How long until it's modded to be non-VR playable

How long until it's modded to be non-VR playable

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It'll be like watching a movie with no color or sound.

I give it a week.
Here's the ending

It's like wanting a non-motion control version of Wii Sports, do you really think you're getting the same experience?


It's like playing HL2 with a NES gamepad and half a monitor

the ability to shitpost on this board because you technically "played" it

enjoy playing QWOP 3D

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>Half Life got literally retconed

So this is what we've been waiting for...

Modded? No need, they will desperately release a normal version of the game themselves by the end of the year since it isn't going to sell for shit. Thanks for beta testing financially retarded VRcucks!

like Nosferatu? sounds kino as fuck

Yeah imagine being so retarded you know so little about games, you think this is doable in 9 months.


It's more like listening to music in mono, not as immersive but it's still a good song.

h-haha yeah V-valve will totally r-release it for non-vr users h-haha..

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The difference between VR and regular game is wider than stereo vs mono.

You don't remember when this was announced? People on this board legit believe its some kind of toggle on a single variable or something.

Probably never, since you'd essentially be talking about a complete remake of everything other than the art assets.

kek, based post, haha

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>fucking implying I'm not going to shitpost about it anyway

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This is a pretty good way to explain it.

so mono vs surround? are 3DTVs stereo?

It's more like the difference between a film and a book. Not the best example, but you get the idea. They both tell the same story, but the way you consume and experience them is totally different. With a ground-up VR game, 'just modding it to flat' is like taking a BD of a film and trying to turn it into a book adaption just by pasting a post-it note saying 'book' on the front.

Cuck-Life: Alyx

How the fuck does any of this make any sense? There was literally nothing in the lore that indicated the G-Man could time travel, this makes no sense whatsoever.

This is the level of delusion the chink Epic shills operate on. Don't stoop to this level please. Those are not good sales. Nobody owns VR and this game isn't changing that. They'll need to make their money back somehow.

9 months? They have been working on a normal version from the start. They aren't dumb, they know they'll need it to make up the difference. They just aren't releasing it until the VR version sales have peaked after a few months. You have a lot to learn kiddo.

Its like reading a screenplay and insisting you watched the movie.

Nice lip syncing. NOT

>There was literally nothing in the lore that indicated the G-Man could time travel
He's outside time or space. He moved Gordon from Black Mesa to City 17 years later. IF you can travel through space, you also travel through time.

>"t-they will release HLA on for Flatscreen users!!!"

your projection is hilarious.

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That wasn't time travel, he'd just been holding Gordon in stasis.

That's part of it too. Even if you set aside the nontrivial technical work involved, a 'straight' port would functionally be cutting out the majority of the gameplay and hampering the experience immensely.

So Valve has created a seperate HL timeline for VR Alyx to inhabit that can be exclusively used for VR HL titles then? And Freeman is still to be used for trad HL titles? I hope this is what they were going for, because this is fine provided we can at least get a HL3 if Alyx succeeds. God I hope this isn't Valve just retconning EP2 so they can just pretend they can ignore HL3 indefinitely.

And while gman's facial animations are really well done, he's way too expressive in a way that doesn't fit with his character.

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Screencapping your posts for when it happens to laugh at you. Even funnier is the fact that the non-VR version will be more fun to play.

>sfx louder than the voice
holy fuck

>beating games such as chink rip off of poklemon, literal who, epic games, epic games/xbox game pass

Alos borderlanders 3 sold 5 million in the first 5 days. 300k is pathetic. Valve is basically an indie game company at this point.

>muh experience
Nigger, I just want to see the new artwork without having to spend $1,000 so I can sit in my chair flailing around like a blind spastic.

Is this canon?

screencapping your post when HL3 eventually comes out and it's VR exclusive.

you are already this salty now, im pretty sure you will kill yourself next time lmao.

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>I want thing without paying for it
and I want EA's entire gaming division but I'm not gonna get it

this is disgraceful. video games are so fucking shit these days

>that dialogue

Feel free to rip the assets if you just want to see the new art, user.

REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE how can a thirdworlder like me ever hope to play it. this is first world privilege gatekeeping!!

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>retcons the ending for Episode 2 so Alyx is taken instead of Eli's death


I guess.

>thirdworlder like me ever hope to play it
thirdworlder here, i got one of the 150 headsets from the equivalent of ebay.

you don't get one because you are either a poorfag or a neet.

hearing the HEV voice again was based, not sure about the rest of that shit

It's not okay. This is time fucking travel. They inevitably fucked the franchise. Least it wasn't Gordon with tits at the end.

Thank God I gave up on this shit years ago.

marc laidlaw definitely wouldn't do this shit, also why the fuck didn't they hire Kelly Bailey back for this shit? Game feels empty without his music.


>We are going to retcon all the emotional punch of EP2 ending by literal G-Man magic
>Erase Alyx from the story itself for future games of course
>All while observing the worst lipsync achievable in the gaming
I don't remember who said this. But it's an equivalent of a clown killing your parent then dressing up in his clothes and running around doing HONK HONK antics.
I literally never hated Firewatch more than i do now. And I fucking bought that piece of shit.

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>imagine being one of the last remaining hardcore HL fan
>this shit comes out and retcons everything
As expected from Campo Santo faggots.

Time travel just devalues pretty much everything fans have been waiting for, thanks Valve you stupid fucks

the whole point is that its vr
its a playground
would be extremely boring if played normally
story doesnt matter at all, basically nothing happens, who gives a shit about alyx as a character, i never did

But hey, Eli doesn't die!

lmao, notice there is no mention of actual best selling games on Steam right now like Doom Eternal, RE3, Monster Hunter Iceborne, etc which have each been doing millions in sales this year. Confirmed flop.

I'm trying to buy a Quest but due to the chinks eating bats who knows when it'll ever come back in stock again.

>wow I can turn knobs and switches, how revolutionary
fuck off. faggots like yourself are why the industry is in such a state at the moment.

valve prints money like the US mint. they don't need game sales at all

>literally decrying new technology
>bitching about other people holding the industry back

The voice actor for Alyx is terrible what the fuck