Play skating games
Play skating games
Has there even been a notable one released in the last decade?
loved those Skate games on ps3. dumb, simple fun.
No. Skate was the last good Skateboarding game and that was 2007.
Why not skate irl?
Session is getting better with each update. Still pretty jank though.
I would if they still got made.
it's better to just go outside and go skateboarding
>mfw been skating for years now and can barely do any tricks
still fun tho, better then getting rekt by cheaters in video games
>We're gonna not port skate to PC because fuck you lmao
Or even better. Go skate and have a great time. Do a kickflip backlip down your nearest rail it's what I do I think it's better than skate 3 imo.
normies who skateboard don't play video games on pc, they still think most video games are "dungeons and dragon" shit and play cod
You're right, sounds easy enough.
no health insurance so skating is a liability even without the quarantine
God bless living in the first world
THUGPRO is the only one
Just don't let people cough at you lol.
do games that require a controller generally sell well in PC?
Did you get your free 2:00 Tony Hawk demo with your Pizza Hut?
>We're a society of hysterical infantilized idiots who have no sense of self-agency and independence to take their own precautions and measures to defend their own lives and depend entirely on the paternalistic powers of the Estate to do any and everything for us, allowing the Estate to blow things out of proportion so they can use every crisis to curb people's civil and economic liberties and interfere with the free market and people's right of free transit using of literal martial law
fixed it for you ma'am
because you can get hurt
Why not skate AND die
dark souls is remarkably popular
no if you want skate then go out playing sport games on pc/consoles is stupid if you like sport then go fucking do it!
Did we ever name this genre? This game genre where you dick around in a city or a map just doing tricks and getting points? It can't just be a skate game because Goat Simulator, the Jackass game and Pain (early shitty PS3 game) are all also like this.
why not steal cars and shoot ppl irl
what about wheelchair men
I'm hereby coining the term "Acrobatic Explorer".
skater XL is where it's at
maybe if you're still stuck in the 70s
a fucking sandbox you absolute CRETIN
why so aggro?
How the fuck do I git gud at THUG Pro?
all the people online are Pros
this is literally dialogue from a bmx vlog
Skate 2 was pretty good, Skate 3 was an abortion.
All the Tony Hawk games sucked and only nostcucks think otherwise, they controlled like shit and “press button to do trick” was massively inferior to using the stick to control the board physics.
For the record, why did Skate manage to look better than Skate 2 and 3? Was it a lighting change? I feel like the latter two games looked more “cartoony”
Based subhumans
Tony Hawk's Underground will always be my shit.
skate. intros were kino
Skate 2 was kinda cool with its further implementation of ragdoll physics and the bonebreaking challenges, but I feel like they vastly downgraded the actual skate mechanics and movement and made it more arcadey. Skate 3 doubled down on that and that's why the series died I think.
Would've been nice to see a Skate game with the Skating controls and level design of Skate 1 with the ragdoll challenges of Skate 2.
Look I'm a professional Dev and I skate. I make the games u fucks mock on here and I'm so tired of anons shit opinions.
Think what you want but maybe you are the normie and the people out there that make shit happen are the exception.
Spiderman 2?
Gravity Rush?
U need to stop skateboarding it's not for you honestly. Why the fuck are you even on Yas Forums? Let me guess, neet I assume? No worries I have schizophrenia and bipolar but I worked my ass off and put my life on the line everyday so I could put food on the table for my 68 year old mom. You will make it I believe in you if you skate you are one of us. I apologies for the rant and being blunt.
Skateboarding is for faggots. Thankfully that shit died in the 00's.
How's the Skate series?
Skate 1 is kino as fuck. Skate 2 is fun but inferior. Skate 3 is awful, avoid at any cost.
All 3 are still superior to Tony Hawk nostalgia garbage. Using the control stick to manipulate the board physics is way more interactive and immersive than “press X to do a kickflip”
motherfuckers make kickflips look so easy but i can't do that shit
I can't even do a fucking ollie
Why DID skating die off so hard? I remember in the late 00’s, when I was still in high school, skating was what all the popular guys did. They all had the gay faggot Justin Bieber hair that they would keep flipping out of their eyes and wore clothes from PacSun and Zumiez. Now nobody skates at all.
not on pc what a shame
Any good skating games on Steam?
