

Attached: snoylet.jpg (747x737, 109.82K)

Why are Playstation's shoes so big?

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Cause he's a clown


Without the clocklifts he wouldn't reach past 9TF.

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did you know bill gates still hasn't announced the number of TFLOPS in a PC? PCfags on life support yet again

What do terraflops do?

they sell a console. notable terribleflops are the uncharted series and halo 4

Xbox has always been technologically more decked-out than any other system. When did it ever win because of it?

Pic unrelated.

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He's got some big shoes to fill.

>Do the math
12 tf x 0 games = 0 reasons to buy an Xbox

>When did it ever win because of it?
In the previous 3 generations.

Because he's really only 9TF but the shoes are (((boost clocks)))

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sony sued over their newest slogan "The Xbox, The"

>playstations consoles are so bad you need to buy multiple ones

There are literally zero reasons to get a Xbox instead of just building a PC.

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Cheaper alternative than building a PC with all of Series X’s specs

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rating graphics performance by teraflops is fucking stupid

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>series x debuts specs
>j-just kidding graphics never mattered

>Nintendo Switch
>Just one big flop

im a PC user its still fucking stupid

PS5: like 15% weaker but it doesn't matter due to console optimisation + great exclusives for 499$

FaggotboxX: 600$, nobody will buy it because no good games and expensive, might aswell buiild a pc at that pont

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if that's what you think you're getting, prepare to be sorely disappointed. better wait for the series XX in 3 years for a rig half as good

I’ve never seen “muh master race” cope so hard in my entire life

keep seething

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>Everything that doesn't agree with me is "cope"

>like 15% weaker but it doesn't matter due to console optimisation
just like cell, am I right?
>great exclusives for 499$
>FaggotboxX: 600$, nobody will buy it because no good games and expensive, might aswell buiild a pc at that pont
Sure, thing buddy. Go and build me PC with the same performance.

>Snoy is a retard

It’s okay that you’re insecure because a shitty black mini fridge is going to outperform your dated PC

ya call me when you can browse the internet watch av youtube video and play a game at the same time on your console

last gen you guys said TF were everything. now this gen you have some sony friends saying they mean nothing.

which is it?

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go to bed Phil

Like I said, never seen the master race cope so hard in my life

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Check my 5

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We have reached a point where graphics will not matter anymore.
I mean both consoles will be able to produce some pretty good quality graphics.

The difference can only be observed if you go looking for it with a magnifying glass.

It's the games that will make the difference this time. Do you have some good new games/experiences? Or is it going to be the same shit that we've been playing for 10 years but on 4k/60fps.

where else you gonna put the ssds

they mean something just not what some think they mean



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how can one move the goal posts when they never existed to begin with?

Cope with what? Fucking retard.

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That people promoting Xbox are frog and wojack posters is all I need to know that it will be the platform of choice for morons.

remember this PS2 classic?

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>getting some half-assed port 2 years after the original release

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yeah I finished it like a year ago, really shit game

Cool trips

Now this is some actual cope.
>2 years
And still retarded.

>thread is about graphics/performance
I’ll just use my smartphone for the other two things while my SeX outperforms your shitty dated PC, thanks. Your insecurity is showing.

>hold his smartphones and a controller at the same time

there isnt even a good reason for a console NOT to support multiple displays

well enjoy your game bro

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I’m not a retard zoomer on adderall who needs 4 things running at once. Neither is the majority of gamers. People buy consoles to play video games not to browse yahoo answers lmao

oh nonono

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If women wear makeup, push up bras and high heels then there's literally nothing wrong with men doing what's in this video
