Imagine being a worse stain on Bethesda than fallout 76, thought it could never be done

imagine being a worse stain on Bethesda than fallout 76, thought it could never be done

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Check this five btw

>le ebin contrarian inflammatory opinion has arrived

>>le ebin contrarian inflammatory opinion has arrived

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imagine thinking that nu doom is anything but a success

Cry harder


>game with a 90 on metacritic is a worse stain than a game that literally does not function
Imagine being as stupid as OP

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>believing in metashill

imagine being as mentally retarded as user

Metacritic shows the general reception has been extremely positive even from the users, trying to make this out as a black mark is patently retarded trying to make it out as being worse for Bethesda's reputation than F76 is the most retarded thing you could have possibly said about the game

91% of steam reviews are positive, peak player count are 3X higher than doom 2016 on steam. The game is an objective sucess. Cope and dilate tranny nigger

>0.01$ has been deposited into your account


have sex

You are actually fucking retarded user. Just fucking pirate the drm free copy and play if you're so obsessed with this game, you don't have to make threads just ahow off your jealousy, you child.
There are already many doom eternal threads you can be a faggot in, or is that not enough of a soapbox for you to cry from?

i literally own the game and played half way through it, wtf are you on about


rent free

Then why the fuck are you here making a new thread complaining about a company you VOLUNTARILY GAVE MONEY TO just so that you could fucking stop playing half way through to cry anonymously on the internet.
God you're such an stupid fucking moron.
Attention whores have become a new level of insufferable on this site.
Re-evaluate your life faggot

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You're either too stupid to get my point or are deliberately avoiding it. ANY game that functions is automatically better than F76 and to pretend otherwise only proves you have 2 IQ

I mean what reviews do you want to use? Metacritic? User reviews? Or the made up reviews in your head that fit your narrative?

play the fucking game and review it yourself, you NPC. stop basing all your opinions off what other people think

The "reivews" of buttblasted trannies on Yas Forums and third world subhumans on steam forums who are to mentally defiecient to be able to press more than W + M1 of course.

>imagine being a worse stain on Bethesda than fallout 76, thought it could never be done

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Wtf is that

>le boogeyman

there are 3 pages of this btw, he's obsessed

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How could anyone be mad at doom eternal? Even if you didnt like it, it came with Doom 64 and you would surely like that.

> 2 Doom eternals up on Yas Forums right now 1 is positive in OP one is negative
>The negative has most people shitting on OP defending the game
>The postive has most people shitting on OP trashing the game
So Yas Forums really just is a bunch people trying to rile eachother up. Lots of genuine discussion going on here

>there are 3 pages of this btw, he's obsessed

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We're getting to the point of contrarianism where people will genuinely believe a game with some small flaws is worse than a game thats often unplayable because of how poorly its made.
Think about that.

>Screenshot (197)
Hello, onionsjak collector. Are you admitting you're the shitposting retard?

your mother's moustache is starting to get more noticeable, cock snot. fight me.

imagine your entire personality revolves around deriving pleasure out of crying about video games ironically and unironically on a siamese sexual position instruction forum

Why would you ever listen to Yas Forums it’s literally just contrarian manchildren with the intelligence of 12 year olds acting like retards

*wojack + greentext of your post without directly replying response*


>imagine your entire personality revolves around deriving pleasure out of crying about video games ironically and unironically on a siamese sexual position instruction forum

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>heh I just copy pasted what you wrote and posted a s0ijack image, checkmate right?

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Correct. This is how you argue on Yas Forums.

There was a time when things were not so.

wtf? that's just my 197th screenshot, what does that have to do with onions

But it's the best Doom game of all time

>imagine being a worse stain on Bethesda than fallout 76, thought it could never be done

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I like eternal but I wish it didn't have so much of the candy crush moment when you chainsaw the enemies.
Also, I preferred the soundtrack from the PS1 version by Aubrey Hodges. It had a more eerie feel to it than the heavy metal wub wub stuff from Mick Gordon and sounds too similar to 2016.

>>imagine being a worse stain on Bethesda than fallout 76, thought it could never be done

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DOOM is an interesting IP. So many of it's fans are boomers now, I genuinely believe they physically can't play it well, and this is leading to weird hate. Combined with people who can't afford it and the saddest of the lot who never buy or pirate video games but watch them on twitch so they can argue it isn't good, a DOOM release is always interesting to watch.

Sorry your hands and mind doesn't work like it used to. Sorry you can't afford it or won't play it. And most of all, I'm sorry this sort of thread is what's "fun" for you. Enjoying this shit during quarantine is pretty fucking great.

>imagine being a worse stain on Bethesda than fallout 76, thought it could never be done

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>people willing to out themselves as casuals by complaining about Eternal
Amazing job by ID.

So are you Gamergate-type twerps still throwing a hissy fit about hip hop music being used in a trailer or something?

based post

Why are there so many people autistically shilling against this game?
Is it a discord tranny raid?

>the game isn't bad, it must be the players

Literally the best FPS of this gen.

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If anything this game panders to gamergate retard. Constantly makes fun of corporations and their use of PC language as a facade to seem benevolent while they fuck you behind the scenes. You probably didn’t actually play it though and yet most likely you’re circle jerking about it on r/gaming. Fuck off.

i think you dropped this 5

this bossfight was a fucking joke, its harder to kill a marauder than this

Wait until you fight Kahn Maykr.

Imagine thinking Bethesda made Doom

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no, but it'll stain their honor nonetheless

Yes OP, it's well worth the neetbux you can stop making bait threads to see how it holds up to Yas Forums contrarianism now.

I mean, yeah.

Is doom eternal any good?

it's fucking awful

>is sticking a needle in your urethra good?