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I wonder what political camp this author's in?

>Mortal Kombat
>FPS where guy shoots one dressed as a pirate
>That console
>3 circles for a controller
>That fucking perspective shot

Boomer comics have crossed the line

Here's for a good thread

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Why is he playing Mortal Kombat when he could be fetching Pokemon creatures?

Kids these days with their fucking milk and Mortal Kombat shooters.

Actually made me laugh, thanks OP

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Fucking wasteoids. Corona is just made up shit. I'm still going out even though my state (ohio) is quarantined. This is all a bunch of bullshit by the dems to make trump look bad.

They're too crummy

what a courteous young man... he keeps others safe and healthy... and even has the good manners to run his mortal kombat through his apple phones... i wish my grandson was this good LOL (that means lots of laffs)

This, we should all go outside and cough on each other to stick it to the dems. Who’s with me, MAGAbros?

>work technology for a school district
>work from home since last week
>big boss desperately wants us to go into the building to prepare laptops for delivery but legally can't force us
If I was making six figures I'd consider it but I refuse to risk my life for any job that's not paying me that much.

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Just needed him holding a smartphone running pokemon go and the self insert author condescendingly reading a book it'd have ticked all the boxes.`

Why political cartoonists hate technology and videogames so much?

>screen says Mortal Kombat
>shows an FPS
Cowboy Bebop at his computer

I swear, these comics are intentionally made horribly just to piss off people who know better.

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political artists are old farts
old farts are afraid of what they don’t understand


What's in it for Italy?


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It makes them feel bad that they have to get the 20-something interns to help do basically everything at work because it's all computerised, so they have to pretend their old irrelevant shit is superior somehow.

I'll take IV

I've had an awful day and this really cheered me up. Thank you.


The Dems have their spindly little political fingers running deep through the deep state. Wouldn't surprise me if they were connected!

what's up with boomer decorations? is some random horse meant to be kino art?

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Based mom starting conversion early.

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because unlike pokemon fans, he gets laid.

They want to fuck the horse

>the entire world is in on a plot by the democrats to make Trump look bad
This is what Yas Forums ACTUALLY believes.

Yeah! Orgy at my house!

>work at a gas station
>due to providing an essential good/and or service we will not close unless a literal apocalypse scenario happens
400 cases isn't enough.

Why are republicans so fucking stupid generally speaking?

My nan thinks my mother orchestrated ncov to keep her in the house

crummy video game creatures? He should be hoarding pails or toilet paper.


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My mom has this unusual infatuation with abstract art. She'll put up picture just because they fit the colors of the room well, and while I understand making a room look better I don't see a point of hanging pictures in a room when that's more space for other things to go. Maybe I think too rationally about this sort of thing.

please change that pattern

why do boomers hate violent videogames and at the same time support the military

Fucking Croats.

Don't forget your nazi-themed fursuits.

Please tell me this is satire


it makes sense if you think about it. the youth is wasting their aggression on games when they could be utilizing them to kill for israel in the middle east.

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The military is JUSTIFIED violence
Video games are the perversion of violence

Yas Forumstards are the worst kind of tard.

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This is how I got inflation fetish. I wonder though, was I always a sick fuck or did the cartoons made me that way?

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>I want them's oils = justified violence

To much TV unironically

Boomers can see video game violence since they sit at home all day bitching. Boomers did not see military violence since they never joined due to lots of opportunity to go to work or college with little cost.

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Everytime you watch TV, a jew shit in your soul.

That’s not rational thing at all you insufferable faggot. That’s basic interior design.

hello newfag

phone good

I don't get it.

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I never got specific fetishes from cartoons, but Disney is 110% responsible for my broader taste in porn. Fucking Robin Hood, man. I mean, there were a ton of Disney shows and movies that all contributed, but nothing as heavily as it. Specifically when Robin Hood tells Maid Marian he loves her more than life itself, that fucking voice, man.

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even worse than Yas Forumstards are Yas Forumstards like you who are unable to detect sarcasm

Rs are no more retarded than Ds, they're just stupid about different things

Except the mother is clearly working from home.

