Santo campo retconned half life 2

>santo campo retconned half life 2
>its fucking confirmed

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You don't know what a retcon means. Also cope, poorcel.

so the combine were imprisioning gman?

do people know what a retcon is holy shit
this is gonna be a new memeword over used

>killing half life 2 with no survives
>no its n-not
kys tripfaggot


This looks like Half-Life splitting into two timelines, one for Alyx VR games and one for mainline Gordon games. If that's the case then that's great.

no not really, the main half life story author got booted now they made gordon the side bitch and alyx the real protag

what a random baseless assumption

I hope that's not the case, but even if the protagonist were to change, that's not the worst thing that could happen. Also I doubt they are going to throw Gordon away entirely.

who plays half life for the story, i only play for the environment and world building

no you retard its one timeline you'll follow
It is just one alyx, the ending proves that the normal alyx you knew in hl2 is the same as the one taken in custody by gman

cope after alyx story is confirmed garbage

>Eli's voice

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So there are two timelines now? One where it ends with Episode 2 since Laidlaw left Valve and we'll never know what happens next and a new one where Valve can fuck around?

no they just retconned ep2 because the new writers are shit and alyx needs to have gurl power

The post credits scene implies you'll be playing as Gordon in the next VR game.

Oh fuck me, I was hopping that wouldn't be the case.

why the fuck are people accepting this headcannon? nobody they never said anything about multiple timelines, they literally just retconned the last game

>very mature, miss vance

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God damn how can you be so fucking retarded
you dumb niggers can't even realize that Gordon is still the protagonist
fuck I hope you people don't breed

original actor is dead, same for breen :(

Why does Eli sound like a complete hood pimp in this? Don't think he ever raged like that in neither HL2 or any of it's episodes(Minor that one outburst in EP1).

ok but refute anything I said

I guess the next game will be called Half Life: Gordyn, they'll just go around the need to call any game half life 3
People that want to accept the original writer's vision as hl3 can do that and play the new stuff as a different version of events


Also the Monk and Gordon :(

Fuck off she's not dead, they recorded all her lines and took her out for no reason last second (i would argue its so they had a more diverse voice actor), there's even an interview with her about it on valve news networks channel.

The game is sjw trash honestly no one play it or buy it


You HAVE to teleport, there is no jump
Boneworks is so much better lol


I don't know which one you are but you're fucking stupid considering Gordon is the protagonist

You literally play as Gordon at the end you fucking autist. You're gonna rescue Alyx.

ok but why teh SJW usage
or do you call everything SJW

this fucking killed me

So they changed the ending of half-life 2 episode 2
How does this retcon Half-life 2?

it does not, OP was talking with his ass and tried to not shit-post for a while.

Gordon is still going to the Borealis
Alyx is still in play
Eli is still in play
Eli's could still die in HL3
Laidlaw's story could still be used and expanded upon.

After 12 years, next game will not be the last in the series.

reading comprehension

>The game is sjw trash honestly no one play it or buy it
you wot mate

>Unironically giving a fuck about Half Life
>Unironically thinking there will be a Half Life 3
>Unironically giving a fuck about Nu-Valve
You guys never learn.

t. subhuman santro crapo shill damage controlling his fanfiction

>you play as gordon
you dont, they tease a two protag story where you play both

The game just released, what the fuck?
I like to see G Man being so creepy.

Looks Greta can't wait for next half life games

>can't cope with the truth
>spams le funny image of a fat nerd in reply

Gottem! #DiscordGang

>waaah stop correcting me my words are absolute

>can't admit his fanboyism is infected with sjw like Marvel
Keep seething faggot

>Gordon freeman has been making Gman Reeeee because he won't do exactly what he wants

>Alyx got baited and switched

Gordon will save Alyx like damsel in distress trope

i thought campo santo trannies were moving away from this and making it woman strong no need no man?

Your rotten brain just spilling out meaningless buzzwords

stop trying so hard to fit in loser

FACT: All the discussion on the retcon is based on the potential changes they bring to HL3, until the game is actually released (LMAO) it's kinda useless to get pissy/praise it.

Having said that, I think the retcon is super forced, but it can be easily salvaged into good things for the next game

>Eli's could still die in HL3
>the change can just be changed again lmao

Put your trip back on.

People just mad cause they cant buy the game lol keep seething

They can do whatever the fuck they want.

They'll pull that "I must sacrifice for my daughter" card, I just know.

I don't even play Half Life

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Yas Forums was, and always will be A VALVE BOARD GTFO HATERS

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Here is one that is better.

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Retards in this thread think it's either Gordon or Alyx when you guys don't realize that Valve can just make Half Life Alyx series just for VR and Half Life 3 for PC, where you play as Alyx in the VR series of games (or just one sequel), but you play as Gordon in the main sequel.

Gordon in HL3 completes the story of the main games and frees Alyx from g-man and the HLA 2 can be about what G-man has alyx do during the time he has her employed.


lol buzzword andy

Wait didn't Eli get BRAINED?

Why is he alive?

HLA retcons it, gman makes alyx save him

I really don't want HL3 to be VR only god dammit

You can't fucking read, can you, retard?

There's no diversity quota with the casting. Both Alyx actors are blatantly niggers, one of them just has a little bit of moonrunes mixed in her ebonics.

They wanted a younger voice. She sounds younger and more tomboyish. Cry fucking harder and choke on your tendies.

does he actually react to that?