Narmaya's game is already dead

>Narmaya's game is already dead
How could this happen bros?

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Other urls found in this thread:

FGC doesn't play fighting games

why are you seething?

>release a game next to no characters
>DLC a fuckton of times to add the rest you cut
If they gonna do this shit why not just do it F2P and charge the rest? it would have way more population.

Oh it's the doomer again, don't worry I'm playing with people online just fine. Thanks for worrying tho.

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No but they like furry porn though.

sonicfox isn't fgche just preys on the shitty NRS scene

Narmaya wants to fuck a 15 year old boy, don't play that absolute degenerate.

The FGC only cared about it briefly because of it's graphics engine and nothing more. There are barely any characters there for there to be a reasonable enough of different match-ups, making it a pretty boring fighting game to PVP in. The only people who were really excited about it's announcement were unironic waifufags or people who were playing this game's mobile game. The problem with those people being the only ones really interested in it is that neither of them will play a fighting game for longer than a day. There's also the fact that it's going the route of expecting you to buy every char in a fighting game when it already had a small amount of playable characters at launch, and needed to bring people in during that time.

TL;DR: It made all the wrong choices and chose to start off greedy in a market it already needed to earn it's keep in.

Theres absolutely nothing wrong with an older woman fucking an underage boy.


Shortstack is a fucking terrible fetish. Go big and tall or go home.

That is all for now.

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A fighting game revival/renaissance seems to have occurred but you can't really have a lot of fighting games at once because it takes time to get good at one let alone all.

Sonic Fox is the best fighting game player in the world, undisputably. He is good at every game he plays. He hates drumptf and he is gay and likes furry shit. A real role model IMO.

It is only natural for a frogposter to have a terrible opinion.

60 euro + day one dlc-s the slant eyed jews can suck my dick

How is it even possible for one man to be so wrong?

Not for Sonic Fox. ;)

>He is good at every game he plays.
>Gets btfo in DBFZ

Fuck off, you made this thread before

A proper shortstack takes up more volume than an average woman and giantess is a foot-tier shit fetish. Amazons are pretty great tho.

Well in her defence I can say that Gran is older now since there are dialogues in the game that come year after year, but the story has not acknowledged it.
The art on the classes shows the MC's more older every tier you go up.

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>Only 11 characters
>Shit netcode
>DLC out the ass already
It's a real mystery why it died

>whales bought the game for mabage freebies
>whales don't play the game
The funny thing is that it's probably commercially successful the same way shitty granblue anime was.

Fuck off retard

Because you niggers never make any lobbies

dum frogposter

I agree with him, fuck off you doomposter you keep making the same thread every single time.

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Okay retard



You been at it for months dude, even before narmaya launched, it is time to stop.
Game will die one day if that makes you happy, when character pass 3 ends probably.

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Zeta main here. Its not dead.

Okay retard

i started playing doom eternal instead
don't know if ill ever come back with so many new releases in the future
game got boring

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>they like furry porn
>Furry Gay Couples

>how could this happen bros?
Did you see how the statement for Doom Eternal's lack of deathmatch was because the deathmatch gametype is "eons old". That's one big contributing factor. Not even fucking cool down abilities that the current generation seem to love so much could really pull it back. I used to be a huge fightan game enthusiast. MvC2 is still one of my all time favorites. In today's market, All I can bring myself to do is pirate the game, get a feel for the characters in training mode, watch their supers, say "yep, this feels like all the rest to me" and delete it. They could maybe help the genre if the "single player" options didn't suck ass. Or if there were maybe some secret costumes or characters to unlock, or some clever well designed game modes. Instead all we get is basic bitch arcade mode, some other hairbrained soulless mode they clearly put zero effort into, and an online mode where you will get your shit pushed in by a no-lifing autismo. Fighting games are literally actually fucking dead.

Yuisis when? I would love to have this theme in the game:

Attached: Yuisis Summer.png (960x800, 99.48K)

I dont understand how its dead, when its the most played fg on steam at the moment. NY lobby is always full

>Ever listening to Yas Forums on if a game is dead.
It's bait every time.

>kimono-wearing slut

You fuckers whined about neutral so much. You got SFII neutral in Granblue. And you still whine. Christ.

Why does the bootup and connection to server take so long? PC EU here, talking about 2-3 mins sometimes

Are you afraid of them? She is not a furry, thats a kemono, common thing in jap media.
And the character would be the original version, this one here.

Attached: Yuisis Original.png (960x800, 139.9K)

Even worse.

Because there hasn't been a barefoot mod for this stupid cow yet.

No other draphs and no air dashes killed me interest. I hate stiff movement anime fighters so fucking much.

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Less than 24 hours.

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Woah, he already releases?

Just the trailer sadly.

>hoping he summons a crowd of hotties to flex for during his SSBA
Don't let me down you fucks.

Turns out a coomer ""character"" can't carry a fighting game.



How can someone be this autistic? Yas Forums never ceases to amaze me

He won't, he isn't a chad character like pic related
He's just a boomer coomer

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>PC lacks codes but still costs the same as Playstation release
i don't own a snoybox. I'd advise if you did want to play it you should probably buy it on console, though, considering the codes.

>Shortstack is a fucking terrible fetish. Go big and tall or go home.
>That is all for now.

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played an hour with fellow piratechad yesterday

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>He's just a boomer coomer
Who says I want anything more? Dude doesn't have to fuck anyone I just want the funnier animation if I'm going to be watching it constantly.

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I would have actually bought it if the steam version gave the codes for the actual granblue game

I'll be angry if we don't get the voiced version of Otoko Uta with him.

It's pretty nice that Granblue players and fighting game players met and are cool now.

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You will be angry then.
Bubz is and will be the only one with a vocal song.

ReLink W H E N

>he doesn't know

>wanting a RPG with the same roster than GBVS

should I buy it on pc or not?
I fucking love FighterZ but it makes me angry at how much neutral just feels accidental at times and you lose half your health because of a misinput or because the opponent just randomly decided to jab out of nowhere.

>Muh roster
It's an RPGs, big fuck huge cast doesn't work unless you design the whole game around it.

It's an action RPG, so yes, the whole fucking game is designed around characters.

Canned. It's being reworked into the seventh anniversary event for the gacha.

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Name one ARPG that has over 100 playable characters, that's not a musou.

Having a small cast is a good thing