voice acting performance and you're left with a pants-on-heads retarded dialogue that completely misses that intention of the original.

>great performance
For vidya, maybe, but there's a reason he couldn't make it in television/film.

dead bodies don't explode. dead bodies undergo a transformation and spawn a new BT. that BT then causes an explosion by capturing a living human and eating them. the explosion is due to the matter of humans coming into contact with the antimatter core of the BT.

The absolute state of the trash writing.
Only Kojima can write such ridiculous nonsense and trash plot

I don't care about its accuracy, I'm just pointing out that you're wrong about the reason for its popularity. And the dialogue isn't nonsensical, so I don't really see your point.

How fucking insecure and weak that pathetic excuse of a man must be ? Holy shit

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I'd imagine intense incineration is the only process which makes it so there's absolutely no body left

so chop the body up or turn into paste

or...or use a flying drone to lift it into the sky to explode
wow i just solved a major problem

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>delivery toilet papers all day - "the video game!"
This time Kojima flopped hard

There is no flying.

no long term flying but they could make a basic drone to fly a body long enough

they used to use flying drones for packages but decided to use people because "plot"