First official Stalker 2 screenshot released

First official Stalker 2 screenshot released

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Looks cool but I’m still not happy with Unreal Engine. That shit is not good for physics and movement. It always feels floaty.

better res

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looks better than I was expecting, hope to see some screenshots that feature buildings and interiors

>unreal engine
into the treash it goes

Looks alright but the least I worry about is graphics, whats the chance this will be good?

>whats the chance this will be good?
extremely slim to none.

What's wrong with Unreal Engine? Appears to be one of the best engines out there in terms of modern games.

Are you fucking kidding me? First of all, you've no idea how the games are made and the reason why it feels "floaty" isn't due to the engine but the development. Second, which engine would you prefer? Fucking XRAY?
Look, I know, Tiananmen square and all that, but there's literally NOTHING wrong with UE4, it's a solid ass engine and the most important thing is that the game might actually works because of it this time around.

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>Unreal Engine

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Will this one actually be good and not a buggy, janky turd?

Im unsure, the russian video game industry isnt exactly the most successful, so most games that come out of there are passion projects made with love and passion.
but S.T.A.L.K.E.R is a very well known and successful franchise, GSC probably have a decent amount of cash and I wouldnt be completely surprised if they just shat out a mediocre game with the stalker name attached for some extra bucks


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The same chance the original STALKER had, that is to say nearly 0

>which engine would you prefer? Fucking XRAY?

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Best thing about STALKER 2 is that no matter how shit it will be on release modders using Slav magic will make it amazing in a couple of weeks.

Don't reply to tripfag. That guy is just baiting and never play stalker in the first place

I still doubt it.

Unless we get a release SOC situation again where a few modders hog the "secruut" modding tools and the rest of the modding community cant make more than model replacements and small stat changes
I'm looking at you, AMK team

You're all gonna hate it because regardless of quality because it won't be as niche anymore

Its going to be an unprecedented trainwreck, people don't know what they want in a stalker game anymore

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Didn't GSC confirm that they will be releasing an SDK along with the game?

HOLY SHIT IT ACTUALLY LOOKS SOULFUL???I tohgt it was gonna be shit!If they keep the same graphics im gonna love it

>Hyping for stalker in 2020
Yas Forums you arent serious are you?

No thanks. All of the talent is at 4A.

give me one good reason why I shouldnt be

but they've only made 2 mediocre game and one decent game.

Guess I'll just have to put on my extra thick nostalgia goggles to enjoy it

Yes, I’d much rather prefer XRay engine. Look how well 4A was able to tweak it for Metro games.

Heh, good times.

No they made 3 good games each better than the last

I can almost feel it, I9 and 2080 ti will run this at 1080 and medium settings at 30 fps and with stutters

A4 guys left GSC by the time they released Shadow of Chernobyl.

>GSC is lost 95% of people that made originals
>10+ years gap
>Announcement before development even begun
>UN not soulful XRAY
>No info other than 2-3 screenshots

>Second, which engine would you prefer? Fucking XRAY?
Unironically yes.
XRay is weird but given how extendable it's proven to be (what with the billion shitty Misery-based mods) I'd rather have that brought up to speed rather than the famously mod-unfriendly Unreal Engine that all but guarantees there will be zero significant mods.
Base stalkers were great, true, but I'd rather have a decade of russian autists pumping overhauls and meme mods rather than replay vanilla once every few years purely out of nostalgia rather than any actual excitement.

It's like people blindly wanting TES6 to jump on a modern engine.

Are you aware every STALKER was made by pretty much different team?
And if you want to see what original STALKER 2 would look like, just see Survarium.

friendly reminder to filter and ignore tripfags

simply do not reply

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>not a buggy, janky turd
You can't have Stalker that's both good and not janky

Looks like an UE4 game alright.

the fucking Bethesda engine can't fucking hold no more, modding Fallout 4 proved to be already too demanding since is pushes the game beyond the thin line of barely working to complete fucked up, just stroll in the city.

It'll probably be a fairly good game, but UE means bad times for longevity.

>Not XRAY engine

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Reminder that isn't the same studio and that their Cossacks followup was panned.
It might be good, just don't get your hopes up. Escape From Tarkov is the game old GSC has wanted to make since Clear Sky anyway.

X-Ray 1.6 is pretty much flawless.

I tried so many times to get into the first game but never managed to do it. If you are going to have brutal difficulty, at least don't combine it with giving no directions whatsoever.

Is this samefagging or are people this retarded nowadays that they think an engine makes the game?

>isnt the same studio
Literally every stalker game had basically a different studio behind it
Hell, the studio changed drastically in OL/SoC's development alone

Use your PDA bro you literally have mission objectives and quest markers

I'm gonna hate it because they won't nail light and look of stuff, won't rail in zbrushers to make good unnatural shit and gamepaly won't be good enough to justify downgrade in all other areas.
I expect same old story, one step forward in technical advancement, big flustrating stepback in context of other games in everything, no ingenuity and no understanding of what made previous games so beloved.
Also ai and enemy behaviour will be infinitely worse.
>B-buh there's dog and anomaly and maybe even screw throwing guys!
0iq devs probably

>brutal difficulty
did you play misery on your first playthrough or something

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The engine always made the game, sweaty.

UE4 games just have a distinct, easily recognizable look to them. Everything looks like it's made out of playdoh.

My mind still cant imagine it working
Not like it wont work, I just cant imagine a stalker game without these janky 2002 models, 2003 textures and the entire atmosphere of Xray

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I miss XRAY, breekibros...

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Hopefully won't be a janky glitchfest like all the others

x-ray engine = soul
unreal engine = soulless

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m8 I played FO4 with like 80 mods and War for the Commonwealth (or something like that) that adds tons of spawns everywhere set to the highest settings possible, to the point where literally every location in the game was a three- or four-sided free for all (like 15v15v15) and it ran alright on 4th gen i7 and gtx 1070
Given how utterly incapable Bethesda proved at doing well at anything that isn't creating an open-world map the -only- point in their favor is their world design and modability of their engine (+ 1000's of autists providing me content). I'd still buy Hammerfell if it was in UE or sth like that but I'd be salty about it for years.

lazy people use engine withotu changing anything with it, all ue shit feels like ue shit, if they weren't looking for ez no effort option they wouldn't go with that engine in first place
based. I feel the same, how is that peak of enemy ai was achieved with stalker and gothic, that's one area I wanted biggest advancements with time. Instead it got cut to make things mroe shiny and to not bother with optimisation.

bloodsuckers scare me to this day, I hate warehouse due to those fucking, and fucking Anomaly added psy blood suckers in that place

Зoнa IS janky glitchfest you drooling zoomer retard.

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UE4 is great, cope

I'm not a big fan of UE4, but I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt for now, at least until we see some gameplay. As much as I adore the original games, x-ray hasn't aged well at all, and trying to update it would be an expensive and futile effort.

I understand.
You're just too used to it. You never expected anything else from it.
Think about it like this, imagine stalker with current metro exodus graphics, models e.t.c
That's kind of how it will be.
Honestly I'm more interested in story and gameplay.

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to be fair SoC gets much easier in the mid-game because early on you can't hit a fucking barn with the shitty weapons you have (then it gets a bit harder in the final areas)

Ace Combat 7, Idolm@ster, Squad

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even in the downtown area?

>playdough engine 4
this game will be shit

updated and modded OpenXray


Attached: typical ue4 game.png (768x432, 708.2K)

>XRAY engine
Modding support out of the box
Better lighting compared to the default UE4 light
Better AI compared to the default AI system