>take out all the soul of the original
>take away the fast-paced action combat and replace it with a shitty Souls-like clunkfest
>turn Kratos, one of the most badass characters in video games, into a withered old man with a beard
>force you to babysit an obnoxious companion character nobody wanted
>completely unnecessary loot system to keep dopamine addicts on a treadmill
>“cinematic experience”
>still lauded by critics as a masterstroke of gaming because it “matured” the series
What is it with the modern gaming industry’s obsession with turning games into “art”? Why can’t games just be fun for the sake of being fun? Why did we need to “mature” the God of War series? Why did we need to take out all the fun and shoehorn in a “fatherhood experience” with 10 hours of cutscenes?
Other urls found in this thread:
The original GoW games have no soul it was cheap violence for 12 year olds
I imagine because a lot of the people who started playing the God of War series when they were younger are now parents and can relate. It makes sense and it is a good way to sell a game that works as a crossover.
The slow walky talky shit and usual trappings of a "cinematic" Naughty Dog wannabe game are here (certainly not as bad as the usual cinematic game outing) but the combat is pretty good, you're just desperately trying to shitpost about a Sony exclusive.
Tbh i've found that the combat became good only at the end of the game. And there was no chance that i'll play that shit another time tho, so it's wasted. I kinda enjoyed the story otherwise, but i never had a dad in my life so i guess i know why.
I missed the titties but it's much more engaging for me than old GoW were for me.
It truly appealed to what wasn't their audience before and that was probably the point.
You have no ideia what the fuck you're talking about. The combat is still fast paced and much more mindful than any of the previous games.
>force you to babysit an obnoxious companion character nobody wanted
This is how I know you haven't played the game. Try to have an original thought every once in a while and fuck off with your shitty thread.
I think the combat system is good, it lets you react to enemy attacks in many ways. Block, dodge, parry, shield bump, axe throw, arrows etc. The valkyrie fights especially put an emphasis on this. The problem is besides this there just aren't that many enemies that demand this variety of repsonses. Especially in terms of bosses. I think people exaggerate the lack of variety in terms of normal enemies. Though unique enemies for Muspelheim and NIlfheim would be nic. But there was defnitely a lack of variety in bosses.
Holy shit I didn't think even Yas Forums could say something this retarded
It only took 4 posts for a wojak to appear in this thread. My god I hate this fucking board.
Oh my god! Is that wojak!?
Preferring nu-God of War to the original series is the sure sign of a pleb retard. 2 is still one of the best action games ever. Even if you think it's easier than DMC or Bayonetta, you should respect that it goes for epic scale and grand Greek architecture. Nu-GOW is Naughty Dog story shit with some ok combat and visuals.
If this doesn't give you instant flashbacks you don't deserve to post on these games.
>But there was defnitely a lack of variety in bosses.
To me it felt like they poured all their budget into Magni & Modi and treated the rest like an afterthought. The dragon boss in particular was a real low point.
I was really disappointed there wasn't a new remix of this in 2018 like there was in 2&3. GOW2018's OST in general felt really lacking compared to the ones that came before it.
it lacked good bosses. valkyries are essentially the same, many of them use the same basic moveset, sigrund uses the full moveset of all of them. a shame because the combat was pretty good, but you didn't have crazy enough enemies to go all out on. comparing that to the bosses of gow3, who are all amazing and unique and fun in their own ways, it falls short
The combat has way more depth than the old button mashers that were poor dmc clones with shallow combat and cool spectacles. GOW(2018) is a fun action games. Shitters need not respond.
I also LOVE cinematic masterpieces made by Sony Entertainment!
I've beaten this game 4 times trying to "understand" it. Its fucking terrible. The combat does not scale at all with more enemies or harder encounters. It all boils down to waiting out your cooldowns. Enemies are scaled above your level so that CC doesn't work on them. Bosses are NOT tuned for the extra damage. Lots of them have cheeser attacks meant to keep you on your toes but end up killing you with no telegraph. It forces you into this stupidly passive state. I've beaten this game on literally eveyr difficulty and can confirm its only really fun on Normal. It just doesn't make sense. Gear is pointless, the only stat that matters is your level. Atreus is pointless. All the special magic abilities are just AoEs with no nuance. I liked this game when it came out. Now I can't fucking stand it. The story is terrible. The combat is sloppy. You slide around as do enemies so you're never really sure if attacks are gonna land or not. Enemy variety is garbage and sometimes its not possible to tell what variant of an enemy you're fighting. Shit is not fun.
You didn't even play the game, you're probably about 22, and you've never even seen a CRT.
Brainlet comment as I dont like most sony games besides bloodborne and Spiderman. You faggots just love shitting on a game you’ve never played.
Tried replaying the old ones recently and fucking despised the
design on fucking everything.
Seriously that kind of design is pure ass
You sound like you suck at the game Zoomer
Historically most things critics praise don't stand the test of time. It's especially true nowadays as gaming has become more mainstream and the pretentiousness has increased.
I did muspelheim on Give Me God of War and every single Valkyrie. Show me a video of someone doing either of those that actually looks interesting. You can't because its not possible. These are the biggest combat challenges of the game and they're all fucking terrible on this difficulty.
