Mfw pancakes will NEVER EVER play Half Life Alyx

>mfw pancakes will NEVER EVER play Half Life Alyx

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Uhh 15 hours of gamplay is BASED
I can't wait to teleport for 15 hours, vr is sooo amazing.
>HL:Alyx released
>Three days later everyones done playing
>Back to the VRChat alcoholism and orgies!

You can disable teleporting sweetie :) back to your poorfag crackhouse while the adults play the hottest new game!

:O Fifteen hours of disabled teleporting!!!!
I have VR faggot and thousands of hours in eat, I'm just blatantly letting the pancakes know you're a fucking idiot and a fanboy.

>non-RPG FPS
>more than 20 hours of gameplay
you're a special kind of retard aren't you

Man this fifteen hours of gameplay sure justifies 1000 dollars

>has to lie about game mechanics because dishonesty is the only way he can make it look bad

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imagine being so poor you start thinking vr games cost thousands of dollars

I'm not lying about game mechanics, the entire game is designed and balanced around teleportation you fucking brainlet. You can smooth locomotion, but it's basically that smooth locomotion mod for Robo Recall

Nice lie, guy

aaaaand we already have a point

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How much did people spend for the VR HL:Alyx bundle?
Oh excuse me, he bought a hand me down oculus rift for 250 bucks or some shit, damn 250 dollars for HL:akyx Oh fuck wait right now gotta pay 50 bucks for the game, damn shit fuck 300 bucks is still 70% off the sticker price with Index what a fucking steal

>Back to the VRChat alcoholism and orgies!
lmao poorbabies seethe at the fact that they can't chillout in a virtual paradise as a doomguy avatar with psychotic goth girls who roleplay as traps

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>No you don't.

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Boneworks was at least a tech demo, HL:Alyx does literally nothing new and tech demo's nothing that indie VR game devs haven't done

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thanks for adding another point bro ;)

Excuse me? You have quite the reaction image for someone who's about to reel back in terror from my absolute experience with VR.

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now post it with a time stamp

Can you stay in /vrg/ you fucking discord faggot? It's blatantly obvious where you fucking come from and how you need to feel more important to other people. It's sad how much cope you need to do in order to make excuses for your new life as a gay anime tranny in VRChat and pretend as if you use VR to do anything but be a massive alcoholic in vrchat
Sure one sec

Jesus Christ, please tell me you're coping hard and aren't actually this stupid

hahaha Man... This is quite obviously the most polished and complete VR game to date. Stop embarassing yourself

I haven't even played past the tutorial in Bonerworks, go slower VR bros

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You're a dumbfuck bitch who's actually upset he doesn't get to play HL lmao
I have a vive and have spent a grand total of 20 minutes in VR chat. Idiots parroting that this is all people play are dumb as fuuuuuuck and desperate to try and make VR look bad. I swear, its the most pathetic thing I've seen in a long time

HL:Alyx is just another boneworks, except boneworks offered at least a new approach to physical interactions and puzzle solving, while being balanced around smooth locomotion, with actual ladder climbing, and jumping.

Meanwhile, Boneworks fucking sucked ass and everyone with VR now jokes about how we were hyped for it for so long for what's mediocre.

Now, HL:Alyx offers even less, except fanboys love it because Half Life. That youtube short about HL AI being alive is better VR than Alyx will ever be.

She's also a fucking nigger, I can play as a girl, but a nigger? Really? Making me a thief is an interesting choice.
Boneworks has 12 hours of gameplay if you haven't finished it by now you're genuinely retarded.

Cope harder faggots

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I can't see shit

That's an interesting way to cope


take a better and more clear picture you mega ass faggot

Guess my vive tracker didn't show up in the image too well, I don't have three hands so whatever. Gonna go play VRChat now, bye bye Half life copers. At least Pavlov was playable, and it's still only 20 bucks.

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Dumbass opinion and absolute oversimplification of two different things. Cope harder

Buzzwords: The Thread

I don't need I already proved the screencap I took earlier is legitimately mine.
Oh no can't call me a poor fag now... whatever shall the coping VRChat tranny do now??? I know your secret, VRC tranny.

>game isn't even out, yet
>"look at me! I am a doomer! aren't my opinions so negative about a game we know so few things about?!"
topkek the absolute state

>move to new house
>870$ bond and rent
>corona virus hits
>lose job
>literally have vr setup beside picture of my friend who died before this could release.
>didn't pre-order


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oh no no no vrbros we got too cocky

>Last two weeks: 158 hours
>hours in a week: 168 hours

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Fifteen hours of gameplay has been confirmed by people with review copies for months now.

Being balanced around teleporting has been also confirmed for months now.

Stop being retarded.

And yet the OP gets a free pass. Hmmm....

What's wrong little fella?
Why are you so scared of taking a clear picture of your steam page with a timestamp?
Are you scared that we might realize it's just an image you downloaded from the internet?

jesus christ are you in a black hole

That's right, I spend all my time talking to other VR faggots and doing literally nothing else with my life. That's how I know about all the cope behind Index Controllers (The HMD is alright apparently, still a little bit too much price, but still sorta acceptable).
300 dollars, 4 RMA's, and tons of regret or straight up another 300 spent on a backup pair.

With Boneworks we went through the same phase, wow guys Boneworks OUT holy FUCK it's amazing.

And then a few weeks later after the hype died, people realised it 's 12 hours of gameplay and pretty janky. HL:Alyx doesn't push any boundaries for VR it's basically a glorified advertisement for the Index.

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now post your steam profile

I'm not under exaggerating on those gameplay times, either. Boneworks on average is 12 hours to complete.
HL:Alyx was 15 by reviewers who are probably too retarded to get through cuphead tutorial. So 15 is probably over shooting.


Lol no, eat my ass.


psychotic goth who role plays as traps confirmed

What's wrong weeblet?
Why are you scared of showing us your profile?

Interesting cope.


I don't have a vr setup, too poor to afford it right now because of tuition fees, but I think that HL:A looks pretty great, jealous of the people who get to play it. Most people who say that it's gonna bomb are multiple levels of coping/seething.

Literally, what?
Caution, and steps taken. Not fear.
Index costs 1000 dollars.

hla isnt an index

Yeah if you're not gonna post your profile then there's no reason to take whatever you post seriously.

Oh excuse me you paid 200 dollars for a lenovo explorer and 50 for HL:Alyx for 15 hours of gameplay. That's only 16.66 dollars per hour to enjoy yourself :)

>own 600€ headset
>never paid a single cent for software
Lmao get fucked

wtf is a lenovo explorer you shizo

I'm not that VR chat tranny, but boy that is some weird cope you got going on buddy.


At this point you're just angry and want shitposting material. I have won.
The used to be goto cheapo VR to get VR. But the Samsung Oddyssey + is the new goto since it's literally the same price but waaay better and arguably one of the best looking visuals in an HMD, but questionable tracking and controllers, as is the thing with all inside-out tracking HMDs.

My word
and I thought Zoom Eturdal was causing jimmy rustling. Alyx is going to absolutely assblast this entire board for WEEKS.

ok but hla doesnt cost 280 dollars