CRAPCOM in charge of anything

>CRAPCOM in charge of anything



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>isn't developed by Capcom

wow this is the power of the most powerful console in the market, i thought multiplats looked better on xbox as xboys would brag about


>shit hardware
>shit results
>blame devs

Attached: 1572202907450.webm (640x640, 729.76K)

It does though, they even say as much in that vid if you actually bothered to watch it.
>full 4K
>better DOF
>better shadows
>better hair transparency
But the trade off being dips down to the low 30's in fps isn't worth it. The vid makes a point that REmake 2 was best (for consoles) on Bone X and it makes no sense why this doesn't run as well (it's the B team that's why)

It's entirely the devs fault though as we have hard evidence with REmake 2 that ran a near solid 60 on both Pro and X with the X being a bit more stable, this time though the X loses almost 30fps? who else is to blame you dumb shill.

holy cope

Is there no forced 1080p mode? PS4Pro has it.

nice counter argument faggot

Capcom is getting lazy again. I have the 1060 gpu and that demo runs smooth as hell.

no one buys multiplats on console when they're available on PC at launch.
The new RE engine is incredibly optimized on PC featuring visual effects not included in either pro console version.
You'd be an absolute retard to buy the game on console.

All results in the video are shit retard. Constant drop below 60 fps.
Buy a pc nigger.

I'm an idort and I've got the game pre-ordered on PC user so drop the meme. I'm presenting facts, nothing more.

I honestly don't know but if it does it would be the only viable option for people playing on Bone X.

Well don't you feel foolish now

>multiplats on consoles
Like, what the fuck are you doing? Shitboxes are for Japanese exclusives and absolutely nothing else.

Attached: 1584975835997.jpg (900x1200, 117.9K)

Breaking... consoles are shit.

More news at 10.

>best graphics
>smooth as butter
>worse graphics
>no mods
>massive drops

>both are available at the same time
this is not a hard decision to make

Attached: 1563562126445.webm (1528x860, 2.92M)

It has ryona, instant GOTYAY

You people should be more pissed that they cut the giant spiders.

Who cares? Jill’s ass looks incredible in all of them! I kept telling Xbox peasants that their floppies mean nothing.

Xbox One X has more this generation. Xbox Series X will also have more next generation. Didn’t do you any good this time. Why would it next time? Xbox cucks are delusional. If it wasn’t for Forza I wouldn’t even have an Xbox One X. It’s worse in every way imaginable and it’s consistently given me issues.

I feel bad if it’s your primary method of playing. Game Pass is okay though.

Microsoft consoles are shit. Pay attention to the video.

I am pissed but the defense force drowns out any and all complaints so I choose to shitpost instead now. Fuck RE threads.

All consoles are shit. Faggot.

Spiders are scary. :( How do you know? Game isn’t even out yet.

Ooh, my little pretty one, pretty one
When you gonna run and hide, ryona!
Ooh, you make my fists fly, my fists fly
Guns are coming for your smile ryona
Never gonna stop, give it up, such a dirty bitch
Always slap you up for the littlest of remark from
My, my, my, ay, ay, woah!
M-m-m-my ryona
My ryona
Come a little closer, huh, ah, will ya, huh
Close enough to look in my eyes, ryona
Keeping on with fisting the, blood
Running down the length of your thighs, ryona
Never gonna stop, give it up, such a dirty bitch
Always slap you up for the littlest of remark from
My, my, my, ay, ay, woah!
M-m-m-my ryona
M-m-m-my ryona
Na, na, na, na, na-na
My ryona

We better get the "Leave Nemesis to me" mod for Jill

France got early release.

>New game comes out

>instead of any discussion its a rush to see who can shit on it first as retards think it makes them look high IQ and smart

What happened to this board?

Attached: 1475457119581.jpg (251x242, 12.59K)

>What happened to this board?
Nothing by the looks of it.

can't see video right now, give me the rundown

We got flooded by shiposters

Consoles are shit.

lack of social interactions made us lonely and bitter

Yas Forums has always been shitting on popular new games

I really think Capcom should double down on the physics of its games. RE Engine looks good but has next to 0 map interactivity. Not even glass breaks when you shoot it.

YFW PS4 Pro is the superior version

Attached: 45784222.jpg (250x224, 4.78K)

Thats because it's the only version pushing for 4K

I agree, jill also needs more bounciness.

Attached: ResidentEvil3Remake-Jill-Nude-Mod-Thumb - Copy.png (849x522, 611.05K)

makkin gemu veri hardo

>blame devs
correct. Battlefront 1-2 runs 60fps on both regular consoles and those games look 10 times better than this shit

Shit's fucking bullshit man, i don't care about the 4K meme, i want 60fps like in RE2.