Do you have any specific examples?
>I've beaten this game 4 times trying to "understand" it
Sounds like you’re mentally fucking ill
>>force you to babysit an obnoxious companion character nobody wanted
>This is how I know you haven't played the game. Try to have an original thought every once in a while and fuck off with your shitty thread.
How do you come to the conclusion that he didn’t play the game because of this? Atrius is annoying and I hated having him around. I don’t care if he was mechanically good, there could be better ways to do it without dealing with an annoying kid.
He teleports and is invincible. This has an effect where you know you don't have to care about him. All these neo-narrative games are like this. Decent gameplay with dumb fucking narrative elements that defy the player's actions.
Not everyone wants to play linear corridor square mash with constant QTE and barely any story. Old GoW play like shit compared to new. Cope.
>actually listing "cinematic" as flaw
gp back to bing bing wahoo
>10 hourse of cutscenes
Fucking what again, retard?
Still mad over GOTY huh?
Go watch GBG on youtube and get better at the game
Its okay when japan does it
honestly kinda true
The original series was a "cinematic experience."
No he made it up
>muh story
>cinematics aren’t a flaw
Get coronavirus and give it to your entire family, cringe nu-gamer. Gameplay is THE ONLY thing that matters in video GAMES. You are what’s wrong with the industry. Burn all zoomers to death.
I don’t think he meant babysit as in protect. He just means that your followed around by an annoying companion.
Any action game that uses this kind of "autoaim" is inherently bad, regardless of how mechanically deep the combat is
the old GoW did this though...
No it didn't, even the grab animations have some sort of attack range and still require you to be facing in the direction of the enemy.
No, graphics and story matters too. Having good gameplay and graphics make game better not worse. You are mentally challenged,
>The original GoW games have no soul it was cheap violence for 12 year olds
Unfortunately true, but nostalgia blinds most people. Same with Gears of War and Halo. Which makes sense because God of War was a DMC rip-off, Gears of War was a Winback rip-off, and Gaylo was a watered down casualization of FPS.
The original games that precede the big ones rip off have soul, but the knock-offs were always just cheap knockoffs. Hell, the only reason any of you know about God of War, Gears of War, and Halo were simply marketing ploys. There's no artistic merit to any of these games.
It's called lock on you idiot. This isn't fps.
You’re too young to have an opinion that carries any weight, fuck off zoomer cuckold
>take out all the soul of the original
I'm a huge fan of David Jaffe's weirdness but I wouldn't exactly classify what he did as "soul", it's in that weird self-aware edgy camp as Heavy Metal. Even so, the series completely shat the bed with 3, Athena dies in 2 and Kratos bests Zeus in combat but in 3 Athena's ghost is around completely and Zeus is a bigger threat than ever even though Kratos already bodied him.
>take away the fast-paced action combat and replace it with a shitty Souls-like clunkfest
The combat is extremely close to the originals though, Blades of Chaos basically have the same moveset with Square and Triangle swapped for R1 and R2. Not to mention there were already 6 games with the exact same braindead combat.
>turn Kratos, one of the most badass characters in video games, into a withered old man with a beard
Again, we had 6 games of Kratos being a rabid retard frothing at the mouth. He stopped being a badass when his gullibility was expanded on.
>force you to babysit an obnoxious companion character nobody wanted
Post-Last of Us world, and Atreus isn't really annoying until that moment where he acts like an entitled asshole and that obviously leads to some character growth in the end.
>completely unnecessary loot system to keep dopamine addicts on a treadmill
It's pretty simplistic, all things considered. Are you retarded?
>“cinematic experience”
It was always a cinematic experience, hours of cutscenes in a 10 hour game is still the same as 6 hours of cutscenes in a 30 hours game.
I'm all for shitting on God of War but shitting on God of War while lauding the original series is complete retardation
Except grab and attack animations did gravitate towards enemies when you were already close enough. Just like the old ones you can still miss enemies if you're not trying to hit them.
>can't have argument so call people underage
Are you talking about yourself?
>m-muh GWAFIX
>m-muh STOREH
Yeah, you can’t be older than 18. Shoot yourself in the mouth.
>lock on
This isn't lock on, lock on doesn't automatically slide all the way over the enemy that you're facing in order for you to land a hit. Lock on just makes your character face the direction of your targeted enemy at all times. Hell in the new god of war you don't even have to lock on an enemy for that to trigger, that's why it's so much bullshit. Even the enemies have this so you can never be sure wheter an enemy attack will actually hit or not so you always have to block or dodge if an enemy is somewhat close to you.
Eh, they peaked on that gameplay style with GoW 3. Ascension was fun but it's obvious that they have no reason to follow that thread any further. GoW is an interesting way to expand on what seemed like an expended lore, and the new combat is similar fundamentally but feels different in an interesting way.
>shouting with capslock
>stuttering like some angry autist
This pretty much proves that only underage retard are you. Keep seething.
>This isn't lock on, lock on doesn't automatically slide all the way over the enemy
In every hack n slash you are moving towards enemy when attacking him, which you call "sliding". Are you retarded or just pretending?