Skateboarding is not dead, it's now in the olympics and having a bit of a resurgence. I would say the answer is the pussification of the modern generation though.
People still skate, it's just not mainstream anymore.
>t. bailed the first kick-flip and cried when he scrapped his elbow
>tfw no Skate 4
skaters grew up
>vastly downgraded the skate mechanics
how so?
skateboarding is fun but it's not so good for your body.. I should have got into surfing
This was the best song on THUG
Fuck you OP I really want to play Skate now but my Ps3 is broken and seeing as neither the ps4 or ps5 have any form of backwards compatibility I'll never be able to play it again.
The analog controls just didn't feel as fluid and engaging as before. It just felt simplified and like the physics were more Tony Hawkey. Skate 1 felt a lot more weightier and grounded. Plus they drew back the camera a lot more in Skate 2 so it didn't feel as cool as Skate 1.
>not skating and social distancing at the same time
I know a million spots to skate that keep me at least a hundred yards from the nearest human
Blog post ahead
My younger brother, who is now 21, used to be fucking obsessed with skating. He knew the name of all pro skaters, of all skate moves, every part of a skateboard, knew the ins and outs of every skate competition and their dates to watch them. We used to watch the Megaramp competitions that happened here in Brazil and root for Bob Burnquist. I used to skate with him a bit but I was never too invested in that shit. I was more of a half-pipe faggot and he was more of the type that tries all day long to land a kick-flip, and as far as I know his repertoire was only kick-flips and ollies.
He suddenly stopped being interested in skating, his main life obsession, almost all at once around 7 years ago. I think it's because he got into videogames and shit like that. Last year he started riding his skate to work, which I find the faggottiest thing in the world, but that was about it.
Skating got taken over by “urban” (nigger) culture. Now skaters just wear wigger clothing, listen to mumble rap and smoke mango Juul pods.
If you skate irl past the age of 20 and aren't a pro then you're a fucking burn out loser who never mentally matured past high school.
to be honest I'd rather have skate 2 remastered on PC
Based blacks
>he said on Yas Forums the video game board
>t. was bullied by skaters in high school
Skating is a sport like any other fag, it's like saying that you can't play basketball for fun or for exercise if you're not a pro because"what's the point?"
post your deck, niggers
Skate 4 fucking when
Neversoft original team making a THPS revival a la Bloodstained fucking when
>tfw the Burnout original team tried that and failed with Dangerous Driving
>why don't trends last forever
>tfw 28 years old
is it too late to learn?
Wait I thought the ps5 had backwards compatibility
the controls did take a dip towards the casualized appeal but I liked the fact that they added a few extra tricks especially plants but walking sucked. New Sanvanelona was better too
Not with Ps3 or below only ps4.
Yeah, Skate 2 wasn't terrible or anything. I just remember it as the sort of Mass Effect 2 of the franchise. It was the moment when I saw the franchise going in a direction I didn't really think was good. And with Skate 3 they solidified that.
never too late to learn anything
What a rip-off.
>wears Converse All-Stars instead of those stupid puffy-ass “skating” shoes like DC, DVS and Etnies
Based CHAD Taylors, I prefer the high tops though
Session or Skater XL?
wtf are you talking about in skate 1 you could do 360s on flat ground with zero effort where as in the later games you would have to adjust your body mid air with the right stick in oteder to complete a 360.
also you would flip much higher of rails in skate 1. you could grind a rail, do 360 laser flip and land back on the rail and continue grinding. that wasn't possible in skate 2.
Just started skating like a month ago. Damn why didnt anybody tell me how fucking fun it is? Started practicing how to ollie last week and it's hard but I can see progress with my board getting more air every day. Any good skate games that came out within the last 10 years?
was it KINO?