Attached: RE3 - Headshot 01.webm (1920x1080, 1.3M)

it's what makes the game runs so good. there's little elements to take into account for your CPU+GPU.

just play it on pc lol

I don't have a PC, RE2 was perfect on xbone x, they really fucked it up this time.

Attached: RE3 - Headshot 02.webm (1920x1080, 1.03M)

Uhhh human eyes can't see past 30fps.
That's why all the movies are 24 frames.

for you
i can play it on pc

>That's why all the movies are 24 frames
They're at 24 frames because old people refuse to move on with changing tech. Movies should be 60fps minimum by now to add more realism to it. Imagine a 60fps horror, shit would be glorious. But old fucks don't like it so they've brainwashed the younger people to not like it either.

Don't get me wrong, i'll still buy it and i'm sure i'll love it but i don't know why they couldn't keep similar settings to the PS4 pro to guarantee constant 60fps regardless of resolution or at least an optional performance mode. Maybe they did this to brag about perfect 4K/60fps after the SEX is released, i dunno.

Attached: RE3 - Zombie legs blown.webm (1920x1080, 2.94M)

>Maybe they did this to brag about perfect 4K/60fps after the SEX is released, i dunno.
It's always about the flex user. Competition isn't concerned with performance, just how pretty they can make the screenshots look.

The dynamic camera really kills RE for me. I get the first games had static angles due to limitations, but it gave the game a way more interesting feel. The GC remake of RE 1 was a wonderful addition, in my opinion, but this looks like the newer Metal Gear games to me and I am just not into that for RE. The good news is, there's always the original RE3 when you need to kill slug monsters.

Old Nemesis has more soul too

Attached: 960x0.jpg (960x574, 64.65K)

Fixed camera angles really do work well for horror and they're pretty timeless as well. REmake still blows me away with its visuals let alone when it released. Agreed with Nemesis as well, makes no sense to me why MR X is allowed to keep his limiter coat but Nemesis isn't. And that fucking nose.

Attached: 1567147337206.jpg (1920x1080, 844.74K)

Care to point us to the place where we can buy and play resident evil 3 remake right now

don't go into them then retard

Who fucking cares about PC outperforming consoles like it always does?
At least I'm not paying 60 bucks just for permission to play a game on third party software that can be revoked later down the line if you find yourself banned from it.
Steam literally killed PC gaming for me: buying digital shit never sat well with me, I'd rather own a physical disc that you can pop into any system it was made for and just play it, internet or no, with or without specific licenses tied to specific accounts that are always at risk of getting gone.
You faggots gave this up for the convenience of not having to drag your asses to the store and interacting with another human for the amount it takes to ring up your purchases, don't talk to me about muh 60fps and muh better graphics, it's not fucking worth it

Reminder that all of that applies to console. When you update your system and in the games small print you agree to it all states that you accept you're renting a physical version of the license and willingly agree to the license holders right to remove your access at any time for any reason. As always you faggots talk from a point of ignorance because none of you ever read the fine print.

>lose permission to play game
>sell disc

Do Nemesis pursue you the whole game, or is it just certain segments like Mr. X?

>I'd rather own a physical disc that you can pop into any system it was made for and just play it, internet or no, with or without specific licenses tied to specific accounts that are always at risk of getting gone.

Wait, since the PS3 era, all systems are online accounts that do not let you play your game regardless if you have the disc or not. Also, you have to pay for console-internet access and you still risk your account getting gone by being a little shit online. If you want physical games that last and do not require online, you need to go back to the era of SegaGen/NES/Jaguar when cartridges existed because discs constantly break and become unreadable.

>buy another disc
>your account is locked out of the game

Not this much, each new game that comes out get like 5 threads calling it bad barring the pre release threads shitting on it too, Yas Forums just bitches now instead of playing games

How comes it's never
>New game comes out
>People shit on it for being an incredibly mixed bag gameplay and story-wise
It's always "people hate gaem cuz noo an popular"

So you're saying that if I go against the game's ToS, then some guy will literally fly to where I am and snap my disc in half?
Sure you can get account banned on multiplayer games on consoles too, or your console can be bricked if you try to fuck with it, but at the end of the day, the game is still yours to keep and play faggot, just create a new account, unless you're enough of a retard to have a console and buy digital shit through the console's store then all you'll lose is achievements and saves and at that point why not be on PC already? At least on consoles you have the option to get physical over digital.
On PC, once it's gone, it's fucking gone, if you want to play the game you bought then you have to buy it again on another account, and sometimes licenses to sell it expire or drama ensues so these games get pulled from the store because fuck you.