Only grab animations did that and just to an extent, you had to very close to the enemy and they had to be staggered before you could do the finshing move. Want to know how I know you never played the games?
Not him, but if you mash even basic square combo Kratos is moving forward to direction of enemy.
>there can be no story
>if there isn't action 24/7 then I lose interest
How do you get through your daily life and focus on tasks? How much ADHD medicine do you have to take?
I mean youre getting assaulted by soiboiposters but i was there playing them when they came out and i genuinely agree. I enjoyed them, but if they had to be reimagined for a younger audience than boy of dad was bretty good.
Just like you had to be very close to enemies in the new game to gravitate towards hitting them, which you can still easily miss on certain enemies. It also wasn't just grabs, projectile attacks like Zeus's lightning and Gorgon heads automatically tracked enemies and when you were close your blades would automatically gravitate towards hitting your enemies, which you could miss or lose, like the new game. Want to know how I know you haven't played any of the games past 3?
>>there can be no story
>>if there isn't action 24/7 then I lose interest
What the fuck are you talking about now? Are you lost somewhere? Pills don't work?
I have literally never played any gow game but can someone tell me why people are seething over the reboot. Weren't there like 10 of the traditional games that from what I keep hearing was pree circle to win and quick time events
>defending cinematic cringe sóy garbage
Yeah your opinion carries zero weight and can be dismissed out of hand, keep on shouting into the void though, you’re a fake trend gamer
Actually GoW4 story is more mature. Since second game it's simplistic story about guy in constant period wanting revenge because someone wasn't nice to him. I'm not even talking about gameplay which is a lot more simplistic and limited in previous games,
Are you really going to argue that halo has no artistic merit? Not even its music or character/alien design?
>being so asshurt and lost arguments so use shitty memes
It's not opinion it's fact. Stop crying faggot.
That's not what I was refering to. It's obvious that most of the time when you perform an action in a game your character will move accordingly to their animation, but in you can clearly see how Kratos automatically slides all the way over an enemy to hit an attack that should've missed.
>can someone tell me why people are seething over the reboot
it's a popular and critically praised sony exclusive, so Yas Forums has to be overly critical and contrarian
the original games were never held in that high of regard here
>Any action game that uses this kind of "autoaim" is inherently bad, regardless of how mechanically deep the combat is
I agree, I hate Bayonetta
Literally stopped reading right here
You are using buzzwords now user. I can call every moving forward to enemy "sliding" now.
>withered old man with a beard
how is he "withered"?
Opinion carries zero weight, post ignored.
It was a travesty that this won GOTY over RDR2. One of the many reasons this industry is a fucking joke
>post ignored
>still reply
On top of being stupid, you must be some insecure beta orbiter, huh
Sorry but Yas Forums also hated RDR2 for having blacks
How RDR2 is better than GoW4?
>epic scale and grand Greek architecture
Yeah at least that's something original and not completely overdone. I'm fucking sick to death of Viking/Norse shit.
Yeah, because Greek shit is not completely overdone.
The game is literally a cuck simulator. The whole plot is about raising your wife's child. Really sad what they did to this saga. Old Kratos would have never been a cuck.
>reimagined for a younger audience
Do you actually think thats what happened?
>rehashing over and over Greek mythology
>even after disaster and flop last GoW was because of that
Thank god, no one will allow Yas Forums autists work with any game.
You can blame Marvel for hyper-popularizing Thor and Loki and getting all the basedboys into Norse shit, it’s an embarrassment
Games don't "turn" to art, they simply are, much like you simply are a failure and a source of great shame to your family.
>your wife's child
It's his child, something you will never have because you are virgin hahaha
prove to me that u arent a 5'8 250 lbs NEET
desu so is using words like "basedboys"
So what if it's his child. Raising a child is for cucks regardless.
Does this have a sex mini-game like the other games?
someone asked the director of the game on twitter if it was kratos' biological kid and he said it was
I haven't played this, but all the clips I've seen remind me of nu-Tomb Raider, with the same semi-cutscenes of slowly walking from point A to point B as you soak in exposition. The reason it sucks is the same reason modern games journalism sucks: because the people doing it are in it only because they failed at their chosen field and are trying to make an entirely different product. In this case, they're trying to make a movie instead of a game, except the "deep" emotional moments are laughable compared to actual cinema and you just have to sit through some navel-gazing fart-smeller's brooding thoughts on family instead of killing bad guys. It's definitely possible to make interesting, genre-bending games, but that requires the risk of an indie studio or self-publishing. So you get art direction by people who wish they were in Hollywood and dialogue by literal fanfiction legbeards.
>Raising a child is for cucks regardless.
Only underage soi like you could say this.
>Raising a child is for cucks regardless
Being a cuck literally means raising another person child.
nu kratos would beat old kratos in a fight 10/10 times.
I think the fat Amerimutts who try to claim they wuz Vikangz are even more embarassing.
Glad to see a based black man on Yas Forums.
No, and so does your life hahahaha
>I imagine because a lot of the people who started playing the God of War series when they were younger are now parents and can relate.
Just what I want, to play some 40-something's dad game apology for all the mean swears he wrote into his old games.