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steam drones on full force I guess

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Quick port it to Switch for Nintendo bonus

More like the epic drones are on full force going apeshit over a vr game LMAO

Based seething poorfags


Lmao the game can't even be played yet and they're already trying to tank it

based brainfart

"Based brainfart," he says, hiding the x-ray picture of his abysmally small brain.

Attached: you.jpg (800x450, 44.28K)

One hour until Valve goes bankrupt.

Attached: ss_fe7066404a704aa20f7c6f251facb7aef2606bda.jpg (2560x1440, 672.59K)

Seethe more, fag.

they are actually shilling for this dogshit game brainfart

Generic shooting gallery slog

>Game can't be played
>Better leave a good review
I don't understand why it has ANY ratings yet, let alone positive or negative

some steam trannies are trying to save face

>missed my only chance to get VR set before my local currency flopped hard

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Keep on copin', fags. I'm enjoying witnessing your unwarranted anger.

Attached: engi.gif (220x282, 384.97K)

>8.5 score
>Review bombing

Some poorfags pretend they own VR and are saying VR =bad

Project harder

You first.

Where do you live?

You first

You can only reply to this post if you're a vrchad who only has to wait 1 and 1/2 more hours to play the first new half life game in 13 years

white 1st world index owner, reporting in

Okay, but I'm still playing Black Mesa while I wait, and I might not be able to finish it before Alyx comes out, since I just started Xen.

At least Yas Forums isn't calling ALYXTANTIC

There was no official Index(so it was sold like for like 2000$ by most middlemans, same for any other VR sets)
Well, if things will be bad enough, i guess i can buy some used VR set cheap later.

OG Vive + index controller owner, reporting in

Based best setup user


Since when?

since ebic shills started making these threads

>Game isn't out for 2 hours
>Can somehow have a user score
Yeah everyone who voted 0 is a review bomber and everyone who gave it a 10/10 is a valve fanboy

What compels a person to waste their time posting a negative review for a game they haven't or never will play?

the game isnt even out

imagine buying 400 dollar goggles to play single game

og vive and controllers here. life is suffering

imagine being poor and not able to experience VR fps, flight and driving simulators.
lmao why are you even alive?

Could be worse, user.
You could not own an HMD at all and be stuck whining on Yas Forums about not being able to play the game.

>review bomb it
>nobody buys vr
>it gets released on steam and egs

Just as planned.

Will journalists release their review at the same time the game launches?

I would imagine they have completed their press copy and have already written the review.

Cry moar poor fag


Ever since poor faggots started seething in rage.

Reading the Metcritic user reviews is like watching a bunch special ed kids having a screaming competition.

Whats wrong with it? The resolution is shit and the godrays hurt my soul, but at least it didn't cost me one fucking thousand dollars.
Does its job just fine.

I can practically taste the seethe from poorfag slavs


Suck Sweeney's cock some more


Attached: staymad.png (885x592, 22.36K)

Both 0/10 and 10/10 "reviews" are getting spammed as fast as the retards can post them.

>merely pretending

a single game
but...what have I been doing with my VR headset for the past 4 years if the first game only just came out now??? wtf bros

>I gave it 0 because it has 8.6
>I completely defeated the point I was trying to make by being the exact person I'm complaining about

>literally "I'm mad so game bad"

Goddamn the poorfag tears are so delicious.
Best money I ever spent.

>give it a 0 because you don't own a VR
I bet these are the fags who also think that an Aston Martin db12 sucks because it's expensive

and giving it 10/10 is somehow better?

Who cares.

>I completly defeat the point STOP TRYING TO INTERRUPT MY SHILL SPREE

crack when?

Right Now™

And you Valve drones wonder why I think gamers are too retarded to be trusted with a review platform.

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Epic drones don't exist, it's really just console gamers who want Epic to kill Steam and destroy PC gaming for once and for all.

I literally have never once wondered about your opinion.

Why are people so mad about the price of VR?

Soon you will get $1000 Trumpbucks and can buy one

Thanks creepy wanker.

>reee, poofags are rating it 0/10
>*rates it 10/10 even though they don't own VR*

oh you dont say, tim is always right

Why? Because I'm laughing at idiots review bombing a game because they're so fucking mad that they cannot play it?
Well, I cannot give any less of a fuck about your opinion I guess.