>a new half life game comes out in less than 15 minutes
>barely any threads about it
A new half life game comes out in less than 15 minutes
>A new half life game
>A new VR half life game
nobody cares about gimmicky vrshit
nobody cares about nu-valve
they cannot make games anymore, only hats
nobody cares, nu valve needs to die
Because its some VR shit wearing Half Life's skin
>haha fellow gamers Epic is truly amazing we should all switch over
You fuck off as well
Dude Yas Forums is ghost town this died years ago just people screaming in to the wind at this point
this tbqhwyf , too little too late
literally made just to sell headsets so guaranteed shit
this franchise is now dead
>vr gimmick
>2 hours long
>made by campo santo
No wonder no one gives a shit
>gamers aren’t allowed to make content about my games unless they make us money.
He does realize valve got counter strike and team fortress because of the modding community
No one cares about your shitty boomer game
>barely any threads about it
I'm not part of the hype train or the people raging about it, but you're just flat out wrong about there being barely any threads about it.
I looked at the catalog and there were like 20 doom eternal seeth threads, 20 doom eternal shill threads, and 1 half life thread that was at page 10
No hardcore gamers visit Yas Forums anymore, it has long been overrun by casual zoomers and Nintendo autists
woooooooooow it's almost like 95% of the half life fanbase won't play it because it requires $1000 worth of dedicated hardware or something
Im gay btw
not a fan of half-life but even i can see how insulting this shit is
>people spend literal decades waiting for new half life game
>valve refuses because they've already made enough money and don't give two shits about their loyal fans
>steam vr not selling enough
>valve decides to shit out anything with the half-life title just to sell headsets
10 fucking years, striking when the iron is fucking pluto. Fuck valve and their fucking hats.
probably because 90% of us won't even get to play it
I thought it was coming out in April or some shit?
so did half life 1 and 2 retard.
What dedicated hardware did those games require?
what the fuck is on his face?
>in less than 15 minutes
>posted 21 minutes ago
So is it good?
t. Smash autist
pc upgrades retard
i waited years to be gated behind a thousand dollar hat setup and an expensive computer as well as a room to play it all in.
Nice cope faggot
He's implying they required a good PC.
The thing is, Half-Life: Alyx requires both a headset and a good PC, so he's stupid.
>Because its some VR shit wearing Half Life's skin
If it wasn't Vr it wouldn't be half life.
If you actually weren't a retarded zoomer and loved the series you'd know that.
Do you know what "dedicated" means?
You can use a PC for many, MANY things that aren't playing half-life. The same can't be said about a vr headset.
>hardcore gaymer
You were always gated by an expensive computer.
is Gman a anthead from it came from the desert?
rofl i'm not buying a (minimum) 400+ dollar headset for a 5 hour tech demo no matter how good it is
What do you think half life is
i know.
i have a potato laptop that runs them thankfully flawlessly because of how old they are.
do i have to wait 7 years for pcs to progress enough for it to be cheap to purchase?
confirmed for 15 hours and full game. But everything you can't afford is a tech demo. Cope harder poorfag.
Yas Forums is full of poorfags. This game was never going to get any discussion. Just look at the friday night saturday night threads. You didn't think all the AAA bashing was genuine did you? 99% of the faggots here can't even run AAA games.
You are literally proving his point retard
>barely any threads about it
Since when was Yas Forums about games?
>gaming on a laptop
you did this to yourself.
This games doing nothing unique for VR that Rockstar didn't already do with L.A. Noir VR or Capcom did with RE7. Valves behind again.
Fortunately I already own a Rift, but I still feel guilty about dropping 60 on a game
Because the game is irrelevant on an irrelevant platform especially with DOOM out.
still unpacking, will let you know in 2+ hours
>same game as doom 2016 which was same game as doom but with QTE's and does nothing to push the medium other than resell a known IP
>making use of entierly new tech
Where did they all go? I know what you mean, back in 2007 any consolefaggotry was made fun of by the majority and anyone trying to defend not trying to be skilled was flamed off the board. Do you think they made something of their lives except me?
>entirely new tech
you can play games with new graphics cards, you can play games with a new vr headset, no different retard.
>you can play games with a new vr headset
>hardcore gamers
>motion controls
I reckon most just got tired of gaming and Yas Forums in general since this industry keeps getting more retarded every passing year
cope poorfag
>all the poor fag cope ITT
What does that have to do with what I said?
valve back at it making something nobody wanted. in other news they are committed to bring back artifact.
i have the htc vive, only good vr game was some jp futa game and zone of the enders: mars, which sadly played a lot worse in vr
either way this game is garbage made by campo santo to promote feminist shit, as pointed out. valve died years ago. i'm surprised they didn't shoehorn some strong, independent black woman in it so the campo santo shitters could focus on rendering her afro. i guess they're saving it for the next one!
maybe after ruining dota, steamos and steamcontroller flopping and shartifact, sharterlords and this shitheap failing to sell, people will stop pretending valve still makes anything worth mention
i never even cared about half life but i can tell this game is nothing like the old ones. as if slapping the name in it and having the same setting makes it the same thing. nuvalve thinks people are retarded and refuses to give them what they want. they've been doing that for literally a generation (at least since 2013). sadly, the steam rentseeking has made it so they give no fucks and there isn't a viable alternative to the steam store. i had hopes of google or amazon fighting them, but after stadia that hope died down. gog is the only decent alternative due to the lack of drm but that's also one of the reasons it can't take off due to publishers being greedy niggers
>calls himself hardcore
>limits himself to one or two control setups
>calls himself a cuisine connoisseur
>won't eat shit or drink piss
Yet there used to be threads about Cybercuck just because the redditors that larp here have a crush on Keanu. Makes you wonder
because the gameplay is neutered and slowed down for vr. looks like your average vr game, not the "killer app" some people were hoping for. vr still has a way to go. it would be considerably more robust and engaging as a normal video game with harder difficulty