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>25 out of 41 achievements are secret
15 mins of unpacking
gamer moment
how is it? too much of a poorfag for vr but I want some feedback from someone that does
Doesn't matter now that Doom is out
i have a goddamn Intel 660p M2 and it still takes a fucking half hour to unpack this shit
fuck you asshole
HL:Alyx is literally walk from pseudo TV to pseudo TV to watch fucking cut scenes while you smash bottles holy fuck lmao
>Manual ladder climb is optional
>Just press a button to TP to the top
>Jumping is teleporting
>he fell for the 660p meme
you're literally better off with an hdd bro.
>DUDE, I just fucking love point and clicking everywhere! It really makes me feel like I'm in a sci-fi game teleporting everywhere
It just means 27 out of 41 achievements are story based that get pretty much automatically.
You know the game has locomotion right?
Oh wait you're retarded why would you know anything
lol fuck off. Nobody is going to give your shitty stream views.
>NOOOOOOOOO, you're criticizing MY game!!! Just use the buggy and untested solution if you don't like teleporting!
Okay you were right but moving with an analog stick isn't buggy or untested you fucking retard, but yes the games a meme.
wtf, you don't even have to bend over and pick stuff up, you can just gravity glove it into your hands, why do valve always have to pander to dumbasses and cripples
good game
It's fucking here.
This looks like CS:S lmao
>15 hours of gameplay
>So far 99% of the gameplay is collecting resin and seeing what shit you can pickup
Fucking retard
>so far
It looked so boring I closed the fucking stream, it's such a nothing burger.
Just played it for a bit and it's really fucking slick and good.
Buyers remorse and cope sure is fun to see, it's so good you stopped playing.
TP to jump sucks but the game itself feels pretty fucking good.
That item menu is slick as fuck and seeing all that shit in VR is incredible.
No it doesn't. Have you actually played a real VR game before? What have you done besides watch cutscenes in the sky/behind a window/behind a CP agent/behind bars?
Collect weird resin ball things?
Open trash cans?
Idunno I've played it till chapter two and I had a lot of fun interacting with items, sleuthing around and checking out the cool puzzles.
Only thing I hate is the lack of physical climbing and jumping mechanics. The grav gloves feel slick as fuck to use and while I'm not a fan of always gun in hand it feeels goooood to use that menu
So literally all the gameplay is, is picking up dead rats, and opening porta potties?
Fucking lol.
A girl I like called me and asked me out so Imma go smoke a few ciggies, come back and resume playing
Yeah I have, cope harder.
It's already better than hl2 and hl1 which didn't give you any weapons until chapter 2 or give you anything to interact with.
>Gun hand syndrome
No holster? Or anything?
God fucking DAMN
Yeah sure sucks game has lots of interactivity.
If this were a pancake game you'd call it gotyay.
But its sour grapes.
Both those games are trash.
Retarded fanboy.
If it were pancake I'd think it's fucking worse, you'd have even less to do.
You can get rid of it with a quick menu that feels slick to use.
Sorta weird but I mean it works, they don't want you to lose the gun.
I'd much prefer a holster.
But gun mechanics are pretty damn spot on
>Both those games are trash.
why are you in the thread then
Wow how slick you can't even holster your weapon!!! What a fucking feature
So you're just a coping poorfag screaming "NOOOO STOP HAVING FUUUN"
Bet you go around and tell non virgins to stop having sex cause it sucks anyway.
I own VR you stupid fucking faggot
>2,256 hours in VRChat
>Vive Tracker
begone tranny
What's that, I spent more on VR than you did? Cope harder, poor faggot.
Alyx saves future Eli from death in ep2 but Gman takes her away then you play as gordon for like 10 seconds while Eli hands you your crowbar and says you have work to do.
>What's that, I spent more time RPing as a loli in VRchat than you did?
back to your discord tranny
I have 400 hours in Pavlov, Cope
>vrchat furry ERPer
you don't own VR you own an interactive degeneracy system
>index dies literally the day half life alyx comes out
holy shit i'm so fuckin pissed right now
Get inb4ed faggot
So far looks pretty good but seems like there isn't much freedom with combat compared to Boneworks. Kind of expected that. All Valve games are usually pretty scripted and linear and HLA unfortunately isn't exception.
All you've proven is that your taste is below sub par.
>you don't own VR you own VR
>posting a screenshot with 2256 hours in vr chat
its like you dont want people to listen to your opinion
What happened to your poorfag argument?
Cope harder.
