Even jumping is based on teleportation

>even jumping is based on teleportation
is ALYX the biggest flop of 2020 ?

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>needing to lie to cope
I bet you're a trumpvoter

teleportation is the thing holding back vr

holy fuck stop the tortanic spam you insufferable niggers

why are you here and defending this pile of shit when you can play it oh wait you are a valve shill trying to safe face,kill yourself

>add smooth locomotion because everyone whines about it
>they add it at the slowest speed imaginable so it still takes 5 minutes to walk 10 meters
>no smooth turning either
Valve are incompetent. Coming to this from something like H3VR where I play on the fastest movement speed and find it too slow at times is pure suffering. This is a fucking walking simulator.

Half of this board is having a meltdown over a retcon that isn't even that big and the other half is in full cope/denial mode over this game's quality and sales. Meanwhile here I am just enjoying HL: Alyx.

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I can't play it because my Valve Index hasn't arrived yet.

>I'm e-enjoying it dont mind me not playing and rather shilling on 4channel
tab back and stop dmg controlling valve drone

Nice gif, mongoloid

>I c-can't play b-because of reasons so I need to pretend that alyx is good to save face
what a subhuman

What damage? lmao Theres nothing to control here, seething Yas Forumstard. HL: Alyx is a sucess, cope more.

>5 fps made for ants gif

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>HL: Alyx is a sucess
How many sales?
How much did it cost valve to make the index and Alyx?

It doesnt matter because everything valve has done in the past 5 years is a mediocre failure that they proceed to ditch as soon as they realize it.
They would rather make silly hardware configurations like nintendo than produce games that everyone can enjoy.
Ironic considering that letting anyone play how they want and ensuring choice is the entire argument valve built its platform on.

>Ironic considering that letting anyone play how they want and ensuring choice is the entire argument valve built its platform on.

I can't understand why people are so butthurt that it is a VR game.

It's another medium to games, we got consoles, we got PC, we got VR on both can't u just accept that.
It doesn't make the game better or worse. VR games do a lot of stuff that normal PC KB&M games cannot do or convey to the player.

VR is a great thing, it's still too expensive but I think it will stay. I like playing in VR but I also like playing on normal monitor on M&KB or controller.

And it could have had 5x the current player count if there was a version that had normal controller based gameplay.
But then VR fags would have to endure everyone else having fun and we just cant have that can we, even though they would have an entirely unique experience from the normal version its just not fair that non VR users can experience such a quality title.
Valve simply doesnt have the money to make multiple versions of their games for different platforms.

I literally wouldnt care if Gaben didnt parade choice of platform his entire life only to do this because index owners needed at least 1 killer app thats "exclusive" to VR to justify the cost and controllers that will fall to the wayside immediately afterwards.
When something doesnt pan out Valve pulls a sony and ditches it, its happened many many times already.
Have fun though user, just dont get upset others want to see steam get better rather than worse since its also the platform you seem to enjoy oh so much.

Its FLOP user, 40k Peak when the fucking world is in quarantine is massive flop, alyx is not a game that shines non vr fags just getting the proof why vr is dogshit and people liking vr will jump shit because it's shit

>in the year of the webm no less

>And it could have had 5x the current player count if there was a version that had normal controller based gameplay.

I don't think you understand the fact that you can't make a game that is made for VR work really well on a controller or something, the game would just be boring as hell because immersion is the biggest factor for VR.

>But then VR fags would have to endure everyone else having fun and we just cant have that can we, even though they would have an entirely unique experience from the normal version its just not fair that non VR users can experience such a quality title

You are obviously just mad that you won't be able to play it and I understand that. But it doesn't mean the game is not good or won't be succesful.

>Have fun though user, just dont get upset others want to see steam get better rather than worse since its also the platform you seem to enjoy oh so much.

I don't know if I'm going to get it even tho I do have VR, this isn't anything about me being a steam fanboi. We still have consoles that get games that PC doesn't, how is that fair in your opinion? It's business, they don't give a rats ass what is fun, fair or right for the consumer.

It's just different. Let it be different, why be mad. There are simulation racing games which can't be played on controllers and people don't go about the internet whining about it. But as soon as Half-life game comes, an IP that has been dead and buried for 13 years and nobody should really care anymore, and it's a VR game peope just lose it. IT'S A FUCKING GAME GET OVER IT

>It's just different. Let it be different, why be mad
We could have had a real half life game

>its okay valve is literally going against their primary function by releasing content thats exclusive to certain platforms
Imagine if HL2 was an xbox exclusive.
Thast what your defending, a game exclusive to specific hardware.
A port would not have taken more effort than creating an entirely new controller and headset.
Thats a fact.

Sorry you just cant stand that others might be critical of you favorite platform because they are literally going back on what made them big to begin with.

