Admit it, you got filtered

Admit it, you got filtered.

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Imagine me wanting to shoot an enemy in an fps. Fuck me right? The shield is cancer

Will FPS games ever have enemy design half as good as Halo?

Killed him first try on my Nightmare run.

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>Entire game is about fast running and gunning
>This douche slows fights to a crawl as you have to watch him and ONLY him
>Literally only allowed to fight him one way

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Fuck you Hugo. Design better enemies

Why do you lie?

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He's not so bad if you one-two punch him with ballista + ssg.
Gonna try and find out if locking onto him with triple burst rocket launcher then letting fly as he flashes green is a good idea. It hits a fuckton harder than it used to in 2016.

>chunks you to death by quickswapping between ballista/supershotgun whenever you try to strike

nothing personnel

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*spams grenades at his feet*

No way, he gets wrecked by the chaingun just like every other high class enemy. The purple challenge room with the two cyberdemons is the true boss of that level. I was almost tempted to drop the difficulty down to Ultra violence, but after a good nights sleep I beat it.

I just shoot the remote detonating rockets behind him to get behind his shield and blow him up.

Slayer gate 5? That shit was the most fun I had in the game. Real difficulty and if anything a test of your rig. So much shit on screen

>Stay airborne
>Faggot becomes irrelevant as I clean house before turning to him and SS/Ballista fucking him to death

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*Laughs in inverted controller*

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Fourth time. His laser dogs can fuck off.

On my own yeah, I couldn't figure out how to beat him. But after seeing a couple webm I understoof the SSG/Ballista combo and the last one I fought I downed in a few seconds.

I wrecked him so hard that he died before I got a chance to do a glory kill. He'll forever look like a chump to me; he died in under a minute, and the killing blow was a careless heatwave plasma blast, because I was more focused on the meter than him. He just dropped like a sack of potatoes and I was stunned.

I'm not sure which number gate it is, but it's in the level where you get Hayden, and it's the first ever time I saw a cyber demon in the game. I was pleasantly surprised that they reverted to something resembling the classic design, they look a lot more menacing than they did in 2016.

It's slayer gate 4. And yeah, first time you encounter a cyberdemon. Oh and look! Two of them.

My bad 4 is the first time you meet the cyber demon yeah. 5 is still the biggest challenge for me and the most fun but 4 was a shit in pants moment for sure

Shoot him when he flashes Green, how are you people SO fucking bad at this?

easier than the gladiator, beat him second try on nightmare.

I thought I would struggle but it was suprisingly easy. Just give him a couple of rockets and ballista shots when he flashes green and hes down

where's the comic of the archvile saying "hey doomguy. fuck you"
I can't find this shit anywhere.

But yes, Marauder gives me more trouble than any of the other enemies. Everyone else seems to be having trouble with the Doom Hunters but they don't roadblock me anywhere near as much as the Marauder did.

The challenge in Taras Nabad fucking sucks

>demon crossing a portal
so fucking original there.

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that was my first encounter with them and the glowing molten giant cunt, no idea what he's called

does that actually work? I tried firing shotgun nades behind him and the fucker parries them

>Fuck you Hugo. Design better enemies
Hugo isn't the one behind the combat design, that's the combat designers job.
He mostly manages people and the project, as well as approve what's made.
You could blame him for approving it though.

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If you can't beat Marauder you should blame yourself for being fucking awful

I think Nu Doom sucks

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I beated him in 30 seconds during my first fight against him, he's a fuching playa

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The problem isn't that Marauder is too hard, it's that he's not made to be fought in the middle of the action. He's made to be fought whn every other dangerous demon is dead and the only thing left besides him are the walking healths and ammos pack.