>Rs are no more retarded than Ds

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don't blame cartoons, you were always that way

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kansas city is in missouri

I kinda do believe this because of how Tom Hanks is a known pedophile along with Oprah. Did you see how Oprah got arrested for the pedophile ring? The more you look into it the more it all makes sense!

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Whoa, cool it with the antisemitism...

>Except the mother is clearly working from home.
She earned that right, zoom zoom

They desperately wish they were cowboys because all they had to watch growing up was westerns

That's not how you play Mortal Kombat

fuckign delete this
your'e going to make me cry

No democrats are definitely smarter they just have woman brains. Most republicans are legit dipshits

Apparently this makes you a communist and not worthy of your right to vote.

>go to work after this
>2 coworkers (women) laughing about him being so stupid that he doesn't even know where kansas city is
>quiz other coworkers in front of them about what state the Chiefs are from
>0/9 correct answers

Not defending the guy, but it's a common mistake.

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t. 90's baby
Only newfags call other anons newfags

In these comics the controllers always look like megadrive controllers, probably because that's what the boomer had as a kid, the Mortal Kombat name doesn't surprise because it was the most gore and "adult" game when that boomer was young, but the shooter thing, I just don't know anymore.

this sounds like that smarmy besserwisser know-it-all kid answer

Hopefuly corona will purge all useless boomers already.

>projecting this hard
25 here, working from home while shitposting on Yas Forums not having to pay a cent to the gasoline jew or waste 2 hours in traffic per day

>Maybe I think too rationally about this sort of thing.
It's called autism.

I wonder how many Canadians got diaper scat fetish from Megababies.

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kansas city is also in kansas.

it's a big ass city straddling the state line, and you would still be correct if you said it was in kansas.

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>stays home to keep viral spread down
>but he plays video games so he's an asshole

Shouldn't the artist be dead from corona virus for being an old fuck?

Probably, but I'm not sure I appreciate the wakeup call at 12. Sure made my teens awkward. Lots of browser hiding, cache clearing. But, I never got caught, pretty proud of that.

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wtf americans?

I dont get it

It’s going to be a strange time once all the boomers are dead. Do you think the next generation will continue to make “I fucking hate my children” comics?

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>Totally Spies

>work for the government doing something I can't do from home
>get my full pay for 0 work until the end of the month

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Sorry boomer, let me just sit inside watching reruns of american pickers all day

I mean, he said that they are a great representation of the rest of the US too, so that would include both Missouri AND Kansas.

You're the stupidest person here since you took such blatant bait, along with the other mongoloids.

Millennials don't make things, we just mope and die young

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Why is he playing the title screen

A recent classic

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Its retarded artists like this that I hope get the Boomer Doomer

There is a city in New York named Mexico.

That's obviously a joke

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It's because of Yas Forums's obsession with posting Dobson comics.

Still find it hilarious that a guy who started off drawing japanese schoolgirl fetish art will openly criticize other people for being sexist.

>implying women aren't the biggest dipshits out there

>aging magical girl

You have my attention

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>Do you think the next generation will continue to make “I fucking hate my children” comics?
They will not have children

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I remember getting boners during the lion king fight scene.
I have a ryona fetish now.

>Used to always get rock hard during the Kaa scenes in Jungle Book
>Grew up having a giant tentacle fetish

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There's a city in Michigan named Hell. It freezes over every year

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Damn, that cosplay's pretty cute

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What you dont like propaganda? Cope

lol fag

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Chiyomi is such a good girl

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What happened?

>it's a common mistake
It's one of those things that you know the answer but fumble when put on the spot. See: every Family Feud episode

The only moe-shit thats actually cute

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She is poor like the nigger you are

lmao what an actual fucking tard

100 percent that guy is a creep and projecting.

she died of cancer, he got reddit gold

literally me

That's what is always is, isn't it?

>random fire damage on the middle of the wall
I swear Boomer cartoonists just get bored and start crosshatching wherever they please, regardless of whether it makes sense

No they'll make "I'm glad I aborted my baby" comics instead

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To anyone that isn't this baiting faggot that actually thinks like that, take it from a eurofag, you will be fucked up hard by Corona
Be safe out there

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Why not pails of water?

A fair trade