>still no working crack
I've already refunded the game after 20 minutes of play, it's a shame Valve are really pushing the boat out to try and stop piracy.
Jesus user, how long did you have it?
All you keep saying is cope but you never bring up any counter-argument. You cope, coomer tranny
Can I play as a guy ? I don't want to play a VR games as a girl. It's gay.
you're a VR owner who's spending his time shitposting on Yas Forums than playing the new half life, why should anyone care what you think?
I'm pretty sure I literally just countered your argument of "poorfag" by showing you I have tranny trackers AND VR.
>pavlov the worst FPS on vr
>tranny fucking simulator that's free
you are poor.
If you weren't youd have one index piece which you would own anyway and get the game for free.
thank you junglejim9000
now go back
I'm seeing this word a lot in this thread. did they tell the paid shills to use it, or is there a joke in the game about it?
>worst FPS on VR
>Vive with FBT
You realise each tracker is a hundred dollars, right?
A word retards use
i got it at launch, but maybe have used it for a total of 10 hrs since then. the one time i wanted to use it and this happens. worst fuckin luck man
>for this
You have a shit system and you can't afford HL:A or get it for free via index thing.
So yeah, you're poor as fuck.
Otherwise you'd be enjoying the game
If I can afford FBT, what makes you think I can't afford Alyx? I don't want it. It's shit. Just like how I don't want those shitty index controllers that break every other week.
This is what you get for being condescending cucks all this time you fucking first worlders.
t. seething slav
>reddit bad
literally fuck off you schizo mongoloid
user ask yourself why are you sperging out about a game you dont have and dont even want.
Reddit is bad
>Eli hands you your crowbar and says you have work to do
it is sad how modern writers are so fucking reliant on nostalgia
Turning off the quickturn in the menu changes nothing for me on rift s.
This is going to be the new meme, isn't it?
Yeah your impeccable taste of shitty, barely working second life: cringectic boogaloo and garbage shitty CS:GO clone that sucks ass and is only worth it for the mods, and even then at a sale?
You just have shit taste.
Because you sound like a bad salesman trying to make a quick buck and Alyx is an advertisement for your Index and I hate shitty business practices like this
>15 viewers
>muh autismal programmers making ice melt in real time by spending 20 mins in notepad is amazing
>everything functioning like in real life and being interactable is a pointless meme
best gameplay video I've found yet
Whats shitty about a business making money?
literally fuck off back to r*ddit
>unique spectator HUD animation for getting the gloves on
>MFW taking a break to crack open a Monster(tm) Ultra(tm)
>Decide to check on the thread
>MFW all this poorfag salt and sour grapes over Half Life 3
I have home office too so I can play thru the night and slack off all day tomorrow.
Spoil the ending. Half Life is now infected with third-wave feminism. Women good man bad
Oh and Valve, fuck you for retconning the ending of Episode 2.
Vr is the future of gaming. Pancake games are last gen.
Putting ssd in is not next gen.
You coping simps just keep moving goalposts because you were hyped for what is evidently a boring closet and bin simulator with bare bones gameplay, outdated graphics, and less dynamic movement than an elder scrolls game.
Nice that you used a drinking pause to explain why you're here and not playing your game. Fucking idiot.
>Half Life is now infected with third-wave feminism. Women good man bad
How? looks more like gman turning alyx into his new slave because Gordon is too much of a chad for him to control.
nice reddit buzzword
what next, you gonna call me a cuck or a tranny?
Only played about an hour. Taking a food break. It's really fucking good so far. Environments are beautiful and packed with detail even on low fidelity and it feels like a Half Life game. Getting the same feeling so got when I played 2 unironically.
>half life 3
>i'm a poor fag
>literally showed you my tranny tracker which cost 300 in total
>alongside my VR
Okay retard
watching some streamfag, this looks so fucking boring, and I have VR myself. What a fucking pile of steaming shit, glad i didn't waste AAA bucks on this
>literally showed you my tranny tracker
and we told you to go back to your tranny discord, but you didn't listen did you?
This is what I'm saying
Literally no argument.
The ending of Episode 2 had actual consequences user. It felt like it was unforseen by the player or by anyone really. To retcon it with time travel bullshit that Valve said the series NEVER operated on such makes the ending feel like it took pages from the Last Jedi, Kingdom Hearts 3 and Darling in the Franxx and decided to merge the endings of all those three and put it into their flagship title only to fuck and retcon with the entire established storyline THEY MADE FOR THE PAST DECADE.
>pile of steaming shit
>of steaming shit
>steaming shit
correct, you have literally no argument