Your appointment to FEMA has been cancelled. I'm yet to discuss the matter with the senator.
Your appointment to FEMA has been cancelled. I'm yet to discuss the matter with the senator
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>deus ex predicted all this virus crap
Maybe we should send him back to the people. In a body bag.
So did Kojima
Oh no!
>every depiction of a pandemic is a prediction
I'm starving. Do you have anything to eat?
Certainly you should remain unemployed.
You can have this onions food.
Why contain it?
Oh yumye! Most sweetainly.
Also 9/11
Fuck I want a snickers right now
Why did Simons tell Page why and how NUTATCO was formed? Did Page not know?
Sorry, I don't have any food.
He wanted to make sure that the guy watching the cinematic knew what UNATCO was so he would better prepared to adopt the role of an agent of UNATCO as JC Denton. Walton Simons knows more than you think.
deus ex predicted pretty much everything about post-9/11 society, except we don't have any of the cool cybernetic technology shit yet
Yeah how's about a lead bullet kid?
Yeah I bet he has a few relevant facts himself
Manderley did nothing wrong.
>COVID-19 is the only pandemic
He was a bad man. What a fresh way to live.
the only one since the start of the 2000s that has caused this much of a panic
not even ebolachan caused this much condominium
I'm not going to go out terribly.
>not even ebolachan caused this much condominium
>what is SARS
>what is H1N1
Neither of those caused global quarantines and closing of borders and businesses
Why did he prefer orange? Is this code for something?
When I mentioned we wouldn't put him on the priority list for the corona vaccine, he was so reluctant it was almost cheerful.
Because lemon lime is for machines
>idiots can only think in terms of video games
It's not MGS2 predicting stuff. While ignoring the multitudes of novels, papers, and studies that do the exact same thing before either were a thing.
>one of the MJ12 troopers says he can hear Gunther crying in the cathedral
hermann had a hard life
He's one of my favourite characters in all of gaming. Killing him always feel bad.
I wish there was a way to spare him.
Has he been infected?
>there was suppose to be a white house level and a moon-base level
Fuck those sound cool.
White house yes, but going to moon would be retarded.
>That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for the people. In a body bag.
Mathematically unlikely
It's all in the numbers
No it didn't.
I assume he wasn't agreeable?
Oh, no. When I mentioned he would be on the priority list for the ambrosia vaccine he was so unwilling it was almost commendable.
Do you have any idea how to MULTIPLY?
I'm not big into maths
What a shame
This plague, the rioting is deescalating to point where we'll be able to contain it.
Let's contain it. We don't want it to spill into the schools and churches, for the bodies to pile up in the streets. In the end, we're eager to help them.
Bob was such a good man
Don't jump, you won't make it!
I think the best part is that you aren't able to spare him. He's not the type to reach out, he's extremely stubborn and is more than happy working as a pet for Waltson Simons or whoever else is in charge of UNATCO. And despite his tragedy, the game also makes it clear that he and Anna are pretty awful people.
Name a better weapon than the sniper rifle.
With enough upgrades and proficiency it kills anything alive in 1 hit from super far away silently.
hello JC,
You're not going to liquefy, nothing wrong
I haven't received any reports of armed attacks on shipments. There's enough vaccine to go around, and the underclasses are starting to get satisfied.
tfw entire family is neets now
thanks corona
GEP gun.
One of the few things the PS2 version did better, they dropped that line.
a gep gun
I kinda want a mod for Deus Ex where Bob and Simons are benevolent rulers but they're tired so they're plotting to transfer the power to someone competent enough and go quietly for people to not know that they're leaving because they love them so much that they don't want to let them go. JC would be that asshole that spreads the disease and disrupts their efforts just in spite of them, forcing them to work to get rid of him (although reluctantly because they're such good guys) before they can leave and spend their remaining time woth their families.
A bomb's a bad choice for close range combat
Haha now they can't give you any shit for being a neet. Isn't it awesome?
>hey mom how's it going? When are you going to work? Have you met any friends lately?
Has the president been infected?
Oh yes
When I mentioned putting him on a priority list for flights to Israel he was so willing it was almost pathetic.