Which one is Game of the Year?

Which one is Game of the Year?

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whoever pays geoff more, like always.

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>which one is the flop of the year
half life

Halo infinite


Why not both? They both have caused massive butthurt.

pretty sure you need to release a whole game to qualify

Doom Eternal is a great game
Half Life: Alyx is a breakthrough title that finally legitimizes VR

It will be remembered as much as Super Mario 64, Halo, Ocarina of Time, etc.

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everything causes fucking butthurt
nu/v/ is so fucking desperate for TORtanic 2.0

True game of the year incoming

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The one that most people can actually play


nice marketer image

Neither. This is.

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animal crossing dumbdumb


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Neither. I'm playing DE (pirated it) and it's a stepdown from 2016. Can't imagine Alyx getting it either considering it is in VR.

Gee, I wonder

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Neither because Bannerlord is also coming out this year.

i dont care im not gonna play em for like 2 years

>sales decide which game is the best

DOOM so far.

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>demo so good it made sales explode
>hurr durr it doesn't count lmao

Is the demo for FF7 still available or is it gone? Can't find it on the playstation store.


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Doom Eternal is a good contender, but in a MERE 8 DAYS comes harvesting season.

still up

Sentinel Prime. Home.

The one the sold the most, so Animal Crossing.

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seething mundane reality fags can't argue with this.

The Legend of Zelda: Dark Tombs

Why the fuck could they not just called it half life 3?....

>Not enjoying the hell out of both
Doom Eternal was mad fun, tonight I'm gonna strap on my Valve Index and enjoy HL: Alyx
Feels good not being poor

VR isn't worth the money, and this game doesn't change that. This is the equivalent of buying a console for only 2-3 games at best. Unlike the rest of Yas Forums, I'm not going to judge a game I haven't played.

I see Valve shills are going the poorfag angle.

This month has been great for games, desu
>animal crossing
>everybody got a a month worth of free time to enjoy the games they play

>nu/v/ is so fucking desperate for TORtanic 2.0
That was Fallout 76

I bought both
Finished Doom yesterday and will play HL tonight on max settings

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It's been only a couple hours since Alyx got released, give people some time to finish the fucking game.
From what I've played so far Doom is great but Alyx literally marks the beginning of a new era in gaming.

Ok Tyler

fallout 4 was trash so 76 was no surprise

pretty much. imagine calling GoTY in the first 3 months when theres so many games left this year to try

out of the nominee pool of just those two?

>words words words words words words words words words words words words words word

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who? I don't follow e-celebs.

Ok Tyler

No, 76 was 3.0
No Man's Sky was absolutely without a doubt 2.0

>all this for what ultimately is just lol poorfag

I don't know who that faggot is but you better start charging rent lest he'll apply for permanent residence in your head.

ok tyler

Edited for your viewing pleasure

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ok tyler

ok tyler

ok tyler

Tick tock autistic boomer

He got his start with gay ben, for him it's half-life already

Don't forget Anthem.

Anthem was just a bioware flop. Nowhere near NMS or F76. Andromeda was worse than anthem too