Sure you can beat him when every big demon is still alive, but it's not the optimal strategy. Archvile for example, is a dangerous demon because he buffs everyone else, so it's a priority target as soon as he appears. Other demons like Doomhunter have enough long-range power to justify killing them ASAP. But the Marauder ? His only attack with a long range is his red slice, which won't hit you because it's slow and by the time you fight him you've learned to move constantly. He is physically incapable of catching up to you. The optimal way to kill him is to focus completely on him and wait for him to catch up to you so you can blast his face when his eyes flashes green. Trying to do that when two mancubi are firing poisons at you is simply inefficient.

>what are explosives

Hugo is responsible for a lot of the concept art and general aesthetic. He does play a part in the creation.

I use controller, haven't played an FPS in over a year, started this game up in ultra violence for my first play through and I absolutely SHAT on this guy every single time he showed up, even in the 4th slayer gate. But for some fucking reason out of nowhere, when you get to the part where you get your crucible handle out of the titan's chest and thos faggots spawns on top of the staircase, I had the WORST time trying to kill him. I don't know what it was but I died like 20 times. Some absolute bullshit.

Don't respond to tripfags.

No excuses, Hugo.


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>add extra music to the game
>no way to set it as combat music

I think that was a baron of hell

He can beat marauder with a controller using inverted controls on Nightmare easily.
Git gud is something said when someone ISNT good and is complaining, not when theyre not good. Fucking newfags.

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Swap the first two, and I agree with it.

nope, i just beat him on 3rd difficulty

>why are you not playing on the highest difficulty?
cuz I don't care about proving myself on the internet

Imagine not being able to play on nightmare easily lmao.

This image makes me realize there is no fuck huge revolver weapon in Doom. What missed opportunity.

I keep forgetting to use grenades, this game asks too much of me when it comes to multitasking. I'm almost at the final level at UV but I still don't know how to play this shit it seems.

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I haven't had too much trouble with him (other than him melting my Extra Lives), but I heard sometimes there are two of them and I don't know if I'm ready for that

Getting filtered out of Ultra nightmare because i can't save out of a mission what the fuck are you doing ID?

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no, which blows. i hope they do that in a mastery level at some point

Game has very unpolished replayability like the slayer gates, the Ripatorium. The side content feels very rushed

By the way, having items like keys be big glowing objects was a fanatstic way to let the enabled, vertical and open level design work with the mobility. It would be a big pain to find this stuff if it was "immersive" like in 2016

That's a relief.

not really took me 4-5 tries first time. past that I was able to easy dispatch him

SSG --> Balista

he's easy to cheese he's just not very fun to fight

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>MFW He's easier to fight in Slayer Gate arenas than he is in the main game areas you fight him in

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>Close range attack with a gun
>Long range attack with an axe

Expectations: subverted

At first yes.
That faggot kept wrecking me the first time I encountered him.
However, I just beat the mastery version of the Arc facility, and easily styled all over him.
I got good.

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>The purple challenge room with the two cyberdemons
Did that room second try, honestly the slayer gates are the least duifficult but the most fun fights because they throw a literal ass load of demons at you


Wait till he just becomes a regular enemy you have to manage alongside shit like pain elementals, mancubuses and hell knights.
Shit gets god damn intense.
I fucking love the combat in this game so much.

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No, he's just a rock paper scissor boring enemy. Give him more mobility, air and antiair attacks like the doomguy and remove the "lol ignore the BFG" shield

Tbh, I don't find the cyberdeamons that dangerous. Sure, their guns fuck your shit up if they hit you, but they have to first manage to hit you. I just keep moving constantly, using the meathook from the super shotgun to swing myself around making it impossible for the cyberdeamons to land a hit on me, while I keep shooting them until they die.

Is there a way to change up what you face in the ripatorium?

just did it too in 30 seconds. balista obliterates him once you know what to do

Yeah, but you can wreck him even with the super shotgun alone if you handle the timing.

imagine caring how others play the game lmao

it's a fucking video game, not sports competition, you virgin loser

Does anyone have that old thread that was an Ace Attorney trial of Doom 2?

>no proton support

yep, i sure did

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Get fucked.