thread for discussing the VIDEOGAME Touhou, discuss the lore, characters and the game itself.
Touhou thread
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These two losers are gods right? so who's worshiping them?
i pray to joon every day
why all 2hu threads dead?
Last thread got moved to /jp/
yeah I noticed, are all our threads gonna be moved there from now on? why the fuck would anyone do it FOR FREE?
What's her deal?
Albino Yumemi
Maybe threads wouldn't get killed of you talked about the videogames for a change
>t. frog
Kanucko sama is literally perfect.
post 1ccs cucks
you're acting as if Yas Forums is for videogame discussion
How do I upload replay?
upload the replay file to some external sharesite
or be a faggot and record a vid of the replay then upload it
Lunarcast or Royalflare
Mokou is the only good toho
If you don't have Moko in your top 10 list, then you're a traitor that must be burned until only ashes remain
I thought there was a dedicated page for that, but anyways here
Why don't ZUN make more seihou? I want to know more what happen to gensokyo in seihou. Did marisa become youkai? Why did yuuka got a wing?
it's not zun who makes seihou tho
Seihou was his pals' project, not his
snack eyed kankp
zun didn't make em
Wait what. ZUN didn't make seihou. Then who might that be?
Shunsatsu sare do, his kouhai
it was made by some of ZUN's friends.
ZUN helped with it and made the music, thats why Yuuka appears in it.
Forgot to ask, what can I improve to defeat Yuyuko?
fuck off back to your contaiment board
sir, touhou is a videogame
noo you can't talk about videogames on Yas Forums! you have to post twitter screencaps, chimp out about e-celebs and shit yourself over smash character reveals!
You shart hard on Youmu so practice stage 5
Her signature nons can be cheesed by starting on top of the screen then move down, making her shoot all the balls out of the screen. Also of the swords, first set is aimed at you but second set is around you, so only dodge the first
Her cards are mostly practicing and knowing when you are fucked to bomb out
I miss ZUN's more expressive poses
sure, he's technically better now and everyone looks about the same in terms of quality, but they're all in the same sorts of poses and don't do anything dynamic anymore
let's settle this
girl or boy
we still get some good poses every now and then.
Cute boy.
Theres only one guy allowed in Gensokyo, all others will be exterminated.
Reverse trap.
>Who is uzan?
he doesn't have a dick
Aren't there like 5 by this point?
besides, we can always come to a deal
isn't there an entire fucking village full of human males? and probably some in the underworld, hell and animal realm? and tengu?
hard to fuck in eraTW
Give me stories where a 2hu falls in love with a human but he dies tragically. Only know ones for.
>Yuuka: guys jumps to protect her from some wannabe "youkai hunter", of course the latter is never seen again.
>Aya: "befriends" a Shota but doesn't take him away with her, decades later she visits him on his deathbed.
>Jo'on: pic related, shion is a bitch.
>Yukari: similar to Aya's but the guy is mid age and died of a sickness.
solid performance on the first three stages. fucking london dolls gets everyone
s4: could use some work. as you're surely aware it's 99% streaming so don't be stupid and sit on the middle of the screen just to end up being fucked in the corner
next, a tip for the part with the shitload bullet fairies: stick to one side and kill those. the other ones can then be dodged with simple up/down movement
cunny sisters: phantom dining is piss easy once you realize that it's left/right streaming where you change directions during the short stops that way you can also stick to the one you want to fight.
also dumb mistake to sit on the side on the side or bottom in the final spellcard. instead you want to be fairly high, moving between the clusters of bullets that vanish as the bullets travel down
just fixing your stage 4 performance alone should guarantee a 1cc
(tips on youmu soon)
meant named ones user
Genjii, Byakuren's Brother Myoren, Unzan, Youki, Bo-feng Junko's son, Kourin and Wriggle
I don't why does this text and the music get tears in my eyes
Of which one?
Shingyoku, Evil Eye Sigma, fortuneteller and that one guy in Miyoi's manga I think he's named but I don't read that shit
Why not all of them?
I have never played touhou in my life only masturbated to the porn.
Does than make me a fan?
This gonna take a while because i am on mobile and i don't remember the source of the yuuka's one.
also on the album 綴 tuduri by 凋叶棕 (rd-sounds' circle)
Dang, the story is so sad even the panda is crying
Hey, this is similar to
Except with a sad ending.
Jo'on doesn't deserve this.