It is a real half life game, just like God of war is a real video game but I can't play it because I don't have a PS4.

>A port would not have taken more effort than creating an entirely new controller and headset.

I already said it earlier, you can't just port a VR game to a controller, it's not very interesting opening cabinets and inserting magazines into weapons or pushing stuff over to make cover etc. with a controller. VR games are alot slower, are about interacting with environment. There is no immersion in that without VR. Can't you understand that. The game would suck ass if it wasn't on VR since it is designed to have all that small shit like being able to push stuff with your hand.

>Sorry you just cant stand that others might be critical of you favorite platform because they are literally going back on what made them big to begin with.

I don't really care, I don't have problem with steam, with epic games launcher, with uplay. As long as I can buy and play the game I'm fine, it's not fair yeah, I don't have a PS4 and I have not been able to play alot of games. But if I really wanted to I would buy a PS4 right? It's business. You can say anything you want here in the interwebz but I legit don't give a fuck. Just don't be mad just at half life alyx for being VR game, when you are not mad at simulation games requiring their own hardware and controllers, or consoles having exclusives. It's just business, I'm OK with it.

>There are simulation racing games which can't be played on controllers and people don't go about the internet whining about it
>its okay because simulators exist
Half life is along running franchise that people played with any input they wanted since the beginning and the orange box only made them twice as big and showed xbox players what games can really be.

>VR games are alot slower, are about interacting with environment.
So are you admitting that an FPS literally cant have these sore of high points? You think everything has to be fast as fuck and filled with cuhrayzee set pieces and zero world interactions?
You are fucking delusional and just proved how retarded steamdrones can actually be.
And to think I use to defend valve at every turn before you faggots had to praise every thing they did whether it was better for gaming as a whole or not.

Steam use to be fucking great and now its literally a shell of itself thats gone back on every single thing that made them big to begin with.

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game makes me happy, the point of games. it's a success

What a disgusting piece of shit. Hope his fat ass gets corona and drops dead.

Me too, anglos don't belong in the future.

ignore tripfags
do not give them attention
they don't exist you fucking newfaggots

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VR games won't be great until the year 2030 at the earliest. Yall are just playing early tech demos at the moment.

Literally who?

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>the point of games
For things outside of media sure.
All corporate produced media is created to turn a profit, thats true no matter how much fun you are having.
From books to video games and everything in between.

What happens when valve stops producing these controllers?
What happens if they have a fault that causes half of them to present a defect after two years?
What happens is that once the controllers dry up there will no longer be a way to play HL:Alyx with every feature like individual finger gestures.

Making a game for something that might not survive more than 5 years is actually retarded and valves current track record has them ditching anything that doesnt pan out in even less time than that.
I guess ensuring that it can be played in the future worth losing since you had fun.

If valve didnt already show how stupid that can be we wouldnt be here but the fact remains they have started and ended more products in the last 5 years than sony was doing with the ps3.

ill pass

Don't ever reply to me, faggot.

Why does the world never work out the way you plan, Nigel?

>What happens when valve stops producing these controllers?
>What happens if they have a fault that causes half of them to present a defect after two years?
Then you just use VR controllers that are still being made or aren't pieces of junk.

tripfags get their biggest dopamine kicks being featured in images like that, kill yourself

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>it's actually the best game ever made
Being a consolefag must hurt so much right now.

This game is so fucking good bros. I've been consistently impressed by it since I booted it up. Fuck those little spiky headcrabs tho

I see Yas Forums is thirsty for another tortanic. I can't imagine wishing for games to be shit just so you can nitpick it and shitpost about it for a few days. Pathetic.

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>alyx is actually so good
>but I rather shill about it on Yas Forums

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I haven't played it because I'm a poorfag, but I will at some point.

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even worse

He cute, he'd honestly look like an 8/10 if he got a better hairstyle, stopped eating burgers and went to the gym.

god damn you got fuckin rekt

>implying an American will ever stop eating burgers

yet again, the tripfag makes the most retarded post in the thread

Been playing a couple hours and wanted to take a break for water

it's a dumb post but fuck trump

And yet again, anons rage and show off why trips are king.

>this fps uses WSAD to move?
Is this the biggest flip of 2020 lmao eksdee bro


any game with teleportation movement is a 5/10 at best

is ALYX literally the worst game ever made???!?!??

holy shit the dark sections
never played a horror game this good


ok retard

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so 3 hours were enough torture ? thanks for proving my point

At that part where the zombies burst out of the walls around you I fucking yelled lol

This. All the poorfags are REALLY seething now that all the overwhelmingly positive reviews are starting to come out, and people who have actually played it are praising it as a masterpiece.

>he doesn't stay hydrated

No it's ZOOM Eternal

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