Asks fanbase for $12,000

>asks fanbase for $12,000
>raises it in 1 night
>never mentions it again
>money was offered to dying girl if she dated him
>she rejected

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did she died?

What a good man helping save a friend life

>oney is retarded

This is surprising?

sleepycabin were some of the biggest autists online coming together in an attempt to function like one regular adult instead of 6 broken manchildren

stem cell treatment? does that exist?

You got any source whatsoever?


Is there another youtube channel that can compare?

It's the perfect flavor of autism, and I need more.

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>Was there ever a follow up? Is their friend okay?

It's like giving Chris Chan steady income for existing and seeing what hilarity would ensue.

>>money was offered to dying girl if she dated him
wow I wonder if this is true?!

I don't think there was ever a "friend that needed stem cell treatment" or a dying girl that Oney wanted to date. he probably lied and used the money for rent or some shit


He is vague every time he described why he needed the money. Comes off like poorly planned lie.

he was dating veronica at the time of this stream so I doubt he was publically trying to raise money for a woman he was trying to court while his girlfriend is watching
veronica donates to this girl as well, it's on the stream.

>it's a lyle and tomar episode

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somehow lyle is funny in the FFX LP
I don't know what the fuck is going on

Maybe theres a reason they broke up

>it's another "Yas Forums makes shit up about a let's player" episode

FFX is very easy to make fun off.

It's going to just get worse and worse until the kiddies have to go back to school.

3 years later?

>unfollowed zach for years, unfollowed supermega, unfollowed gamegrumps. forms bad blood with everyone he gets close to.
>argues with trannies on twitter all day.
>doesnt animate anymore and cant be assed to play games on his gaming channel making hosts carry his dead weight.

if zach wasnt recording on occasion then id have no reason to watch the worst guy from sleepycabin.

he's been making a game for a few years

>unfollowed zach for years, unfollowed supermega, unfollowed gamegrumps.
to be fair
those people are all cunts.

Specific enough that I believe it. Ricepirate and Oney both post on here. People they know calling them out on the site they use? Plausible.

The worst guy from Sleepycabin was and will always be Cory

okay, I'm going to say something, and I want you to try and wrap your minuscule brain around this:
not following someone on twitter doesn't mean that you aren't friends.

Isn't it just easier to believe that no one can handle Chris's edginess including edgy people?

yeah, but zach is a funny son of a bitch.

He's the most talented member of SleepyCabin

oney seems to cut ties with best friends a lot

I actually really like Lyle because I watched his stuff like 10 years ago

I've said this before and I'll keep saying it; Oney has become Arin. He complains constantly about game design in his newer videos like he is the utmost expert in it. There's constant bad blood with everyone related to his channel. This however, and something no one ever brings up, is the worst:

>hey guys, buy this merch because once it's gone, it's gone forever :(
>JK WE BROUGHT IT BACK A FEW MONTHS LATER but for real, this time it's gone for good after we sell out :(

It's so fucking scummy.

I started a thread calling out how hypocritical Oney is getting and I was banned because it was "off topic." A thread was started right after praising him and it stayed up all day.

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agreed except Mick and Lyle are both worse than Oney. (and yes Lyle did appear on a few sleepy cabins.)

jannies love eceleb.

maybe you should unfollow his life

>that latest Ori video where he starts shitting on the game immediately for not letting you play and how it "should" do X thing
>less than 2 minutes later it's doing exactly what he was saying it should do
>starts backpedaling and getting defensive and saying he's still right
>he does this the rest of the video.

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>GUYS DID YOU HEAR, ONEY UNFOLLOWED ZACH ON TWITTER (because all he tweeted about was Trump)

Oneyplays is like watching the fate of Game Grumps in fast forward. The corporate feeling came in all too quick.

Most people just aren't able to handle fame without becoming douche bags, eceleb culture has shown this better than anything else in human history

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Specifically unfollowing someone does send a clear signal. Oney and Arin haven't followed each since the famous break-up. Now Oney passive-aggressively subtweets and throws underhanded onions shade at the Grumps constantly


Source-Dude trust me

He and Zach are bros again, they had a spat but made up. Not sure what happened with Supersmegma, Matt and Ryan were always funny on oneyplays. Literally who fucking cares about Arin and his pet jew, grumps suck shit.

That is all excusable because I like him! You can't expect me to believe Oney and Egoraptor are both retards?

>Who cares about Arin and his pet Jew

I still watch and enjoy GG
I actually enjoy Dan more than Arin
I’m not even ashamed

play some video games instead of gossiping about the invalids who play them you fucking losers. sage

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It was a male friend


welcome to nu/v/

I dont agree with the underhanded behavior because the Grumps are genuinely cunts and Arin burned every bridge he had because of his Fetal Alcohol Syndrome wife

I wish we lived in the alternate universe where GG is Jon and Dan

For me, it’s DickPlanet

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No, he was still correct. Game takes away controls to show off the art rather than let you experience it realtime. That's shitty game design. If it doesn't in one instance, that shows they probably couldn't decide on which direction to go with so they compromised.

gamegrumps and supermega is fucking shit and arguing with trannies is 100% based

This was hilarious, honestly, and I hope Oney was humbled a bit.

Did Oney and Zach break up?

>Now Oney passive-aggressively subtweets and throws underhanded onions shade at the Grumps constantly
based, arin is a shitter that deserves it

He was 100% right you fagola

not any funnier than supermega or gamegrumps.

why do people even take oney seriously his entire channel is nothing but shitposting imagine wanting to hold him to some kind of standard like he pretends to be a reviewer

I'm always shitting on Lyle for trying too hard and he's easily my least favorite co-host, but I'm surprised at how much he's been making me laugh recently

Almost like Arin deserves it for throwing the entirety of Newgrounds and his old friends under the boss repeatedly.

you can tell chris doesnt care about games when tomar/lyle have to take over. i miss dd playing games since he had trivia.


That Minecraft torture experiment was the straw that broke the camel's back

>It's so fucking scummy.
no it's not.

Would that 12k have saved her?