What's your favorite single-player FPS campaign?

What's your favorite single-player FPS campaign?

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Prey (2017)

Return to Castle Wolfenstein. I'll be re-playing it until the day I die.

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Currently, Doom Eternal. Of all time, maybe Ultimate Doom.

Recent years, probably TitaFall 2
All time F.E.A.R.

Half Life 2, F.E.A.R. and Halo 2... I know people hate Halo 2, but I just love that stupid game.

>Halo 2
Interested in seeing how this holds up when it comes out through the MCC. 1's campaign is pretty monotonous even with friends.

Doom 3

No, I understand. Along with Half Life 2. These three shooters where the trinity of 2004 FPS perfection

No One Lives Forever 2 probably.

What's the first FPS you ever played, Yas Forums?

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Medal of Honor the original first one on my uncles PS One, goddamn I was in awe from that shit

Arbiter levels except Great Journey still suck



It never got better haha.


My answer is similar. Music and cutscenes are still top notch.

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I would cry when BJ's face got all bloody.

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Just finishing up Episode 2 after playing the whole thing from Black Mesa onwards. It's been pretty good, and HL2 is still a pretty fun game.

Damocles or Midwinter on the Amiga. Can't remember which one was first.
T E C H N O L O G Y as fuck for their time.

Battlefield bad company 2
Finished it twice, battlefield isn't my favourite fps series but bad company won my heart.

Ever, Wolf 3d at friends house. On my rig? It was Gloom on Amiga I think, this shit had split screen deathmatch. Shit was so cash.

Probably Halo 2.

>split screen deathmatch
That was the shit.

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Quake II

Arbirter levels never sucked. They were always peak atmosphere. tbf you gotta be kind of intelligent to appreciate.

BLOOD, Duke Nukem or FEAR.
I'd say a flat "Build Engine games" but I don't care for Shadow Warrior or Ion Fury, and Redneck Rampage's control scheme is arcane.

DOOM on a 500 game shareware disc. Wolfenstein 3d was on it too, but DOOM was the one everyone talked about.

TRON 2.0, they have yet to beat it

Maybe in terms of exposition, but the actual levels themselves can easily be dashed past and just look awful all around.

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BLACK, Bad Company 2, Halo CE, and DOOM Eternal are the ones that stand out to me.


FEAR and its addons
Bioshock 1
Half-Life and Half-Life 2
Prey 2006
Prey 2017
DOOM 2016

DOOM (2016)

Marathon, if only for the protagonist being the best silent FPS protagonist in the history of anything.

Halo 2 ost was so fucking good

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Jack...call a meeting.

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Marathon's quality is fucking insane and jumps around like crazy from map to map.
Are you going to have a 3/10 map or 8/10? It will not be anything inbetween.

Bitching key art though.

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they don't look awful all around, they're the best looking levels in the game. why are you just rushing through the levels?

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Call of Duty 1 American campaign

>Not the russian
Come on

Also, the main character is based as shit
Anyone who can go through what he has and still choose to save everyone, even with the knowledge that their suffering will continue, is probably the purest cinnamon roll in existence

space walking outside Cairo, overlooking earth, with its mac gun firing into a covenant fleet is kind of serene.

This is why Halo 2 will always be the best Halo for me. Every level had so many cool moments, and they were accompanied by the best ost in gaming. Halo 2 must have triple the amount of tracks of any other Halo. Even small two minute sections would have a really cool unique track playing to make it memorable and stand out.

never played it but that cover looks sexy asf, is the game anything like this? i love games with a sense of style

>is the game anything like this
Perfect Dark is Goldeneye 007 but somewhat better.

aw shit shame,
this may be somewhat off, but is there any older fps that are decently atmosheric,(can be rpg or whatever as long as its first person)

for me system shock springs to mind

the original Star Wars Battlefront

quake 3 arena when i was 3-4, and im a zoomer


Resistance 3

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It occurred to me that all the Flood and Sentinels were more often roadblocks than enemies; that I'd gain nothing from killing them, and they were just too easy to outmaneuver with or without the cloak. Great Journey subverts this with the Covenant you fight, and finally places you in a level that actually looks nice to look at. Chief's levels weren't as easy to cheese in comparison, like the enemy encounters were better thought out to begin with.

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Doom 64, Quake. Especially 64. Gets ridiculously oppressive.

I really enjoyed the first Rage
Then the first Bioshock, and then Prey

Half Life 2
Halo 3

Peak soul

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>I really enjoyed the first Rage
Why. Combat gave you like two enemy types and the between-mission gocarts were lame.


I always liked killing all the flood until they stopped coming. Took forever, but was retarded fun.

RtCW and Quake are dripping in atmosphere.

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titanfall 2, hands down.

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Doom 2

Medal of Honor on PlayStation. Will Rock on PC because it came with the graphics card.

This is one of the genuinely worst campaigns of all time. Zero level design, everything is supposed to be as cinematic as possible. You literally move forward in a straight line the entire campaign to hit triggers that stop spawning enemies and trigger the next cutscene. The most famous mission is literally a 10 minute cutscene ending with a single QTE. Fuck COD 4.


have sex, incel.

>I only enjoy nostalgia, not video games
Nigga see a therapist.

Jedi Knight 1 on my friends PC

Historically, all three mass effects, modded to hell and back with maximum paragon and renegade points because why would I want to lock choices in an RPG.

Recently? Black Mesa.

Probably this. Watched my dad play it for hours on end and it was great times.

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>Black Mesa
gay Interloper is gay

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>What's your favorite single-player FPS campaign?
Maybe the game isn't great in gameplay department, but holy shit, no fps reached that atmosphere like it.
Only Stalker comes close to it.
Otherwise FEAR for the goat gameplay.